This girl… she was like the damn Spring, waking up things that would be better off asleep! Still, I felt protective over her too. Had from the get-go. I wanted to make sure she ate.

I decided it was time for her break and stomped down the stairs.

Chapter Four


“What do you want?”

I whipped my head around, nearly crashing into Mason. The man moved like a cat! I hadn’t heard him sneak up behind me where I was restocking the sides outside the kitchen window.


“You’ve been on for hours already, you must be getting hungry.” He stared at me, a stern look on his handsome face. “If you work a double you can have two meals you know. Or a meal and a snack.”

“Oh. Thank you.”


I chewed my lip. I had already checked on Paton twice, even sneaking her out some dinner rolls and butter. I should tell him I’d taken some.

“I had a few rolls.”

“That’s not even a snack. Come on, tell me what you want and I’ll make it myself. You can eat in my office if it’s too busy down here.”

My eyes got wide.

“I’d rather eat in my car. If that’s okay.”

He looked almost disappointed.

“That’s silly, we have open tables in the back. My office is clean and quiet if you want to get away from the customers.”

“It’s okay. I want to check my phone and a few things and it’s all out there.”

He stared at me.

“Okay, but the parking lot isn’t always the safest spot. Where are you parked?”

“All the way in the back.”

His frown deepened. My stomach got all tight and rumbly. If he found out I had a kid back there, he would think I was a horrible person. For some reason, I didn’t want Mason to think that about me.

Or worse. He could fire me.

“I’ll turn the lights on. Go ahead and order from Shorty.”

I nodded, watching him disappear back into his office. It would have been a nice place to eat actually. He had heavy old wooded furniture, and a couple of nice chairs. There was even an old leather couch that looked cozy.

If I knew him better, I would have asked if Paton could sit up there. At least it wasn’t really cold out yet. I’d make sure we had a place before that happened.

Not that Paton ever complained about being cold or hungry, but it was eating me up inside. I’d had Paton so young. Sixteen years old and still so innocent. My parents had kicked me out when they found out I was pregnant.

I’d been scraping by on odd jobs ever since, moving on when the work dried up. Or when someone got too pushy with me. Unfortunately, that happened a lot.

Someday we’d be settled. Someday we would be safe. I swore it to myself for the hundredth time today. I swore it to God.

Paton deserved it. She deserved everything.

“What you want, girl?”

Shorty was a big guy. He should be intimidating. But he was a softy. He’d already made me feel at home.

“I guess a cheeseburger? A side of steamed veggies?”

I knew she loved stuffed potatoes but I wanted the healthiest food I could get. And the most filling. So veggies it was.

“You got it.”

I smiled and headed back to the floor to check my tables. I wanted everyone taken care of before I took my break. I snagged a menu for Paton to look over so we could pick something out together for tomorrow. She’d love that.

And, thanks to my tips we were definitely going to be able to get a motel room tonight. The crowd was kind of rough but they tipped well. Probably because the clientele were mostly men. But I was grateful, even if the money came with leering looks.

We were okay. No more car sleeping. We’d get a hot shower and a good night’s sleep.

Maybe they’d even have a coffee machine in the room with those pre-made sachets. The Jar didn’t open till eleven, so I knew I could get food during my double shift too. And two meals, at least.

Plenty for Paton to fill up on. I’d even take a few bites myself.

I asked Jaken for a can of Coke and tucked it into my apron. By the time I got back, the food was ready. Shorty gave me a little styrofoam cup on the side.

“Mason’s famous chili. See if you like it.”

I sniffed it and grinned.

It smelled amazing.

I hurried out to the car to eat with Paton.

Chapter Five


I stared at my phone, rubbing my eyes. I’d tossed and turned all night. Not because I was thinking about Michelle. Because I was trying not to think about her and failing.

Once I gave in and let my mind wander, I’d finally fallen asleep.

I was still in bed, even though it was late morning. I was a night owl because of the bar so I was a bit of a vampire. But I wasn’t even sleeping. The truth was, I had two cats sitting on me, and I hated to disturb them.