Amber glanced at the list on the wall and her face paled. “That’s

one of the evacuation centers. The one we were just talking about.”

Jack’s pen was poised. “Can you give us some more information?”

“Roof’s been torn from the high-school gymnasium where hundreds of the evacuees were waiting out the storm. Reports of serious injuries and multiple minor injuries.”

Jack glanced over toward Ron. He waved his hand to attract his attention. “Do you have any idea of numbers?”

The voice crackled at the end of the radio message. “Around six serious. Two head injuries, three with chest injuries or breathing difficulties and another with multiple fractures. Also a number of children with fractures, and another child reported to be seizing.”

Jack ran his fingers through his hair and looked at Ron. “It’s time. We’ve got to load up and get out there.” He didn’t want to be at the end of a radio, manning a desk. He’d never been that type of guy. He’d been asked to triage. Well, the time for triage was over. It was time to get out on the ground and use the skills that he’d been trained in.

Right now he wasn’t afraid of the hurricane. Right now he was afraid that people would die if they couldn’t get the medical attention they needed—people like Jill.

And no matter what, he couldn’t let that happen.

He was trying so hard to give Ron his place. He handed the lists he’d made to him. Jack had been watching the staff in the department for the last two hours and could guess exactly who’d be sent on the teams. “How about you call everyone together and let them know?”


It was the first time since she’d got here that Amber’s head had really cleared. She’d stopped thinking about Aaron’s parents. Her brain had already worked overtime on that one, imagining a million different ways they could have been injured trying to get to their son. She hated the way her stomach churned over and over. The logical part of her brain just couldn’t override the emotional part.

She had patients to seek out—people who were at risk of developing meningitis. And she had other patients to help. Cleaning and stitching had almost felt therapeutic. Getting back to basics. She’d even reviewed a few elderly patients on the medical ward who had taken a downward turn in the last few hours. She was almost sure one had a chest infection and the other a urinary tract infection. Because of the hurricane, X-rays and lab tests would likely be delayed, so she’d ordered antibiotics and IV fluids for them both.

She’d felt useful. She’d felt part of something. And it had sparked something inside her. Which was why she’d finally found the courage to sit down next to the guy who had sparked something else inside her earlier.

Now was not the time to get freaked out. Now was not the time to worry about someone breaching her inner shell.

There was too much else to worry about. There was too much else happening. She wanted to move back into the tough and sassy woman he’d met at the bar last night. Was that really only twenty-four hours ago?

Jack grabbed some tape and put up the map on the closest wall. He started moving sticky notes around at lightning speed. Ron was at his shoulder.

“We definitely need a team at the high school. There are twenty known casualties, with probably more.” Jack looked over his shoulder at the melee of staff. “Another team here.” He pointed at a care home. “We know that seven elderly residents were unable to be evacuated along with three members of staff. Red Cross have reports of injuries of a group of tourists on a bus tour.”

There was a flash of frustration across Ron’s face. “Why on earth didn’t they take shelter as instructed?”

“The radio on the bus wasn’t working, they didn’t hear the alerts, and once the driver realized there was a storm, he pulled over to the side of the road. That bus has overturned just outside Kona.”

Ron threw his hands up. “Well, too late now. Any more information on the numbers?”

Jack shook his head. “No. The mobile masts must have gone down just after it was called in. Apparently the caller was given standard advice about sheltering, but there wasn’t time for anything else.”

Ron had his hands on his hips as he shook his head. “The tour buses are pretty standard—usually single-deckers with around fifty passengers.” He ran his fingers across the map, paying attention to the notes Jack had given him and then looking back among his staff and nodding. Jack pressed his lips together. It was hard not to try and take charge. His army ranking meant he was usually the one in charge of any emergency planning.

It was almost as if Ron sensed his thoughts as he gave Jack a sideways glance. “Okay, army doc. Which team do you want to lead?” Jack felt Amber flinch next to him. He knew that her eyes were currently fixed on the blue dots on the map, while her brain did the countdown in hours. The residential home was closest to a few addresses they had to visit, but the nearest evacuation center could also house some of their close contacts. No matter the temptation, he kept his mouth closed.

He wasn’t the boss. This time he was only here to assist. He didn’t know the area and he didn’t know the skills of the staff. This was Ron’s team. Not his. He turned to face Ron. “I’ll go wherever you need me. Just let me know how I can help.”

