Page 53 of Still Here

“You heard me, give the phone to him.” She sounded a little bit impatient.

I covered the microphone end and said, “She wants to talk to you.” I must’ve sounded surprised because he just chuckled.

“Hand the phone over,” he said. So I did.

“Hello, Miranda, how are you doing?” he said. I knew that charm of his. I knew it well. It wouldn’t work on someone like my mother. She was wise to a man like him.

I couldn’t make out the words on her end, but she sounded pleased.

“That’s wonderful. You should tell her that in person tonight. I am sure she will be glad to hear it,” he said. I gave him a puzzled look, but he just shook his head.

I wasn’t going to hear it from him. That was clear.

“Listen, I’d like you to come down to the park tonight. I’m having a small get together, yeah, and I wanted to invite you. It’s important. Do you think you can be there?” he asked.

She said something and he said, “Yes, exactly. That’s what it is about. Okay, Miranda. We’ll see you there.”

I glared at him as he handed over the phone. I thought she would at least get more out of him.

“What was that about?” I asked her.

“It’s a surprise. Besides, don’t you like surprises?”

“You know I don’t, traitor,” I said.

“I’m not a traitor. I’m team Wyatt.” She was in a great mood. It was nice just to hear her laugh. Almost made me forgive her for this. Almost.

“I’ll see you tonight mom, I love you.”

“I love you too, sweetie.”

I hung up the phone and looked over at him.

“Everyone just loves you, don’t they?” I asked a little sour, but only in jest. He was turning all of my friends against me and now my own family. It was all in good fun though.

“It depends, do you love me?” he asked, his eyebrow rose. It was like he was daring me to take it back. But I wouldn’t. Not now and not for anything. I loved that man, and I wasn’t going to change my mind.

“I do.” I admitted. I was team Wyatt too, I had to admit it. Just not to anyone else. It would stay my secret.

“Then relax because I want to show you a good time tonight.

That was easier said than done.

Chapter Seventeen

I pulled every last string I had but I got it all done. I was ready for this.

This was going to be a night that she would remember for the rest of her life. Whether or not that was a good thing remained to be seen.

I pulled into the little parking lot and looked out over it. A string of twinkling lights lit up the stage and was wrapped around several small poles, lighting up the sky. The band was there too, and a small group of people.

I figured a little impromptu concert for the town was in order. I just had to get our parents to sit next to each other and everything would go as planned.

Since when does anything ever go as planned?

“What is going on? Rose asked as she stepped out of the truck and looked over the park amphitheater. It was packed. What was supposed to be a small group of people was a massive crowd.

What the hell? I swallowed as I walked towards the group. Hell, I wouldn’t be able to find my father in this. I contemplating bailing, but I couldn’t. I’d set this up just for us. Just for tonight. It wasn’t anyone’s fault that the town wanted to enjoy the entertainment.

It was my own for thinking that a town like this wouldn’t come down and see what was going on. The amphitheater was officially open this time, so it wasn’t restricted.

“Isn’t it great?” Suzie Reynolds said as she walked up to Rose. “I heard they were having the string quartet with a special violinist so I told the whole town. Didn’t have enough time to make a ton of fliers but I did manage to get some put up at Cherry’s.” She grinned at us both and I fought the urge to curse her. Suzy had always been a pain in the ass, and now she was a special one.

“Where is your dad?” Rose asked as Suzy walked away.

“What?” I asked. Oh, right. Him. The plan.

I grabbed my phone and dialed his number, and then I waited. He answered. “What in the hell is going on?” Ah, the first words out of his mouth and they were a lovely sound. Not.

“Where are you?” I asked.

“I had to park all the way down at Cherry’s. The place is packed.”

“Yeah, I know. We got a spot up by the park. Meet us at my truck.”

“That old hunk of junk? That’s what you are carting her around in?” He asked. I didn’t answer him. I just hung up the phone.

Yes that old hunk of junk. It was my pride and joy. Well, besides my Chevelle.

“Well?” Rose asked.