Page 8 of Still Here

“He’s always been a bit of a player, but he’s worse than ever. I saw him at the bar the other night. He even hit on me,” she said. Everyone in town knew that Suzy was engaged to some business man from out of town. Hell, I knew and I hadn’t even lived there for years. Not that anyone had ever seen proof of him.“Wait, you aren’t associating with him, are you?”

I had no intention of associating with him, but listening to her say that was more than a little upsetting. She got under my skin.

“I am. He’s working with my mother.” I pursed my lips together and looked at her with narrow eyes. She always was a nasty little gossip. I wasn’t going to say what with exactly, but there was no way I was going to let her be nasty. Even if it was about Wyatt.

“Well, be careful. He only wants women for one thing, if you know what I mean. He’s been with half the damn county, and the next one over!”

“Still a Playboy, huh?” I was curious. I wanted to know what she knew. I shouldn’t have. I should’ve completely ignored her little comment and made sure that I didn’t listen. It wasn’t going to help me in any way, shape, or form to listen to Suzan.

“Oh my god, yes.” Her eyes lit up with the opportunity to gush. Just what I needed, to pull the cork from the geyser.

I shouldn't have asked. She sat down in the seat across from my desk and leaned in. “Just last month he broke Sally Newport's little heart. She thought she could ‘change’ him, but of course, after two weeks he got tired of her.” She flipped her hand. “He does that to everyone. But he is so handsome, the women forget. Or they try to, anyway.”

Sounded like Wyatt. I didn’t expect him to change.

He was trying terribly hard to worm his way into my good graces, and I wasn't sure why. I didn't need a man like him interfering in my life. I was getting over a guy like that. I didn't need another.

But those smokey eyes enticed me. I grinned as I thought of him ordering the flowers.

Maybe I would cut him a break. Just this once.

I didn’t expect him to be anything other than he was. I wouldn’t fall head over heels for him, but he was nice to look at.

Even if he did have to open his mouth and spoil it.

“Did you see her?” Luke set an iced coffee down onto my desk. I was just about to read a set of reports when he barged into my office, late for work as usual.

“Who?” I asked, looking up bleary-eyed. I wanted to be out on one of the farms, pitching hay and hauling ass like when I was a kid. It was the only thing my father had ever done right. He made me work every damn aspect of the job. This was nothing like that. It was all paperwork and the occasional ride out to the farms to talk with different “managers”.

Instead of following my dreams I was here, and Luke was the one who got to live the dream. But right now he was staring at me, waiting for an answer.

And he was grinning like he knew something I didn’t.

“Her. Rose.” Ah there it was. He knew she was back in town, thought he could surprise me. My best friend knew just about everything there was to know about me. He knew the story.

Knew how she ran off on me. How she was back in town. Of course he would ask me. She was the only one I ever missed. The only one who knocked me down a peg.

I knew who he meant. I just wanted to mess with him.

“Oh, you mean the young lady I plan to take out tonight?” This time it was me who was smiling as I took a sip of the coffee. “You forgot the almond milk.”

I’d gotten a taste for the finer things, chasing all of those fancy women around town.

“Oh shut up and drink your sugar. Where are you taking her? Does she know it yet?” he asked.

“I haven’t decided yet.” I dodged the second question. I still had to find a way to ask her out.

A proposal that she wouldn't turn down. I knew Rose. She was unlikely to succumb to my charms, but not entirely immune.

Maybe an honest approach was the best one.

“Ah, you haven’t even told her yet. Planning on showing up at her house?” he asked.

“You know me too damn well,” I admitted. It was like he could read my mind.

“I thought you only had one plan in mind when it came to her? Take her out to the field that she broke your heart in and make her want you, and then turn her away?” He could be such a jerk. I’d told him that years ago in the anger and pain of a fresh breakup.

“I was pissed, three sheets to the wind, and had just been rejected. You know I didn’t mean it,” I said.

“Well, if you decide to keep her around for more than just a spanking, let me know. I still need to congratulate her for putting the great Wyatt Graves in his place.That girl did more good for you than you know.” Luke pointed at me, nodding and clicking his teeth together.