“The prints on the bloody roses vase came in. We got a match.”

“Let me guess. It’s dead Hell Raiser number two.”

“Yeah, how did you-“

“Never mind. Check his clothes and bike to see if he’s a match for the fibers on the first body.”

“You got it. Oh, and Conn?”


“Nobody has seen the waitress lately. The pretty little one from The Jar. Any idea?”

I stared at him.

“Who is asking?”

“Sheil wanted to bring her in again for another interview. She thought maybe she’d do better being questioned by a woman.”

“I don’t think it will go anywhere.”

“Why not?”

“She didn’t see anything. I told the girl to keep a low profile. Obviously, she listened to me. I’ll talk to Sheil.”

“Thanks man.”

And just like that, I had broken the code. Lied to one of my own. Casey was worth it though. It’s not like she was the key to bringing down the gang that had killed my partner or anything.

Unless she was.

Fuck me. I closed my eyes and tried to get my shit together. I was an idiot and my dick was getting in the way. All I could think about was her and it was interfering with solving this case.

So, only one thing left to do.

Let the beast out of it’s cage. Feed it what it wanted. Then maybe I could fucking focus again. Put this insane infatuation aside and be objective about all of this.

About her.

I went back into the interrogation room and tossed Mason his stuff.

“We’re letting you go. But I’m putting guys on you.”

“What the fuck, DeWitt!”

“I promised her.”

He cursed and stormed out. I debated about giving him a ride and decided against it. He might try and choke me.

Besides, I wanted to get home.

I needed to see her. My body hadn’t stopped aching for her since last night. I knew I’d done the right thing when I put the breaks on before kissing her.

No matter how hard that had been.

She was a witness. She was too young. She knew something and she was lying about it. I knew it might all lead me to Danny’s killer.

But I didn’t care anymore. I would solve the crime and make his killer pay. Danny would understand it if I took a little detour.

Tonight, I was taking what was mine.


I turned the hot water on again, for the third time. Oh yes, this is just what the doctor ordered. A bagel, juice, a nap and a hot bath. I let my arm dangle over the edge of the tub and sighed.

Besos sat on the floor, staring at the chain as it dripped water onto the floor. Cheeto was passed out underneath the radiator. Even Morely was sitting on the toilet staring at me.

Me and my shackle were taking a bath. A very long bath. In fact, I wasn’t sure I ever wanted to get out again.

I only wished I had a book.

A book.

I sat up in the tub, the memories of last night crashing in on me.

I had- we had- he had read from my book! And- I blinked. That was it. Nothing had actually happened. But I had kneeled.


Ugh! That bastard had not been nearly as drunk as I had been! Oh God, he’d licked my toes too!

I squeezed my thighs together at the memory. His touch on my skin… his lips and tongue against my sensitive toes. The truth was, I had wanted him to do way more than lick my toes.

Much, much more.

I leaned back in the tub and stared at the ceiling. I’d been half-naked and willing. He’d been practically drooling as he looked me over. The man had looked at me like he wanted to eat me for dinner. And shameful or not, I would have let him.

But he hadn’t.

Shit, maybe he was a gentleman after all.

I heard a car pull up. The door to the bathroom was not shut because of the chain. I sunk a little lower under the bubbles, realizing I was about to be for real naked in front of him.

Ugh, the stupid foam was fading fast.

That’s what happens when you use shower gel as bubble bath, Cass.

I heard the door open and footsteps cross the room. I frantically swirled my hands to make the bubbles get bubblier.

It didn’t work. In fact, it was having the opposite effect. My body was clearly visible beneath the surface of the water.

Shit shit shit!

The door opened slowly. I crossed my arms over my chest and pulled my knees up.

“Excuse me!”

He leaned against the doorframe and crossed his arms. He didn’t smile or apologize. And he made no move to leave either!

“How long have you been in there?”

I shrugged.

“Are you clean yet?”

I scowled at him, indignant at the implication that I had not been clean before.


“Are you drunk?”

“Ugh! No!”


He stared at me, not smiling. He looked so intense. Then he knelt and reached into the tub.