There was a glimmer of amusement on Ron’s face—almost as if he knew Jack was trying to resist interfering.

Ron glanced around, whistled and then put his hands about his head, clapping loudly. “Right, everyone—pay attention. We have work to do, so listen up, people. Okay, Marie Frank, Akito, Sarah, Leia and Tom, I want you all back in the ER with the doors open to receive casualties as soon as we have the all clear. Abram, Jess, Sito and Amal, you’ll be team one.” He pointed to a position on the map. “I want you out here. Collect your emergency kits. There’s an overturned bus with an unknown amount of casualties. Coordinate with the Red Cross. They gave us the initial information. They may also have some staff that can assist.”

He turned to face Jack and held his hand above his head. “People, some of you might have already met this guy. This is Jack Campbell, an army doc from Scotland who has offered to assist at this time. In an emergency, we take all the international help we can get. Follow his instructions as you would mine.”

He turned toward Amber. “And this is Dr. Amber Berkeley from the Disease Prevention Agency. We have two teenagers in the basement with a strain of meningitis W. Before the hurricane, Dr. Berkeley identified a number of key contacts who require antibiotics. At the moment we only have a rough idea of where those people might be. Dr. Berkeley will give you a list of names and addresses, and some spare antibiotics. If you come across any of these people at evacuation centers, or you are near to the addresses and it’s safe, feel free to try and make contact. In the meantime—” his pale gray eyes turned to Amber “—Dr. Berkeley will also be assisting in the field.”

Ron pointed to two other members of staff. “Dr. Campbell will be leading team two along with Dr. Berkeley and Lana and Jamal. Guys, show our new doctors where they can pick up supplies and radios. You guys will be covering the high school where the roof has been damaged. Team three.”

He pointed to some other staff and shouted names. “You’ll be covering the elderly care center, and also check on the additional needs facility nearby. After that, head to the high school with team two.” Ron stopped and took a deep breath. “As soon as we get radio confirmation it’s safe to go outside, the police will be here to assist us. Chances are, none of us are going to get any sleep anytime soon. Stay safe, people. Now, let’s do what we’re trained to.”


Amber hadn’t even realized she was holding her breath as Ron spoke. It was almost as if he flicked a switch. The buzz began immediately. But instead of more bedlam, it was like a weird kind of organized chaos.

She’d recognized something in Jack during Ron’s talk. She could see how hard he found it to defer to someone else. How had that really worked for a guy in the army? An army was all about rank and discipline.

But she’d seen him swallow and tell Ron that he’d go whe

rever he was needed. Ron must have recognized the struggle too, because he’d almost laughed out loud, then decided they should go to one of the most challenging areas.

It was clear he had faith in the skills of an army surgeon.

But would he have the same kind of faith in her? Her stomach twisted. That awful feeling of having to prove herself all over again.

“Let’s go,” said Jack. He was already following the two staff they’d been assigned to work with. Amber gave herself a shake and pushed everything else from her head. They followed Lana and Jamal tentatively down the stairs, and after a quick check through the doors, they braced themselves against the continuing wind sweeping through the building and headed toward the ER.

All the staff who arrived in the ER moved seamlessly, locating emergency packs and handing out tabards for all staff. Amber found herself wearing a bright orange vest over her jacket with the word “DOCTOR” emblazoned across it in fluorescent white letters.

It was odd. She’d thought she might feel more awkward than she did. But she seemed to find her place and slot into it. Maybe it was the complete air of calm around Jack. Or the sideways glances he kept shooting at her when he thought she wasn’t watching. She tried to keep her professional face in place. There was so much going around about her, it was easy to follow every instruction given and pay attention to the briefings about equipment they could carry, potential patients and what they might face outside.

Lana and Jamal seemed confident in their roles. Lana showed Amber where everything was in her pack and handed her an emergency supply of drugs. They’d moved down to the ER and other staff ensured the department was ready to open. The wind was still fierce outside but the intensity had started to diminish. Eventually, they heard a set of sirens outside. Jack appeared at her shoulder, stuffing something in the bag on her back. She tried to turn around. “Wh…what?” she asked.

“Extra pads,” he said casually. Somehow the sense of him beside her was reassuring. It didn’t stop her head going to the place it wanted to be—finding a way to the patients she was supposed to see. Finding out where Aaron’s parents were. Keeping to her mission.