She looked around again and loosened her hands just a little from his neck. ‘Okay, but be quick.’

He let his legs bend and kept his hands under her back, so that she floated in the sea and her dark hair fanned out all around her. She stayed like that for a few seconds.

She was beautiful. Like a siren floating in the sea in front of him. That bright pink bikini enhanced all her curves and complemented her light tan. If she started singing any time soon he swore he would just give up and follow her wherever she wanted.

She gave him a signal and he pulled her back up. The water was dripping from her hair and her body. He took a few steps further back.

‘What are you doing?’

‘Making sure you stay in my arms.’

She gave him a curious stare, then wrapped her arms back around his neck and then her legs around his waist. ‘Now, why would you want to do that?’

He didn’t answer straight away. He wasn’t entirely sure of the answer he could give. Instead he asked what was forefront on his mind. ‘I need to do some business tomorrow. It means I have to go to Naples. Would you like to come with me? The business won’t take long, and I love the opera in Naples. I’ve checked and Le Nozze di Figaro is showing at Teatro di San Carlo.’ He gave her a wink. ‘I might even know where you can find a dress you can wear.’

She gave a gasp and stared at him. ‘You honestly think I should wear one of Sofia’s dresses?’

He leaned back into the water. ‘Why not? You’ll look every bit as elegant in them as she did.’

He could tell she was a bit embarrassed, but also happy with the compliment.

‘Hey, isn’t it time you got me out of this water?’

Javier felt a little swell in his chest. The water droplets left on her body were virtually glistening in the sun. The feel of her body against his was having all the natural effects it should. He’d kind of hoped wading deeper, where the water might be colder, would have helped—but the fire inside was too strong. A few days of virtually not speaking had done nothing to cool the heat between them—instead it seemed to only have intensified the burn. Her dark hair and gleaming dark eyes were enticing him in ways he hadn’t felt in years.

He tightened his grip on her hips. ‘Maybe I just want to take you deeper into the ocean. Maybe I need some kind of persuasion not to.’

She lowered her gaze playfully. ‘Oh, I think I can find a way to entice you.’

His pulse soared. ‘How?’

She licked her lips and tilted her head to one side. Her lips met his. The smouldering fire ignited like a shooting firework. Her smooth lips moved over his with expert grace, coaxing, teasing and sending all sane thoughts floating off into the ocean around them.

And he was well and truly enticed.


SHE WAS NERVOUS. Her stomach had danced in knots all day. Last night they’d come up from the beach and drunk wine together in the painted drawing room by candlelight.

It was probably the most romantic setting in the world, and she wondered how often Sofia had sat in there with Ludano. Javier had kissed her as if she were the only woman on the planet and for a few hours she’d forgotten about everything else.

She’d forgotten about the job she didn’t want any more.

She’d forgotten about being the oldest sister left on the shelf.

She’d forgotten about her experience of love in Hollywood.

She’d forgotten about all her curiosity about Javier.

And she’d forgotten about figuring out what to do with her life.

For that little bubble of time it had been just him, and her. And it had felt almost perfect.

Today had felt unreal. Javier had finished putting the coloured panes in the conservatory. She’d tidied out a bit more of the attic, labelling boxes that Posy would need to search through. It had been fortuitous. She’d found another trunk full of shoes and found a pair that would match the red dress perfectly. Javier had disappeared into the village for a while to arrange transport for them to the ferry and she’d packed her overnight clothes and evening dress in a light bag.

It was afternoon before they took the ferry to the mainland. As soon as they neared the Italian coastline her phone started to ping. She pulled it from her bag. Six voicemails. A few hundred emails. And numerous text messages.

Javier must have noticed the pained expression on her face. ‘I’m not even looking at mine. There’s someone I need to phone to finalise our meeting when we reach Naples—but that’s it. Everything else can wait.’

She stared at him for a second. He seemed relaxed. He seemed sure. Almost as if he’d made up his mind about something.

She wished she could make her mind up about things. Maybe making a decision would make her feel better?

‘Is there anyone you really need to call?’ he pressed. ‘Do you think any of it is an emergency?’

She had a quick scroll. There were a few messages from her sisters. She texted back some quick replies. Everything else seemed safe to ignore. ‘No, I guess there isn’t.’ She put her phone on silent and stuffed it back in her bag.

She took a deep breath and leaned back against the railing of the ferry. If Javier Russo could ignore his phone, then she could too. The ferry was taking its time docking. She nudged Javier. ‘Look around us. What do you notice?’

He glanced from side to side and frowned. ‘I don’t know. What is it?’

She gave him a smile. ‘What’s different about here, and what happens in L’Isola dei Fiori?’

He seemed puzzled but looked around again. After a few seconds he shook his head and turned back. ‘Okay, you’ve got me. Is this a trick question?’

She laughed. ‘No, silly. The phones. Most of the people on the ferry are all currently staring at their phones. We don’t see that in L’Isola dei Fiori. People still sit at dinner tables and talk to each other. Have conversations. I’m beginning to think that humans are losing the art of conversation because we spend so much time with our heads in our phones. Weren’t you twitchy the first few days you arrived? You get so used to having the world at your fingertips you forget how to manage without it.’

He leaned closer to her and smiled. ‘Maybe these people should consider other distractions?’ Something had definitely changed in Javier. He’d said he had some business to do but he also seemed more positive, more enthusiastic. The twinkle in his eyes that had dulled for a few days was definitely back.

His words sent a little shot of heat through her veins. She couldn’t help but smile. ‘Watch out, there are children about. Some distractions aren’t for public viewing.’

‘You think?’ Before she got a chance to reply he lowered his lips onto hers. It wasn’t a soft kiss. It was purposeful. As if he seemed certain of what he was doing. It was easy to put her hand up and run it through his short dark hair.

Something twigged inside her. A sense of belonging. Something she hadn’t ever felt before.

As if, even though her rational brain told her otherwise, this seemed like the right time, in the right place with the right person.

Almost as if he were hers.

Something about that terrified her. Her stomach flip-flopped but her heart was practically swelling in her chest. Now, she got what Andie felt. She just wasn’t entirely sure if this could all be real.

The ferry gave a jerk as it finally moored into place. They laughed as their heads clashed and Javier threaded his fingers with hers as he carried their bags from the ferry terminal.

It was busy here. There was instantly a buzz in the air that wasn’t present in the more sedate L’Isola dei Fiori. And more people meant more chance of recognition. Not for her, but for him. Javier was Italy’s biggest ever film star.

As they exited the terminal she saw a few curious glances. If they’d been in an airport

she was sure that phones would have been whipped out and a million pictures snapped. But no one would expect Javier Russo to be coming off the ferry from the little-known kingdom of L’Isola dei Fiori.