Her heart ached for this gorgeous man who tried to hide his emotions. Maybe waiting the six months then walking away from the family business was exactly what he should do. But she didn’t know that. And, more importantly, Leo didn’t know that.

She didn’t pretend to have a head for business. But Leo clearly did. He might have ideas and skills that could enhance the business. If only he would take the time to speak to Sebastian. If they could put the family business aside and get the chance to get to know one another.

She sucked in a slow breath. She was an only child and, like most only children, had longed for a brother or sister. How would she feel if she found out now that she did have one?

She knew in her heart she’d want to know everything about them. But Leo still hadn’t answered her question. His brow was furrowed as if he was mulling over what she’d said. Something clicked in her brain.

‘Your brother, Sebastian. You said you didn’t meet his family because they hadn’t arrived yet.’

He nodded. ‘Yes.’

‘Do you have a niece or a nephew?’

‘I have...a nephew, I guess.’ He honestly looked as though he really hadn’t processed that. ‘I’d never really considered the fact I was an uncle.’

‘What’s his name? What age is he?’

‘His name is Frankie. He’s...two, I think.’

Anissa clapped her hands together. ‘A two-year-old nephew? That’s brilliant.’ She tugged at Leo’s arm. ‘You do know that New York has some of the best toy stores in the world.’

Now he looked really confused. ‘Wh-what?’

She put a hand on each of his arms. ‘Leo, in a few weeks’ time it’s Christmas. Whether you decide to go back to Mont Coeur or not, what you can’t do...’ she shook her head fiercely ‘...what you absolutely can’t do is ignore the fact that this is the first Christmas you’ve known about your nephew. You have to get him something—just like you got something for Keisa.’

She gave him a little shake. ‘This time, Leo, it’s not a present for your loyal PA. This time it’s for family. A nephew is a gift.’

It was as if a light came on in his eyes. His lips turned up slightly. ‘So,’ he said slowly. ‘I have to go gift shopping?’

She nodded. ‘Finally, you’re getting it.’

He held out his hands. ‘What on earth do I buy a two-year-old boy?’

She winked at him. ‘You should know. You used to be one.’

He groaned but she wouldn’t let him away with it. She pointed one finger and pressed it into his chest with every word. ‘You. Are. Going. To. Be. A. Great. Uncle.’

He put his hand to his chest. ‘I am going to be a bruised uncle.’

She glanced at her watch. ‘Darn it, the toy stores will be closed by now.’

Leo raised his eyebrows and pulled out his phone. ‘Most places can be persuaded to open. Particularly if you’ll make a charitable donation to a place of their choosing.’

Her heart gave a little leap and after a five-minute conversation Leo hailed a cab and named one of the most well-known toy stores. ‘We’re in luck,’ he said as they climbed in. ‘Apparently, it’s a major stocktake night on the run-up to Christmas. Staff are already there.’ There was a gleam in his eyes. ‘We can go in.’

‘Brilliant.’ She rubbed her hands together as the cab wound its way through the snowy New York streets.

The lights were still on in the toy store but the shutters were pulled across the storefront. A member of staff was watching and waved them round to side entrance. He held out his hand. ‘Leo Baxter?’

Leo nodded and shook his hand. ‘Thanks for doing this.’

The man laughed. ‘Anyone who’ll make that big a donation to the children’s cancer foundation gets my attention. Do you want one of the staff to help you shop—or do you just want to look around on your own?’

Leo glanced back at Anissa. She was already dying to find her way around the toy store. ‘I think we’re good.’ She nodded.

The manager smiled and waved his arm. ‘In that case, enjoy yourselves.’

She couldn’t help herself and clapped her hands together excitedly. ‘Come on, Leo. Let’s go.’

Leo seemed a bit bewildered by the packed aisles and colourful signs everywhere. They moved from computers, to board games, to action figures, cars, laser guns and then on to game consoles, bikes, skateboards, roller skates and outdoor play furniture. Leo shook his head. ‘I’ve just no idea where to start. I’ve never even met the kid.’

