She couldn't prevent a silent, "We'l see," but she smiled and nodded.

"I'l talk to you later."


"Okay, tomorrow."

Luke had been planning to get up early and head to the base so he could resume his regular duties. He couldn't imagine he'd be grounded much longer, so he didn't want to take any more leave. But he would've gone into the houseboat with Ava if Geoffrey hadn't been there--and not only because he was feeling so possessive. He was uncomfortable with what they'd found at Kalyna's, nervous that Tati's father stil hadn't heard from her and it was nearly ten o'clock at night. "You sure you'l be okay after he leaves?" he asked.

"Of course. There's no need to worry. Kalyna doesn't even know where I live," she said. Then she waved and closed the door.

Traffic had been horrendous. There were moments when Kalyna had wanted to scream in frustration. She'd driven to Oakland to buy what she needed, and had managed to get there in record time. It was the return trip that'd taken so long. A semi had overturned, backing up traffic for miles.

But she was home now. And she had everything she needed.

She carried the bags into her bedroom and laid her purchases on the bed. She had a hairnet, latex gloves, a black ski mask, a black turtleneck, black pants and black utility boots. She wouldn't use a single piece of clothing she already owned because there could be hair or other sources of DNA that could get left behind.

Picking up the new boots, she studied them with satisfaction. This was the smartest purchase of all, she thought. They were new, so any footprints wouldn't reveal an unusual tread or the kind of markings that came with wear. And they weren't military issue--important since she was in the military and definitely didn't want to give that away. To top it off, she'd bought the boots in a men's size eleven to mislead anyone who might be looking at shoe size. The rope and the duct tape she'd left in the trunk of her car, along with her knife and a crowbar she'd purchased for good measure.

She pictured Ava's shock. "You won't know what hit you," she said with a smile. The only thing she hadn't bought was a charger for her phone.

But she was too consumed with what she had planned to worry about that.

She didn't want to hear from anyone right now, anyway. There'd be tomorrow and the rest of the week to squirm out of what she'd done to her mother and to apologize to her superior officer for disappearing without permission. It'd be a lot easier to pull her life back together if she wasn't worried about Ava seeing Luke.

As she stripped down, Kalyna had to decide whether or not to shower. She'd already been in the houseboat and could've left traces of DNA then, so in one way it seemed excessively cautious. But depositing more DNA would only raise the chances of it being found and used in an investigation, so she made herself wash and shave al the hair from her body as she'd originally planned. If she had time after kil ing Ava, she'd vacuum and dust and do everything possible to erase her earlier visit, too.

Kalyna was stil whistling when she finished showering. She was going to enjoy telling Ava that she'd never see Luke again, or anyone else, for that matter. She wished she could rape Ava with her knife. She wanted to destroy the very essence of Ava, what made her a woman. That'd teach her to think she could make love with Luke.

But that would mean blood, and blood was the first thing the cops would look for.

She walked into the bedroom to get dressed--and realized she couldn't put her boots on in the apartment. They might track carpet fibers into Ava's place. She'd have to walk out in her socks and put the boots on in her car, after shaking off the rubber mats.

Maybe she wouldn't have as much fun as she wanted, but at least they'd never catch her. Ava didn't have a chance.

About to pull on the turtleneck, Kalyna walked around the bed--and stepped in something wet that seemed to be spreading out from under her suitcases. Surprised, she pushed it aside and glanced down. It felt as if she'd spil ed a glass of water on the carpet. Except that the spot was too big.

She went into the bathroom to see if her toilet had overflowed in her absence, but she'd used it before getting in the shower. And the carpet between the bed and the bathroom was dry. There was only one wet area, and it was right in front of her dresser.

"These crappy apartments," she muttered. "There must be a plumbing leak." But she'd have to deal with that tomorrow.

It was time to go.

Chapter 33

When the phone rang, Luke was lying on the couch. He muted the TV

and answered without bothering to check caller ID. He was hoping it'd be Ava. He hadn't liked leaving her with Geoffrey and had felt a little unsettled ever since--which was why he hadn't gone to bed. He planned to call her if she didn't contact him by eleven-thirty.

But it wasn't Ava. The voice on the other end of the line took him by complete surprise.


Marissa sounded so familiar and yet so different. Older. Strained. It was as if he could hear the years in every word--the years they'd spent apart, struggling to forget each other.

Suddenly too tense to remain in a prone position, he sat up and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and staring at the carpet.

"Yeah, it's me."

"This is Marissa."

"I know." He wanted to ask how she'd been, but there were so many emotions pouring through him he couldn't say anything at all. An awkward silence ensued before he managed a strangled, "I'm sorry about Phil."

"So am I."

Silence again. His mind whirred and his muscles grew tense--he could hear his blood rushing through his ears--but Luke didn't know what to say.

"It's late," she said. "Would you rather I called back another time?"

That was a loaded question if ever he'd heard one. She was asking if he wanted to talk to her at al . And he couldn't decide. He'd stifled his feelings for so many years that he wasn't sure what, if anything, was left.

Had she become nothing more than a dream? An ideal? The one woman no one else could compete with?

He had no answers. Neither could he say if Phil would continue to overshadow them. It wasn't as though either of them would ever forget Phil.

He and Marissa had been married. They had a son. Luke didn't want to make a move on his best friend's wife and child. That was just too...opportunistic, made him feel lower than dirt. Which was why he hadn't even allowed himself to think about Marissa, let alone contact her. This whole nightmare with Kalyna had made it easier than it otherwise would've been, but now the past was staring him right in the face.

"This is fine." He couldn't hang up. He was mesmerized by the temptation of Marissa and the possibilities.