‘They must hate me. They must really hate me—Sebastian and Noemi. If my parents had never found me, they would never have been in New York. They would never have had the accident. Life would still be good. The business would still be in safe hands.’ He sucked in a shaky breath. ‘It’s my fault. All my fault.’

This feeling had been sitting heavily over him like a dark cloak from the second the accident had happened. It haunted his dreams at night, had sat on his chest like a heavy weight during the funeral, and hindered every step he’d taken in the snow to go and meet his brother and sister.

Guilt was horrid. Guilt was like having something drain the life out of you slowly but surely. At least that’s what it had been like the last few months.

‘Of course it’s not your fault, Leo. How could you have known? How could you ever have predicted that? It was just a horrible, horrible accident. And stop saying that. That’s the second time you’ve said it. It’s not your fault. Stop believing that.’ She shook her head. ‘You said they’d spent most of their lives searching for you. It sounds as if they would never have stopped.’

He tried to take in what she was saying. In his head he knew it probably made sense. But he just couldn’t accept it. Not yet.

‘From what you said about the funeral, it sounds like your parents were very popular.’

Leo nodded his head. ‘Oh, they are—they were. You might have heard of them—the Cattaneos.’

A frown creased Anissa’s brow and a second later he saw the flash of recognition in her eyes. Most people in Europe had heard of the Cattaneos.

‘The jewellery people—your family are the jewellery people?’

He sighed and leaned back in the chair. ‘Yeah. That’s why things are so hard right now. They named me in their will.’

Anissa shook her head. ‘But so they should, you are their son.’

Leo closed his eyes for a second. She made it sound so simple.

He let out a long, slow breath. ‘Apparently, they did this a long time ago. They put a clause in their will to say that I have to assume the controlling stake in the family business for six months. If I don’t accept it, or try and walk away during that time, the business gets dissolved.’

Anissa’s eyes widened. ‘What? No. That’s terrible. It’s an awful position for you to be in.’

He nodded. ‘I know. Imagine how Sebastian and Noemi feel. Mystery brother appears out of nowhere and gets given the ability to ruin the family business completely. Is it any wonder Sebastian is angry? I can’t help but imagine how I’d feel if the company I’d spend my life building got handed over to someone else.’

He leaned his head back against the leather recliner. ‘I have no idea what happens next. I’ve been on my own for so long. But the question I have to ask myself is do I really want a family? My mother and father aren’t there now, and they’re the people I’d really wanted to form a relationship with. So, with Sebastian and Noemi, this hasn’t been the best of starts. I’ve been left in a charge of their family business—how they can trust me, or me them? Let’s face it, they have to be nice to me for the next six months—whether they want to or not.’

Anissa moved and sat on the edge of the chair next to him. After a few seconds she threaded her fingers through his hair. It was an intimate move. The move of someone who cared. ‘Could it be that you’re just feeling overwhelmed by everything? It sounds as though it’s all happened so quickly. You didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye to your parents properly.’

He was drawn by her touch. His hand automatically wound its way around her waist and he pulled her towards him, sliding her from the armrest and onto his lap.

She put her hands on either side of his head and pressed her forehead against his. ‘Leo, who have you talked to about all this?’

He breathed slowly. ‘Just my lawyers. I’ve been trying to find a way out without destroying the jewellery business.’

Her eyes fixed on his and she was so close her eyelashes were brushing against his skin. ‘I meant who have you talked to about this for you, Leo. Not for business. Not for legal reasons. Who have you spoken to for you?’

He gave his head the slightest shake. ‘No one.’

It sounded so lonely. It made it sound as if he had such a solitary existence.

Words choked in his throat. ‘I’ve seen how close you are with your parents. I’ve never had anything like that. I don’t even know how I should be with my brother and sister. I phoned Noemi earlier today. But it felt so stilted—not her, me. I just don’t know how to have that kind of conversation. Not yet. Not while all this business stuff is hanging over our heads.’