He sighed. ‘And if he’s anything like his dad, he’ll probably hate me.’ She hated the defeated look in his eyes. She walked over and wrapped one hand around his neck and ran the other through his hair. ‘Leo Baxter, stop thinking like that. Stop thinking the glass is half-full. Start thinking about the whole new adventures you could be having.’

Being around him tonight had given her a spurt of new energy. She wanted to help Leo believe in who he was. She wanted him to know his value as part of the family.

He put his hands around her waist and spoke quietly. ‘The truth is I could buy the entire contents of this store. But what good would that do?’

She nodded. ‘You’re right. What you need to do is think of something you loved as a kid. Something you would want to buy for your own son.’ She gave a playful shrug. ‘If you ever have one.’

His eyes locked onto hers, his gaze intense. For a second it took her breath away. It was almost like he was staring right into her very soul. Seeing every part of her. No one had looked at her like that—ever.

His voice was husky. ‘How come you didn’t tell me about the job offer?’

The words took her by surprise.

Of course. She hadn’t told him. Because she hadn’t really had time to think about it properly yet. It had just come out in the course of the conversation with Joe this evening.

When she didn’t answer straight away, Leo started talking again. ‘It sounds like a great opportunity. They must think a lot of you if they got in touch. Wouldn’t you love to do something like that?’

She could see genuine enthusiasm in his eyes and her stomach coiled as she knew it wasn’t mirrored in her own. ‘I... I...don’t know,’ she stumbled.

Leo was still enthused. ‘They obviously think you have the knowledge, the skill set and the respect of the skiing community to offer you a position like that. Just think how much you could influence things, shape the future of professional skiing.’

But I won’t have a gold medal.

The thought seemed to be implanted in her brain. It had felt as if it had been on a loop from the moment that Hans had called her.

Maybe she was being ridiculous, but she just couldn’t shake that thought.

Leo was still

talking all about how wonderful she would be. What a brilliant opportunity it was. Encouraging her to be the best she could be.

All of a sudden she felt overwhelmed. New York had been fabulous. But her whole life was upside down. She couldn’t concentrate long enough to make any decisions. And in amongst all this she’d met a wonderful man who’d shared some really personal moments with her and maybe even stolen a little part of her heart.

Had she really just thought that? After only a few weeks?

She gulped. Leo was still talking. She gave herself a little shake and patted her hand against his chest. ‘Hey. We can’t stay here all night. The staff will need to get home. What was your number one toy as a kid?’

Right now she would do anything to distract him from the subject of her, and her job offer.

For the briefest second he looked a little surprised at her interruption, but then there was a flash in his eyes. ‘Dinosaurs!’ he exclaimed. ‘Dinosaurs were the thing I absolutely loved.’

‘Of course,’ she agreed quickly. ‘What kid doesn’t love dinosaurs?’ She grabbed his hand. ‘Come on, I’m sure they’re just around the corner.’

Ten minutes later they had a mat with volcanoes, jungles and rivers, along with every dinosaur that the store stocked. Leo’s arms were full.

Anissa bent down and picked up a few human figures and a toy jeep. She laughed. ‘Collateral damage. We need some people that the dinosaurs can eat.’

‘Good idea,’ he agreed as they headed to the cash desk. His footsteps faltered and he turned to face her. ‘Anissa?’


He took a moment. ‘Thank you.’

‘What for?’

‘For this. For thinking about Frankie. For being there for me. For everything.’ His voice cracked a little.

It was like a vice gripping her heart. She didn’t want him to say anything else. Wasn’t ready for anything else. She was still getting used to the fact her leg and back didn’t ache constantly. She was still trying not to think about what her life could look like. Most of all, she was still trying to work out how she felt about the gorgeous billionaire who’d whisked her halfway around the world.