Ava obviously felt some personal responsibility for the situation. "How old were you when they got together?"

"I was in high school but left for college soon after. That's why I didn't know their relationship was as bad as it was. Although I mostly put myself through college, my mother would send me money every once in a while.

She'd insist she was doing fine. And of course I'd visit on weekends and holidays. But..." The slight tremor in her voice told him she was close to tears. He'd broken down her defenses because he couldn't stand to be shut out and now he felt guilty for dredging up a subject that was so painful for her.

Reaching across the table, he took her hand. He expected her to pull away. She was determined not to need anyone, to shoulder her burdens on her own. But she allowed him to move his fingertip lightly over her palm.

"Sometimes people get desperate," he said. "Sometimes they make bad decisions."

"Bad decisions?" she echoed. "She tried to kil him!"

The anger and bitterness she carried inside were more than apparent. But so was the longing she felt for the mother she'd once had.

The attempted murder had occurred when she was probably at her most self-absorbed, focused on her schooling and the hope of a good career.

From what he could sense, she didn't blame her mother as much as she blamed herself--for not seeing her mother's desperation, for not being there to relieve it before it cost them each other.

"It might be easier if you'd forgive her--and yourself," he added and, just like that, she closed up again. Yanking away her hand, she got up and stalked to the restroom and Luke was left with the sensation of her fingers slipping through his.

Ava didn't want to leave the restroom. She hadn't known Luke long but he had a way of making her feel as if there was nowhere to hide. She kept trying to convince herself he was as shallow as her father, nothing more than a handsome face, but then he'd catch a nuance her father would've missed, and that forced her to respect him. Even Geoffrey took what she said about her mother at face value. It was Luke who'd immediately driven to the heart of the matter. And he was right. She couldn't forgive Zelinda, but she held herself more accountable than anyone. She'd let her mother down; because of that Zelinda had become so needy and desperate she'd committed a terrible act, and now their lives would never be the same.

Could she have changed the situation if she'd been more observant?

More supportive? A better daughter? Those were the questions she asked herself time and again, but the answers never came. There was no way to go back and rectify the situation. That was the worst part of all.

Knowing she had to go out and face Luke again, she stared at herself in the mirror above the sink. When they'd walked into the restaurant, the hostess had looked her up and down as if she couldn't quite believe they were together. And Ava didn't blame her. They were a mismatch. That was clear to everyone. But it didn't stop her from craving his touch. This morning, when she'd opened her eyes and found him standing over her, every nerve had come to life.

The door opened. "Ms. Bixby?"

Ava turned to see the hostess. "Yes?"

"Are you okay? Captain Trussell wanted me to check."

Taking a deep breath, she nodded. "I'm fine. Tell him I'l be out in a minute."

What the heck was wrong with her? She couldn't stand there in the restroom mooning over Luke. She had work to do.

If only Pete hadn't shown up today. Then Luke would've left and she'd be home by herself....

After splashing some water on her face, she walked out, but her cell phone rang before she could cross the restaurant. Staying near the restrooms so she wouldn't disturb the other diners, she pulled it from her pocket and touched the Talk button. "Hello?"

"Ms. Bixby?" It was a male voice calling from a 480 area code--

Arizona. The rest of the number she didn't recognize.


"This is Detective John Morgan from the Mesa Police Department in Arizona."

The only person she knew from Arizona was Kalyna. Had something happened to her?

Flashbacks of the call she'd received the day Bella Fitzgerald hanged herself hit with startling impact, and Ava's knees went weak. Had it happened again? Had she completely missed the signs that a second human being was living so close to the edge?

She could see Luke watching her from across the room, noted the concern on his face as he got up and came toward her, but she stayed where she was. "Don't tell me you're calling about Kalyna Harter," she said, scarcely able to breathe.

"I'm afraid so," Detective Morgan responded. "How well do you know Sergeant Harter?"

Trying to concentrate despite the worst-case scenario that had instantly appeared in her mind, Ava pressed the fingertips of her free hand to her temple. "I work for a victims' charity in Sacramento. She came to me last Monday, claiming she'd been raped. That was the first time I'd ever met her."

There was a brief pause while he absorbed this information, but Ava couldn't wait for him to formulate his next question. She had to know what was going on. "Please tell me she's okay."

"I have no idea," he said. "I haven't seen her, although I'd like the chance to speak with her. It seems she left early this morning. Just about the time her mother was murdered."

Chapter 22

"What is it?" Luke asked when Ava had finished her conversation.

She hit the End button and glanced up at him. "Kalyna's mother is dead. Someone kil ed her early this morning."

He grew even more alert. "You're kidding me."

"No. Her husband found her on the kitchen floor when he got up at nine. There were signs of a struggle. Her money was gone. So was her wedding ring."

"Was it Kalyna?"

Ava slipped the phone into her pocket. "They don't know yet, but...she's a suspect. She was there last night."

"She's not there now?"


"Oh, God." He pinched the bridge of his nose. "She's psycho, completely nuts."

"You may be right."

"Who called to tell you?"

Two diners kept looking at her, so she pulled Luke farther into the alcove by the restrooms. "A detective from the Mesa police. Kalyna's sister, Tati, told him I was working with Kalyna. He thought she might've tried to contact me. That I might be able to tell him where she is."

"The air force sure as hell can't tell him."


"What does he think happened?"

"He doesn't know yet. He said Mr. Harter insists it had to be Kalyna.