Luke checked his speed and slowed his BMW so he wouldn't get a ticket. "My attorney wil be working with some investigators," he said.

"But this one would answer directly to us, independent of your defense. It can't hurt to have an extra pair of eyes on the job. Maybe he'l find something your attorney won't."

"Maybe." Ava's image appeared in Luke's mind--the wide mouth, the intelligent eyes, the blush that rose to her cheeks at various moments during their conversation. "I wish I could hire the woman I just met."

"Why can't you?"

"I doubt she'd do it. She works for a victims' charity, and I'm not technically considered a victim."

"Charities always need money. Tell her we'l make a generous donation."

"That might not be the only problem."

"What other problem could there be?"

"I don't think she likes me." And he hadn't done a lot to change that.

She'd assumed the worst, so he'd behaved like a conceited ass**le, just as she'd expected. Probably not the smartest move he could've made, but the frustration and anger he'd been feeling were taking their toll.

"Everyone likes you, Luke."

A grin spread across his face. This was the reason God had created mothers. "A completely unbiased opinion, I'm sure."

"Give her a call," she prodded. "The worst she can say is no."

He'd already asked for Ava's help. But he hadn't offered to donate.

Would it make a difference?

"We've never hired a private investigator before," his mother went on.

"Who knows what we might get? We could end up with someone who's a total waste of money. This woman is local, she's familiar with the case, she believes Kalyna is lying--"

"And she's good at what she does," he finished.

"Exactly. It's worth a shot, isn't it?"

"I'l think about it." He wasn't sure he had the nerve to contact Ava again. Are you really that attracted to me? Because I'm not having the same problem. Had he actually said that? He was never rude to a woman. And then there was the comment he'd made about his penis...That one was definitely over the top.

"Okay, you think about it," his mother said. "And if you don't want to call her, your father wil ."

"Mom," he warned. "You have to let me handle this."

"But I have a good feeling about it, Luke. We were just discussing this before you called, so it's serendipitous that you've mentioned someone who'd be ideal. Anyway, let's discuss it some more tomorrow. If I don't get our movie started now, it'l be too late."

"No problem." He said goodbye, then he considered calling Ava to see if he could enlist her help. The fact that she'd started out on Kalyna's side and then switched over to his would speak volumes. That in itself would lend him credibility, wouldn't it?

Positive that it would, he went so far as to scroll through his call list and highlight her number. But too many things he'd said echoed back to him. You can talk to any of the women I've dated. They'l all tell you I'm an amazing lover.

God, what had gotten into him? He wasn't going to call her. He hoped he never had to face her again.

She was dropping the case. Maybe he should just leave well enough alone.

Chapter 15

Nearly three hundred and fifty dollars wasn't a bad take. And because she'd made a quick trip to the Quick Stop next door and insisted on charging for a condom if her partner was set on using one, only two of the men had bothered. That meant she had a good chance of getting pregnant.

What more could it take? At least one of those guys had to be virile enough. And Tati was none the wiser. It was all Kalyna could do not to laugh in her sister's face. How stupid could she be?

Tati had come outside looking for Kalyna once, but someone in line waylaid her until Kalyna could straighten her clothes. At that point, Kalyna had acted as if she'd just stepped out for a smoke and some conversation, and because there were so many men with her, Tati never questioned it.

After that close call, the guys who'd already been outside kept Tati busy, flattering her with compliments, games of darts and invitations to dance, and she didn't bother to check again.

"What are you smiling about?" Tati asked. They were in Kalyna's car, but Tati was driving. Tati had only had one beer; Kalyna could barely stand.

"I had fun tonight," she said.

"I did, too." Tati smiled shyly. "Those guys were nice, weren't they?"

Kalyna thought of her bulging wallet. "Very."

Tati stopped at a red light. "Guess what?"


"Danny asked for my number." Excitement lit her face. "And I hope he calls. I really like him."

Kalyna noticed the flush on her sister's cheeks. "Which one was Danny?"

"The cute one with the red hair."

"I don't remember him," Kalyna lied, but she did. He hadn't come out back. None of the other guys knew him well enough to invite him. But she'd taken him into the women's restroom once she'd seen his interest in her sister. He'd said he didn't want to have sex with her, but after they shared a few lines of coke she'd gotten from another guy in lieu of payment, he'd been eager enough.

"How could you miss him?" Tati asked. "He was the best-looking guy there. And he danced with me a few times."

Kalyna adjusted her seat belt, which was so confining she couldn't get comfortable. "I remember now."

"He was hot, don't you think?"

"Not so much. I wouldn't go out with him if I were you."

She scowled. "Why not?"

"He's not your type."

"How do you know? You spent all your time outside, smoking."

Oh, well. If Tati wouldn't listen, she'd have to settle for Kalyna's leftovers. Kalyna imagined seeing Danny with her sister at Christmas dinner, both of them knowing what they'd done, and her smile grew wider.

Maybe they'd do it again. Maybe he'd be the father of her baby. "Suit yourself," she said, and slid lower in her seat to stop her head from spinning.

The light turned green, and Tati gave the car some gas. "Since when did you start smoking, anyway?"

"I don't smoke. Not really. Just when I'm drinking and having a good time. And even then, only occasionally."

"I wish you wouldn't. It's not healthy."

Her sister was worried because she'd smoked a few cigarettes? Tati's complete naivete made Kalyna giggle.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing. You're...sweet, you know that?"

Obviously pleased, Tati squeezed Kalyna's hand as if she'd meant it as a compliment. "I'm glad we got to go out tonight. This is the first time I feel we've really connected since you came home."