Leo didn’t like anything he was hearing. A business deal he’d been working on for the last year had developed a last-minute hitch. ‘Why hasn’t this been dealt with? He said what?’

Leo groaned. The business associate he was dealing with was an older man. It had taken a good few years to even begin the negotiations. Joe trusted him. He couldn’t leave this to anyone else. He had to deal with these problems himself. He gave a huge sigh, ‘Okay, I’ll come back. I’ll get the first flight.’

He finished the call. New York. He’d wanted to go back there for days. But somehow he knew when he got there, the chances of getting a flight back to Mont Coeur to spend Christmas with his new family would get slimmer and slimmer.

Here, he’d had the benefit of a little time. Everything in New York was generally about work, even down to the Christmas charity ball he was obligated to attend. As soon as he returned to the States...

He looked back through the window of the shop. Anissa was talking to the store owner as they wrapped the cuckoo clock in tissue paper and bubble wrap. His stomach clenched. The Christmas ball. The place he always took a date.

For the first time, the prospect of consulting his little black book suddenly didn’t seem so appealing. He felt for his wallet and strolled back into the store to pay for the clock.

‘Nearly done.’ Anissa smiled as he approached.

‘I have to go back to New York.’

Her face fell. ‘What?’

His skin prickled. She was upset. He hated that. He hated that fleeting look of hurt in her eyes. Within seconds she plastered a smile on her face. ‘Oh, of course.’

‘It’s business. A particularly tricky deal.’

Anissa pressed her lips tight together and nodded automatically.

The seed of an idea that had partially formed outside burst into full bloom in his head. He hated that flicker of pain he’d seen in her eyes when she’d talked about being in Mont Coeur and being permanently reminded of what she’d lost. It had seemed so raw.

Maybe, just maybe he could change things for her. Put a little sparkle and hope back into her eyes. Something that he ached to feel in his life too.

‘Come with me.’ The words flew out of his mouth.

Her eyes widened. ‘What?’

He nodded, as it all started to make sense in his head. ‘You said you’ve never really had a proper holiday. Come with me. Come and see New York. You’ll love it in winter. I can take you sightseeing.’

Sightseeing. The thing he’d never really got around to in New York.

Anissa’s mouth was open. ‘But...my job. I have lessons booked. I have chalets to clean.’

He moved closer to her. ‘Leave them. See if someone can cover. If you can only come for a few days—that’s fine. But come with me. I have a Christmas ball to attend and I’d love it if you could come with me.’ His hands ached to reach for her, but he held himself back. ‘I called you Ice Princess before, how do you feel about being Cinderella? Going to the most spectacular Christmas ball in New York? It will take your breath away, I promise.’

Her mouth was still open as her eyes widened. He could almost see her brain processing the invitation. She was considering it. She was actually considering it. And that built a whole host of hopes in his chest that still took him by surprise.

He moved closer. Close enough to drown out the Christmas scents from the shop and to let him just smell her. Anissa.

‘Come on, Anissa. Live a little,’ he whispered.

He could see her hesitation. See her worries.

But her pale blue eyes met his. There was still a little sparkle there. Still a little hope for him.

Her lips turned upwards. ‘Okay,’ she whispered back as he bent to kiss her.


‘YOU’RE GOING. You’re definitely going.’

Anissa stared around her chalet, trying to still the rising panic in her chest.

She’d said yes on a whim. How could she look into those bright blue eyes and say anything else? Particularly when she’d been overwhelmed by emotions.

It was odd how looking at the care and attention to detail in one intricate clock could align itself in her head with someone completing their dream—and leaving her feel so far away from her own.

Chloe and Amy were staring at her expectantly from the sofa.

Anissa shook her head again. ‘I can’t. I must have been mad to agree. I’ve got lessons, shifts in the chalets.’

Amy stood up and shook her head. ‘We can cover them. Between us. We can cover those shifts. Ore and Anouska will help too.’

Anissa breathed in. ‘But the lessons...’

Chloe smiled as she turned her phone around. ‘Regan just texted. His dad’s better. He’s coming back. He can cover your lessons.’

Anissa gasped. Regan was one of the other ski instructors, who’d had to take time off at short notice to go home and visit his sick father.

Chloe nudged her. ‘You covered his lessons for more than a week at short notice. I’m sure he’ll cover yours. It’s time to go on the first proper holiday of your adult life. We’re sorted. Now, let’s see what we can pack.’

She bent over and scribbled something on a bit of paper. ‘Here’s my cousin’s contact details. She stays in New York. She’s at fashion college there. You need anything, or you change your mind about being there—give her a call.’

Amy had already made her way to the cupboard and dragged out a suitcase. ‘New York. New York. Here she comes.’ She dance

d about in front of Anissa in excitement, then struck a pose, with one finger on her chin. ‘Hmm, what do we think our fair maiden should wear when she’s with her handsome billionaire in New York?’

‘I have ideas,’ piped up Chloe. Anissa laughed. She couldn’t believe it. Things were actually coming together. She was going on holiday. She was going to New York.

With Leo.

Her heart gave a little flip-flop.

What on earth did this really mean?

* * *

His mind was full. Full of business dealings, full of family dealings, and full of a sense of relief that he was going to get out of Mont Coeur, at least for a few days.

The car he’d sent for Anissa pulled up in front of the private airport terminal. Anissa jumped out, frowning and flicking her head from side to side. ‘Where are we?’

He smiled. Today she had on a long bright blue wool coat, a black hat and leather gloves. Her blonde hair framed her face and the colour of the coat was reflected in her pale blue eyes, making them look more intense than ever. She was wearing make-up. Her lips were a little redder than before and her eyelashes longer and thicker.

For a few seconds Leo’s feet were frozen to the ground. He’d always thought Anissa was naturally pretty, but today...she was stunning.

She touched his arm. ‘Leo? I thought we were going to the regular airport?’

He snapped back to attention and signalled to the driver to get her case. ‘No. I have my own plane. Makes things simpler.’

She blinked, then blinked again, as if she was processing what he’d just told her. ‘You have your own plane,’ she repeated as he led her up the small detachable stairs and into the comfortable aircraft, nodding a greeting to the steward and stewardess.

There was no waiting. The flight plans had been lodged and cleared, and despite the surrounding snow and temperatures the plane and runway were ready for take-off.

* * *