But all I had to offer him was hard work. So I got back to it. The Jar had a barback on weekends and Thursday nights. He supposedly helped with bussing tables too, but for the most part, it was up to me.

Apparently, I was the only waitress they had.

That seemed weird, especially considering how long the rest of the staff had been on duty. Mason had called them family and that was the truth. Shorty and Jaken groused at each other constantly, but you could tell they liked each other just fine. It was almost like a sport to them.

Like brothers.

They reminded me of the three brothers who had lived down the block when I was a little girl. Less than a year apart, they’d looked like triplets. And they had teased each other mercilessly.

I was pretty sure it was a sign of affection.

Of course, they were a bit more respectful with Mason, but only a bit. They sassed him constantly, especially when I wasn’t around. In fact, the conversation seemed to dry up sometimes when I got close.

But by now, they were sassing me a bit too.

I grinned. It made me feel like I belonged. And soon, very soon, I truly would.

I had my eye on an apartment in town. I’d only read the ad but it said things like ‘historical details’ and ‘sunny windows.’ I had called the landlord and gotten a sweet old lady on the phone. No piggish man. The only catch was, I needed to have worked somewhere for a month, and that was almost three weeks out.

I just prayed no one else found it before I could make a deposit.

I’d never lived anywhere nice before. Someplace ‘charming.’

This place sounded like it was both.

“It’s getting late. I’ll close up. You two can take off.”

Mason was bussing tables. The place was slow tonight. No one was left who wanted food. Some of them probably needed it, but the remaining crowd was blissfully drunk.

I glanced around. There were less than twenty people left. Shorty had already closed up shop twenty minutes ago.

“Are you sure? I don’t mind.”

“Nah, Jaken and I can finish up.”

I nodded. It would be nice to get to the motel before midnight. I could take a long hot shower and watch TV on real low while Paton sprawled on the bed. She took up a lot of room for someone so small. If there was room, she’d spread out and take all of it. She’d always been like that, ever since her days in a crib.

I liked to tease her that she slept like a starfish.

I used to call her that too.

My little starfish.

“Thanks Mason. That would be great.”

“I’ll carry her down and walk you guys to your car.”

Every night, he walked us out to the car. Every night, it made me feel safe.

Every night, I fell a little bit more for him.

Which was probably the worst thing I could possibly do.

I finished what I was doing and then grabbed my jacket. Paton was still out when Mason carried her down the stairs. He was so good with her, I was almost jealous.

But more than that, I was worried.

She was getting attached.

It was dangerous. I knew it. And I knew the risks. He wasn’t ours to keep. But I didn’t have the heart to stop it.

He helped me bundle her into the car and checked the back, just like he did every night. He laid a blanket over her in the front seat, even buckling her in.

“Not safe to ride in the back.”

“I know.”

His voice was oddly gruff, even for him.

“You probably need a day off.”

I shook my head swiftly. I needed all the money I could get. Plus, I liked working and staying busy.

Having someone to daydream about while I was there was just an added bonus.

“I don’t. Unless you want me to?”

“No. I definitely do not want you to take time off. But I also don’t want you burning out on us. You’re not getting tired of us, are you?”

I tried not to smile. It was hard but I tried. I didn’t want him to know how I felt.

“Not even a little.”

Then it happened. If I had blinked I would have missed it. Bright white teeth shone in the darkness for a split second.

Mason smiled.

I nearly swooned. He was extremely good-looking in a rugged sort of way, but when he smiled, it was a whole other level. The man was beautiful.

Rough, craggy, and so handsome I forgot to breath for a second.

“Well, have a good night then. I guess we’ll be seeing you tomorrow.”

“Yes. You will.”

He stood in the dark and watched us drive off.

Chapter Ten


I stared at the rows and rows of coloring books. Some of them were too advanced, with intricate designs made for adults and big kids. Others were clearly meant to be scribbled on indiscriminately.