For a second, his brow furrowed. “How?”

This time it was her turn for there to be a twinkle in her eye. “It might involve a certain book, in my favorite room in the house.”

Matteo gave her a wide smile as he slipped her hand into his and led her down the corridor. “I’m not quite sure what you mean,” he said as he winked at her. “I think you’ll have to show me...”


New Year’s Eve

THERE WERE A million little butterflies currently beating their wings in her stomach. Phoebe’s mother smoothed down her veil. “You look beautiful, darling. I’ve never felt so proud.” Phoebe’s heart swelled in her chest as she bent forward and kissed her mother on the cheek.

“Neither have I. Love you, Mom. I’m so glad we’re doing this together.”

There was a sweep of royal blue satin as Brianna appeared at the entrance of the door with three champagne glasses on a tray. “A toast,” she declared. “To my new sister-in-law, and my son’s honorary nanna.” Phoebe’s hands were shaking as she took a tiny sip.

“I’m too nervous. I can’t drink.”

Brianna and her mother laughed as her mother handed over her bouquet of yellow roses and green leaves. “Then, let’s not keep the groom waiting.”

Phoebe sucked in a deep breath and placed her hand on the smooth satin of her bodice. Brianna nodded and picked up her own bouquet. “Maid of honor first.” She smiled as she disappeared out the door.

Phoebe’s mother crooked her elbow. “Come on, then. Let me make Matteo Bianchi the happiest man on the planet.”

Phoebe slid her arm into her mother’s and walked down the long corridor of the Hampton house. The whole house was buzzing with excitement; it was filled with their family and friends—just the way it should be. It seemed as if half of Italy were here to celebrate their wedding.

This was the way the house had always felt for Phoebe, as if it should be full of people, full of life, and finally Matteo had agreed.

She reached the top of the curved staircase and paused for a second. The whole wedding party was gathered in the huge hall, underneath the glass atrium. Outside the night sky was black, but just as she reached the top of the stairs fireworks started going off outside, sending streaks of pink, blue and red across the sky.

Matteo was waiting. His eyes only on her.

The dark suit with yellow tie to match her roses showed off his sallow skin and dark green eyes. His hair was flopping around his forehead—just the way she loved it—and, as she and her mother walked down the last few steps, his hand was waiting for hers.

“You look stunning,” he whispered.

“You’re not too bad yourself.”

When he’d proposed a few months ago and asked her where she wanted to marry she didn’t have a single doubt. It had to be here. It had to be in the family home. And it had to be on New Year’s Eve, when they’d shared their first kiss.

The library was too small to fit all their guests, so the ceremony was taking place in the sitting room overlooking the gardens and Mecox Bay.

As they walked through to where the celebrant was waiting, the glass doors were open to the garden and the white marquee outside fluttered in the wind.

Vittore stood proudly as his brother’s best man, and Brianna served as her maid of honor as almost one-year-old Jay slept in his cradle in the corner of the room.

Phoebe turned to face Matteo. The celebrant looked at them as he checked his watch. “Are we ready to begin?”

More fireworks lit up the dark night sky outside as Phoebe slid her hands into Matteo’s. And instead of sticking with tradition, they recited their vows together.

“To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.”

And Mrs. Bianchi kissed her new husband as the ball dropped in Times Square and the world welcomed in the New Year.

* * * * *

If you enjoyed this story, check out these other great reads from Scarlet Wilson





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The Prince’s Fake Fiancée

by Leah Ashton

Chapter One

JASMINE GALLAGHER SAT in the back seat of a sleek, dark sedan, silently observing the passing countryside behind windows tinted almost black.

The road hugged the very edge of the island of Vela Ada, almost touching the perfect blue of the Adriatic Sea. It was late afternoon, and the ocean glittered beneath the glorious summer sun, the azure surface interrupted only by the occasional tall-masted boat with sails in blinding white.

Jasmine’s car was the third of three identical vehicles. Leading the small convoy were two of Jas’s team: Scott—who was ex–Special Forces—and Heather—who, like Jas, was ex-Australian National Police. Next in line was what was called the ‘principal’s’ car—the person that Gallagher Personal Protection Services had been tasked with protecting. In Jas’s career she had provided close personal protection services—what most people outside the industry would call a ‘bodyguard’—to a wide range of people: prime ministers, ambassadors, religious leaders, CEOs, celebrities—but this job was a first for her, and a first for her company.