“How are you going to explain this to them? Locking up an innocent girl for your kinky sex games?”

He pinched my bottom and I squeaked.

“You’re a bad girl.”

“Does that mean I don’t get pancakes?”

“No, I’ll feed you.” He grinned suddenly. “You’re going to need your strength for later. For my revenge.”

My jaw dropped as he stood and walked away, whistling. He put an arm around his mom and sister and led them away.

“Come on, let’s give my fiance some privacy to get dressed.”

“My clothes are downstairs!”

He smiled at me over his shoulder. I crossed my arms and sat there, waiting. A few minutes later the shopping bags slid into the room.

“What about-”

“Get dressed.”

I gave up, looking through the bags again. I hadn’t even tried any of this stuff on! But my bags were downstairs so…

I pulled out a bra and pantie set in hot pink lace and smiled. If he thought he was the only one getting revenge, he was sorely mistaken.

I rinsed off quickly in the shower and put on the sexy underthings. Then I pulled out a light blue pair of stretch jeans, a cute v-neck top in dark green and a pair of brown suede ankle booties.

How the heck had he gotten all my sizes right?

He must have looked at my stuff downstairs while I slept, checking labels and what not. I shook my head, glancing in the mirror. He’d even gotten me some cherry flavored lipgloss and vanilla body spray.

I combed my damp hair and shrugged. The man had surprisingly good taste in clothes. I looked pretty classy, compared to the usual gear I wore to the bar or for hanging around the house.

Not bad, Cass.

I swallowed, suddenly nervous. I’d been laughing before but now things were different. Now it was time to meet the mother.


“Sheila is on her way.”


“She was worried about you! We all were!

“Mom, this is not good. Casey isn’t supposed to be here.”

“Well, how was I supposed to know that?” My mother frowned and pointed a finger at me. “You never call in sick!”

“I want to hear about the girl.”

“You’re not helping Kelly.”

My little sister gave me a cheeky grin and I rolled my eyes, deciding to ignore her. I heated the griddle back up and pulled out the pancake batter.

“What are you doing?”

“I need to feed my fiance.”

“You mean your captive? What the hell is going on here Connor?”

“It’s a long story mom.”

“Are you really going to marry a person you just met?”

“I didn’t just meet her, mom. And yes.”

“Well, I think she seems nice.”

I glared at Kelly.

“You would. The two of you are both trouble makers.”

“Wait, you’re marrying her and you don’t think she’s nice?”

I sighed and poured batter onto the hissing surface.

“Yes, I think she’s nice. But that’s not why-“

A loud throat clearing came from behind me and I turned. Well, Goddamn. My eyes slowly took in the sight of Casey Jones, looking extra foxy.

No PJ’s. No greasy bar uniform. She looked like a woman.

She looked fucking amazing.

It was a good thing I’d decided to lock her down before some other guy tried to snatch her up. Because she was even more desirable than I’d even realized. And that was saying something.

“Your pancakes are burning.”

Casey smiled and crossed her arms over her chest.

“You were saying?”

I stood there like an idiot, staring at her with my tongue out, holding a spatula.

A domestic idiot, but an idiot. Casey cleared her throat, arching a brow.


“Why you were marrying me?”

“Did he even ask you?”

“No, he didn’t.”

“Shut up, Kelly.”

I flipped the pancakes and got out some plates.

“Are you two eating?” My mom shook her head and Kelly popped a stray pancake crumb into her mouth.


I made two plates and carried them over to the coffee table. I coughed and tossed Casey’s dirty book onto the couch. Kelly, unfortunately had to say something about it.

“Oh I love that book! Mom, did you read this one yet?“

I started laughing as my mom turned beet red. Casey sat down beside me, giving me a cute but cranky look. I kissed her cheek. I wanted to do a whole hell of a lot more but we had company.

“Eat. Someone’s coming and things are about to get dicey.”


I sighed, wondering if I should get her the hell out of here.

“One of the people I work with. An agent.”

Casey jumped up, panic all over her beautiful face.

“You said no one knew where you lived!”

I grabbed her before she could run.

“Calm down. She’s trustworthy. I’m going to protect you. I promised you and I meant it.”

She stared at me, her huge eyes wide. Reality had just crashed our little party and I didn’t much like it.

“How? How can you protect me?”

“Let me worry about that.”

Slowly she sat down again.

My mother raised her eyebrows. Kelly too.

“I guess this explains the chain.”

I nodded.

“Yes, it does.” I cut up a piece of pancakes and held it in front of Casey’s gorgeous lips.