“You can rub a cat wrong?”

“Oh, definitely. Didn’t you know? Cats are very particular about how they like their bellies touched. You have to be a little more gentle with them.”


“Oh, and don’t touch their feet. Or tails. They are very proud of their tails.”


I nodded solemnly.

“Why don’t you catch a shower and I’ll get some grub on. Bathroom’s right down the hall. Towels in the cabinet.”

She nodded happily.

“Make yourself at home.” I called after her as she scampered down the hallway with her duffle bag. I gave Michelle a hard look. “You too.”

She was just standing there by the door. She looked ready to bolt. I exhaled and ran my hand through my hair.

“How long?”

I saw her throat convulse.


“How long have you been living like that?”

She just stared at the floor.

I sighed and washed my hands and got out the ingredients for breakfast.

“A couple of months.”

“How did this happen?”

She shifted on her feet.

“Sit down, for God’s sake!”

She sat, looking like a frightened child.


I turned to look at her.

“What did you say?”

“Please don’t call CPS.”

I felt a lead bowling ball settle in my stomach.


“Please, Mason.”

She looked at me and I nearly melted into a puddle on the floor. Her beautiful eyes were begging me. She thought I was going to hurt her. To tear the two of them apart.

“I won’t do that.”

Her shoulders sagged and I turned away. If I didn’t, I was going to end up pulling her into my arms again. That hadn’t gone so well last time.

I didn’t want her to think that staying here meant I was going to expect special privileges.

Though, damn, I should not have even thought about that. I was making pancakes for a scared girl and her child dammit. I did not need to be sporting a fucking boner. But I was. At least I was facing the stove.

“I was sixteen.”

My hand stilled, covered in flour. I just waited.

“I tried to hide it but they knew. They knew.”

I turned my head slightly so I could see her. I was afraid to make any sudden movements. Afraid she would bolt. Or clam up again.

“They threw me out into the street with nothing.” She lifted her chin. “I was lucky though. I had already waited tables so I knew how. And I found a job pretty fast.”

“What about the boy?”

“He was… I thought he loved me. But I think he was working his way down a list. He was the captain of the football team and… well, he didn’t want anything to do with me after those first few times.”

I wanted to kill him, whoever he was. Not just because he’d abandoned her. But because he’d dared to touch her to begin with.

She was mine, dammit.

I shook my head at the thought.

Whoa Mason, chill the fuck out.

“What happened next?”

“I should check on Pate.”

“She’s fine. Talk now. Check later.”

“She’ll use all your hot water.”

“I don’t mind.” I threw her a grin. “I already showered. You’re the one who will end up cold.”

Why had I said that? Now I was imagining her in the shower, dancing from foot to foot as cold water sliced over her luminous skin.

Get a grip, Mason. Get a grip.

“It’s nice of you to do this but you don’t-”

I cut her off right fucking there. I turned around, hoping my fucking dick was not terribly noticeable.

“Yes, I fucking do.”

She stared at me in shock.

“I don’t understand. Is it because of… the kiss?”


“You don’t owe me anything. I shouldn’t have thrown myself at you that way…”

I was across the room before I knew it. My hands were behind her, braced on the back of her chair.

“You. Did. Not. Throw yourself. At me.”

I stared into her eyes, forcing myself to step away after a long, uncomfortably hot minute.

“That was all me. I’m the one who is sorry. You are my employee. I would never force myself on you like that.”

Her mouth opened but I shook my head. I didn’t want to hear it. I heard the water turn off and got back to the pancakes.

“You will tell me what happened.”

She nodded.

“And you will be staying here. You two can take Casey’s old room.”

She nodded.

“I think she’s out if you want to go check on her.”

While she was in the hallway, I went outside and put a boot on her car. I wasn’t going to take any chances. Not with this.

Not with them.

After all this, and the situation brewing with the Untouchables and Raisers, I was not letting her out of my sight for a minute.

Chapter Fifteen


His house was nice. Not that I hadn’t expected that. But it was still a little bit surprising how nice it was.

How cozy.

The Mason Jar was a cool place. Atmospheric. Cleaner than it looked, but still gritty looking with all the dark wood. Extremely masculine.

But Mason’s house was actually… homey.