And he wanted us to move in.

I crept back into the kitchen and slid into a chair.

I could barely even look at him after the past twelve hours. First the kiss and then him finding us sleeping in the car. I felt like such a fool.

He’d spun me around, making me emotionally dizzy. I didn’t know how to handle the feelings I was having. The ache.

I hadn’t really dated much since Paton’s dad. Or before.

The truth was, I hadn’t dated at all.

I’d been pawed a few times. A few guys had tried to kiss me, usually after cornering me in a dark spot. I’d gotten away every time.

I knew that as a woman alone, I was lucky that was the worst I had dealt with. But I was woefully inexperienced when it came to men. I felt stupid and cynical at the same time.

But Mason had changed all that.

“Laundry is in there if you got stuff to wash.”

I blushed, immediately imaging my underthings swishing around in Mason’s washing machine.

“Thank you.”

“Stop thanking me. I’m the asshole who didn’t notice you guys were in this situation.”

I blinked, finally looking up at him. He was upset. I knew that.

I hadn’t realized how upset he was.

“This isn’t your fault. We’ve been at the motel most nights anyway. After that first shift, I had enough money to get by.”

The muscle in his jaw flexed but he didn’t say a word.

Paton came in at that moment, looking freshly scrubbed.

“That smells so good.”

Mason gave her a smile and flipped a pancake with a flourish. He’d been brooding since we got here but she walked in and BAM- he had a smile for her.

He really was an amazing guy.

And there was no way we could intrude on him this way.

I stood up.

“We should really be going.”

Mason gave me a hard look. Then he put some pancakes on a plate and put it in front of Paton.

“Here’s some syrup and butter…” He knelt down by her chair. “We are going to be right back, sweetie. Eat slow and chew your food.”

He lowered his voice to a whisper.

“And if you let Besos lick your plate clean he will be your friend for life.”

Then he stood up and held out his hand. I stared at it, alarmed.


There was command in that voice. Authority. He was older. He was a man. He was my boss. And this was his house.

I put my hand in his, trying to ignore the thrill that ran through me.

He lifted me to my feet and put his hand on the small of my back, guiding me out of the house and back to the street.

Finally he let go of me and I wrapped my arms around me, feeling bereft.

“I told you, you aren’t going anywhere.”

“I know. But it’s not right. We can’t just move in.”

“You can and you will. I will be escorting you to and from work. We can find a babysitter for Pate. And you will not be working late nights anymore.”

“I won’t?”

“No. It’s not safe.”

He was so strong and serious. I felt myself wanting to agree with everything he said. To lean my head against his chest and let him wrap his arms around me.

“I can take care of myself.”

He shook his head slowly.

“Michelle, honey, you can’t. There’s stuff going on around here that you don’t understand.”

“You barely know us!”

He stepped closer, staring into my eyes. Every time single time he got near to me I got goosebumps. I felt my nipples get hard as pebbles.

“I do know you.” His fingers traced my jawline. “You know I do.”

I looked away, frightened by the intensity in his gaze.

He cursed and tipped my chin up.

“I am not expecting anything. You are not here because I kissed you. Do you hear me?”

I nodded.

“I didn’t think that you wanted… anything.”

“Well, what I want is another story. But that has nothing to do with anything. You are safe here. That includes from me.”


That sounded so nice. I didn’t even remember what that felt like.

I was safe. Paton… safe.

He put his hand on my lower back again and guided me inside.

Chapter Sixteen


I stared hungrily at her lips as she ate another bite of the pancakes. Paton was coloring happily beside her with Besos curled up at her feet.

It was a perfect scene of domestic bliss.

But it was also torture.

I’d told her I wouldn’t touch her. Wouldn’t kiss her again. I told her I didn’t expect anything.

But that didn’t mean I wouldn’t want anything. I did. I wanted everything.

“So, is Pate coming with us? Or we could call a sitter?”

Michelle swallowed, pushing a damp strand of hair over her shoulder. She’d showered while Pate and I had pancakes. I’d made an extra batch for Michelle, despite her protests.

In the bright light of morning, I could see how thin she was. Paton looked healthy, but her mom… I had never seen her up close like this in daylight.