“Yes, sir. I’ll try there.”

“Jared,” he piped up again, calmer than I expected. “Find my child. Get her home safe,” he ground out every angry word. “And don’t leave her side until I get home.”

I nodded, even though he couldn’t see it.

“And then,” he added, “I may never let you near her again.”

My stomach dropped to my feet, and he hung up.

Driving into Concord Hill Cemetery was like stepping into a dream on shaky ground. I’d been here a lot of times before but rarely without Tate.

Her mother was buried there, and it was where I’d realized that she was more than a friend. I’d brought a balloon to her mother’s grave and stolen the fossil necklace that Tate had left her mother from here.

Even though this place was tied to something painful for Tate, I looked at it with good memories.

My heart started bouncing around my chest like a tennis ball when I saw her dad’s Bronco parked along the side of the lane near her mom’s grave.

She was safe.

I let out a breath and pulled in behind her truck, cutting the engine.

My boots ground the shattered glass under my feet from Tate smashing my windows as I got out of the car, but I barely noticed.

My eyes were on her, lying on top of her mom’s grave, forehead down to the ground.

I tried to put myself in her shoes.

Did I care that people saw me ha**ng s*x with someone?


Did I care that people saw my girlfriend’s body? Not just her na**d body but what it was doing to mine?

Hell f**king yes.

It made what we were doing dirty.

My chest ached, and I wanted to rip the town apart to find out who did this.

“Tate.” I couldn’t do any more than whisper her name as I approached.

She tensed, but she wouldn’t look at me.


Tate, we are climbing out of this f**king mess one way or another, because no one ruins us.

“Haven’t you won, Jared? Why won’t you just leave me alone?”

“Tate, this is all so f**ked up. I—”

She cut me off. “No! No more!” she yelled, spinning around and firing her loaded eyes at me. “Do you hear me? My life here is ruined. No one will let me live this down. You’ve won. Don’t you get it? You. Have. Won! Now leave me alone!”

I lost my words. I lost my breath. My hands went up to my hair, and I tried to figure out how to get control of this. “Just stop for a minute, okay?” I held out my hands and calmed my voice.

“I’ve listened to your stories. Your excuses.”

She got up and started walking back to the road. To her car.

“I know,” I talked to her back. “My words aren’t good enough. I can’t explain any of this. I don’t know where that video came from!” I shouted when she wouldn’t stop.

“It came from your phone, ass**le!” she shot back, twisting her face slightly back to me. “No, never mind. I’ve stopped talking to you.” And she kept charging ahead.

She wasn’t staying and talking this out. She was damn pissed and clearly wanted to be away from me.

“I called your dad!”

That stopped her in her tracks.

She mumbled something under her breath, but I couldn’t hear it. I probably didn’t want to hear it, either.

She was still. She was quiet.

Move, motherfucker!

“Tate, I didn’t send that video to anyone.” Hear me, baby. “I didn’t even record a video of us.”

This is yours and mine, and no one takes it from us.

She was listening, so I kept going for as long as she let me. “I haven’t seen my phone in two days. I left it upstairs at Tori’s party when we were listening to music. When I remembered later, I went back to get it, but it was gone. Don’t you remember?”

The chill in the air made the sweat on my brow feel like ice, and I watched the wind blow Tate’s long hair around her back.

As long as she’s not moving away, it’s a good sign.

“You’re a liar,” she snarled in a low voice.

Well, that wasn’t a good sign.

Taking a chance, I walked up to her.

Only just this morning, she’d been laughing as my fingers tickled her sides and then whispering my name as I made love to her.

She had to feel me. Even if I wasn’t touching her, she had to feel me.

“I called your dad, because he was going to find out anyway. That goddamn, f**king video is out there, and I wanted him to hear it from me first. He’s coming home.”

The tension in her shoulders slacked, but her head dropped. Almost like she’d given up.

“I love you more than myself,” I told her, “more than my own family, for Christ’s sake. I don’t want to take another step in this world without you next to me.”

And as much as I hated to admit that, it was true.

I loved my mother and my brother. But if it ever came between the three, I would always pick Tate.

When she didn’t turn around or say anything, I dropped my hand to her shoulder. “Tate.”

But she whipped around, flinging my hand off her body. Her eyes were guarded.

I was still the enemy.

“You have every right not to trust me, Tate. I know that. My f**king heart is ripping open right now. I can’t stand the way you’re looking at me. I could never hurt you again. Please…let’s try to fix this together.” My voice was cracking, and the lump in my throat got bigger.