Sergei spun back around, rage burning in his eyes. “And as for you—”

“Oh please, like I gave you one fucking thing to pick on tonight, Dad.” He wasn’t anything even resembling that word, but damn was it fun to throw it in his face. “I blew even your best performance out of the water, so think twice about coming at me with your bullshit. Or better yet, just stay the fuck away like I told you after the last two games.”

Maxim stiffened.

“You’re not worth it. You’ve never been worth it,” he said every word slowly as if he wanted to make sure I knew he was speaking his truth, and not from a place of anger like he had been at Maxim.

It fucking hurt, and he knew it.

With a snide little smirk, he spun back to Maxim, and clipped Evie, who had been moving toward Mila’s side, sending the blonde careening into the concrete wall.

Maxim moved faster than I’d ever seen him, throwing his hand out and barely catching her head before it had the chance to slam into the stone, then hauling her against him.

Mila gasped.

“For fuck’s sake, Dad!” Maxim hissed, his hand cradling Evie’s head protectively.

Sergei blanched but quickly schooled his features. “The girl is fine. Mila, bring your friend and meet me in the car. We’re done here.”

He stormed out, shoving the door open to the parking lot and disappearing.

“Are you okay?” Mila asked Evie as Maxim released her.

“Fine,” Evie murmured. “Thank you, Maxim.” She looked up at him like he was the answer to every question in the universe, with a yearning so acute it almost hurt my heart. Damn, that was…interesting.

Maxim grunted and fished his keys out of his pocket, thrusting them at Mila. “Here. Go to my car. You’re not riding with him when he’s like this.”

“He’ll calm down—” she started.

“Not taking that chance. Go. You too, Evangeline.” He nodded toward the door.

Mila’s lips pursed as she looked over at me. “Jansen—”

“If you have ever loved me, you’ll go right now, Mila,” Maxim interrupted, his voice dropping.

Mila glanced between us, then gave me an apologetic look. She took Evie’s hand and walked out the door, leaving Maxim and me alone. We weren’t a family, but that sure as hell didn’t stop us from being dysfunctional, and in that moment, I almost felt…bad for him.

“I meant what I said. You saved my ass—”

Maxim whipped his head toward mine, and the fury in his eyes put me right back on guard. “I don’t fucking need you to defend me!”

I bristled. “Yeah, you did. Not sure if you noticed, but he was ripping you the fuck apart.”

“That was nothing.” He jabbed his finger at me just like Sergei had done to him a few minutes earlier. “And stay the hell away from Mila. She’s the only good thing to come out of my family!”

“What the hell? Like I’d hurt our sister?” I snapped. Wait—

“Our?” He came at me, drawing back his fist. “She’s my sister, not ours. My sister. My brother. My father. My family. None of it belongs to you!”

“Stop it!” London flew between us, putting a hand on each of our chests.

“London!” Caspian roared, sprinting toward us.

“I’ve got this!” she answered her brother, but her eyes were locked on Maxim. “Go get some air, Maxim.”

“Me?” he roared. “Why aren’t you yelling at him?”

“Because he’s not the one being a flaming asshole!” she retorted.

Maxim scoffed, taking a step back as he did his best to glare me to death.

London pivoted, facing me, but I didn’t take my eyes off Maxim. “Jansen,” she said softly. “Come on. Let’s take a walk.” When that didn’t work, she laced her fingers with mine and lifted our hands to her heart. “Jansen, please.”

The plea in her tone broke through the icy rage, and I looked down into her eyes.

“Come on, baby.” She brought my hand to her mouth and pressed a kiss to the back of it.

“Baby? What the fuck?” Caspian asked slowly.

Well, shit.

London sucked in a breath, her eyes widening as her gaze whipped to her brother. “I…uh…just…”

Caspian looked pointedly at our joined hands before arching a brow at his sister. “Want to clue me in here, sis?”

“It’s all my fault.” I turned to face Caspian.

“I’m in love with him,” London blurted, locking her fingers even tighter around mine. “I love Jansen. I have for months, but I didn’t want you to get mad or for other people to think I was sleeping with a player to secure my job—”

“Sleeping with?” Caspian turned that icy stare on me. “Seriously?”

“I am in love with your sister, man. And I would have told you, but London asked me not to—” I cringed. “You know what? No excuses. I should have told you.”

“I know you’re pissed at me for falling for one of your teammates,” she rushed.