‘Leo, I can’t imagine how hard this has been for you. And this time of year—Christmas—always seems to magnify things.’ Her hands wove back through his hair and she gave him a smile. ‘But I want to tell you one thing. You are good enough, Leo. You’ve always been good enough.’

Her lips brushed against his cheek and his head instinctively turned to capture her lips with his.

Heat flooded through him. There was so much electricity between them—it had been there from the very first time they’d met. But now it was more. It was deeper. The connection stronger. And he liked that. It meant so much. That feeling of finally connecting with someone. To want to feel her skin under his. He wanted to feel the heartbeat in her chest against his.

Whatever he’d done today, however mixed up and guilty he’d felt about everything, it seemed that Anissa had a more forgiving heart than he could have hoped for.

She tugged at his jumper, pulling it over his head as she stayed on his lap, matching his every kiss. Every cell in his body was roaring. It wasn’t just the attraction. It was the empathy and understanding. Her words. Her reassurance. The complete and utter belief in her eyes when she’d looked at him and told him that he was good enough. It had made his heart soar in a way he’d never felt before.

This was new. This was all new to him.

And no matter what happened, whatever decision he made about the family business, something in his heart was telling him that for the first time in his life he’d found something that could be worth holding onto.

And as he picked Anissa up and carried her to his bedroom, he’d never felt surer of anything in his life.


WOW. FOR THE first time in for ever her muscles ached in good ways instead of bad.

Last night she’d come home prepared to be angry at Leo. But one look at the expression on his face as he’d crumpled in front of her had almost been the end of her.

She’d had no idea what he’d been going through. She couldn’t imagine the devastation of losing her parents—or the set of circumstances he’d described to her. Every part of the story had made her heart twist in her chest a little more at what Leo had missed out on. Every word had made her relish the good relationship she had with her parents. How must it feel to have never had that? And when it finally seemed like a possibility—to have it ripped away?

No wonder he was devastated. No wonder he was all over the place.

Now she understood the bravado and business face that Leo tried his best to keep in place. It was his mask. The thing that held him together.

Because he didn’t have anyone else.

He didn’t have anyone to share things with. His new-found relationship with his brother and sister had never had the chance to develop—and, thanks to the contents of the will, possibly never would.

But it was that overall feeling of not being good enough that she could relate to most.

It lit a little fire inside her. He was good enough. Surely his family would see that? Surely everyone could see it?


The voice beside her made her start. She rolled over in the bed to face a sleepy-eyed Leo. Darn, he was sexy in the morning.

‘Hey,’ she replied as her

lips automatically turned upwards.

‘What do you want to do today?’ he said huskily.

‘Do I still get to play tourist?’ She was almost holding her breath, wondering what he would say.

‘Absolutely. Tell me where you want to go today and I’ll take you. Tonight I’d really like it if you’d come with me when I have dinner with a business associate.’

‘You would? Do you think he’ll be okay with me being there?’

‘He’ll have to be. Joe is the reason I came back. He’s playing hard ball on a business proposal that I thought we’d wrapped up.’ Leo lifted one of her hands and kissed it. ‘Who wouldn’t want a smart, intelligent lady at their table? He’ll have to understand that I’m entertaining my guest. Anyway, I think he’ll like you. Who wouldn’t?’

She couldn’t help but be flattered. Chalet girl by day...girlfriend by night? She still wasn’t quite sure.

She nodded. ‘Where’s dinner? What do I need to wear?’

He pulled a face and groaned. ‘Did I make a huge mess of things yesterday, giving you a credit card and telling you to buy something?’

She nodded. ‘You might have done. But don’t worry. The ballgown is sorted.’ She’d been offended before when he’d said his PA would find her something, but now she’d much rather sightsee than spend the day shopping. It was time for a compromise. ‘How about you give me the number of your PA and I can tell her what size I am, what colour I prefer and what style of dress I like. I’m pretty easygoing and, as long as it fits and covers me, I’ll wear it. That way neither of us has to go near a clothes store today.’ She leaned a little closer. ‘Anyway, I’m all about the water today. I have something much more fun in mind.’