“Stay back!” he yelled, but Jared reared back and threw a fist across his face, making him drop the gun.

Tate’s dad ran in—closely followed by Tate, who must’ve gone to get him next door—and he rushed over, guarding the other guy on the floor. My brother backed our father up to the wall, he and Madoc grappling for his arms.

Everyone poured in: Tate and Fallon ran for Juliet, Tate bringing her hand up to the gash on Juliet’s neck. Katherine and her husband, Jason, followed, Katherine rushing over to me, tears already streaming down her face.

And Fallon’s father, who’d come to the barbecue, stepped in, looking calm as he took in the scene as if it was nothing he hadn’t seen before.

“Oh, my God,” Katherine cried, looking to Jason. “Get these off him,” she pleaded, pulling frantically at the cuffs.

“Jared!” Tate yelled, and I jerked my head to see my brother slamming another fist into our father’s gut as Madoc held him.

“Are you okay?” Katherine asked, holding my chin to inspect my face.

I nodded, breathing hard. “Just get the key. Please.” I rolled my wrists, desperate to get out of the restraints.

Katherine shot her eyes up. “Jared!” she barked at her son, standing up. “Enough!” And she rushed over to my father, her ex-husband, and dug everything out of his pockets until she found the key.

She unlocked me, and Jason helped me up as Jared grabbed the gun off the floor and pointed it at our father, keeping him against the wall.

I threw the cuffs to the floor and immediately locked eyes with Juliet. Her bloodshot eyes and the worry written all over her face told me everything I needed to know.

She rushed over, letting out a cry as she threw her arms around my neck. I scooped her up, holding on to her as if I needed her to breathe.

Because she filled my heart, and this was it. All I needed or wanted.

My father laughed, breaking the silence. “You know it’s true, Jax,” he taunted as I closed my eyes, inhaling her scent. “No one wants you but me. I’m your family.” He raised his voice. “You’re my son!”

“He’s my son.” I heard Katherine’s deep, tear-filled voice, and I pulled my head back, staring at her.

She met my eyes, and I saw her tears for me. Her fear and her worry, and in that moment, for the first time in my life, I felt as though it was true. I had a mother.

“And he’s my son, too.”

I snapped my eyes over, seeing Jason step forward, next to her.

“Hell, mine, too.” Ciaran nodded.

I narrowed my eyes, stunned, as I looked at these people.

And then Tate’s father stepped forward, nodding once, and my chest swelled.

What the hell?

Jared dropped the gun on the table near the stairs and stepped back, looking at our father. “And he has me.”

“And me.” Madoc got in my father’s face.

“Me, too,” Tate called out, and I saw Fallon step forward as well, folding her arms across her chest and scowling at Thomas Trent.

I blinked away the stinging in my eyes, but I couldn’t swallow over the lump in my fucking throat.

I couldn’t believe it.

I’d never really thought that they didn’t love me, or at least like me, but I guess I didn’t really believe it until now.

This was my family.

“Jax.” Ciaran stepped forward. “Just say the word.”

I looked down at Juliet’s glittering green eyes, rubbing her chilled arms, and I knew exactly what I wanted. Exactly what I needed to do.

I dug out my phone, making a call as I walked over to stand right in front of my father and look him straight in the eye.

“Hi,” I answered when the call picked up. “This is Jaxon Trent. Twelve forty-two Fall Away Lane. We need the police. Two men have broken into my house. No ambulance needed.”

I hung up and handed the phone to Jared. “I’m going to bed,” I said, and then walked away. “Tell the cops I’ll be down in the morning to file my report.”

I circled Juliet’s waist, scooped her up under her knees, and carried her up the stairs, cradling her in front of me.

Stepping into the bathroom, I kicked the door shut behind us and set her on the counter. I skipped the lights and instead lit the candle sitting on the sink counter.

Her forehead immediately fell against my chest, and I felt her shoulders shaking. “I love you,” she whispered.

Clasping the back of her neck, I kissed her hair. “Are you okay?” I asked.

She nodded into my chest, and I pulled her back, tipping her chin up to look at the cut my father had made.

The thin crimson line had stopped bleeding, but guilt weighed me down. “We should go to the hospital,” I said, concerned.

She closed her eyes, shaking her head. “I’m fine,” she assured me. “I don’t want to leave. Just you and me. No one else.”

Yeah. I felt it, too.

“Come here.” I pulled her off the edge and lifted the shirt over her head, letting the thin, gray fabric pool on the floor.

Hurrying over, I turned on the shower and stripped out of my clothes and then came back to her. She slipped her underwear down her legs, and I hoisted her up, wrapping her legs around my waist.

I carried us into the tub, feeling both of our bodies erupt in chills with the soothing touch of the hot water pouring down over us. Sitting, I kept her straddling me as I lay back and brought her body down against mine, holding her tight. Her cheek rested against my shoulder, and I closed my eyes, indulging in this dark, warm, and cozy cave we’d created.