I answered questions about the new goalie and the other rookies, along with the few trades we’d taken and lost. The next reporter wanted to know about the ostrich costume. The next asked about the charitable fund.

On and on the questions went until it had at least been ten minutes since Annabelle left my side.

Finally, I reached the last reporter.

“Hi, Connell!” The perky blonde said with a wave.

“Hey there.” I smiled, glad that this was the last of them.

“I’m Penny Whitmore with Charleston Chatter, and our readers are just dying to know about these rumors that you’re dating a local girl.” She held out the microphone.

“They’re not rumors. I’m in a relationship with a beautiful, smart woman from Sweet Water.” My smile turned real at the thought of Annabelle.

“That’s what we thought! So since it’s just the two of us—”

Two of us my arse.

“Does this mean you’re turning over a new leaf? You’ve been one of the Reapers’ most eligible bachelors since you moved to Charleston last year, and though we’ve heard many southern girls have tried to win your heart, you just weren’t a relationship guy! Does this mean that there’s hope for your many fans that you might be looking local?”

I blinked and tried to keep my smile in place.

“I would have to say that I was waiting for the right girl. I think the right woman can make any man ready for a relationship. But as for looking local, I’d have to say no, since I’ve already found Annabelle.”

Penny Whitmore’s forehead puckered. “Oh. So—” her eyes darted sideways. “So you’re in this for the long haul?”

“I am,” I confirmed. “Why do you seemed so surprised?” My smile flattened.

“Oh, well, we do this segment every week where we compare celebrity relationships, and when we compared pictures of you with past flames to pictures with you and...Annabelle, we noticed that she definitely doesn’t blend in with your usuals.”

You’re on film. Keep it polite. Langley will crush your balls if you give this woman a real piece of your mind.

I swallowed and composed my words carefully.

“She definitely isn’t my usual type,” I admitted. “She made me chase her relentlessly for one. I can’t ever remember having to work so hard to get a date in my entire life.” I laughed, trying to lighten the interview. “Truthfully, in the past, I’ve always dated women who were in the same social sphere. Women who were used to this kind of thing.” I gestured down the carpet. “And Annabelle is refreshingly new to all of this. So when ye note that she’s not my usual type, I absolutely agree with you. I’m used to women at my level, and Annabelle is completely and totally out of my league. I have no idea why she puts up with me, honestly.”

Ms. Whitmore’s jaw dropped, and she struggled to recover. “Lucky girl.”

“I’m the lucky one. Trust me. Now, if you’ll excuse me, we have money to raise.” I gave her a smile that wasn’t in the least bit friendly and turned to see Annabelle only a few feet away.

By the mix of awe and happiness on her face, she must have heard what I’d just said.

I reached for her, and she placed her hand in mine.

“That…” She shook her head as her words failed.

“I know ye don’t want to hear it, but I love ye. And every word I said was true. Ye are entirely out of my league. But I’m thankful you’re willing to date down a wee bit.” I brushed a kiss across her forehead, and then we were moving.

We walked past the doormen and into the event, which was decorated in lush shades of green and gold. My girl stood out just like she should have.

“So, what do we do now?” Annabelle asked, looking into the crowd milling before us.

“You both look fabulous!” Persephone said with her sugar-sweet drawl as she approached in a pale blue ballgown that reminded me of a Disney movie. “Annabelle, you make that dress a knockout, and thank you for talking Connell out of that ostrich suit he wore to your 5K.”

“Thank you!” Annabelle answered. “And really, I can’t thank you enough for all you did getting the Reapers to the 5k, and coming yourself! This…” Annabelle looked over the decor as the band took the stage. “This is just lovely. You’re so talented!”

Persephone blushed, ducking her head slightly as a tall, thin man came up behind her, putting his hand on the small of her back.

“You should have seen our senior prom. This woman sure knows how to plan a party,” he said. “Michael Carlisle,” he introduced himself with an outstretched hand.

“Connell MacDhuibh,” I answered, “And this is my girlfriend, Annabelle Clarke.”

“Lovely to meet you,” Annabelle said as her gaze flickered between the two of them.

“Michael is an old friend of my family,” Sephie said with a slightly strained smile.