I blinked, feeling like I’d missed a road sign somewhere. “Uh, because that’s her nickname? You can’t honestly think a lass that little is going to carry her full name around like that.”

“And how the hell do you know it?” He stepped toward me.

“Because I was in her office signing some sticks—hockey sticks, Cannon. You’ve gone daft, man. Anyway, her dad popped in and called her Sephie.” I didn’t back up, but it was only because I knew him well enough to know he wasn’t going to murder me like the look in his eyes suggested.

He studied me for a long minute and then nodded. Then he climbed over the wall and headed out to the ice.

“What in the bleeding hell was that about?” I asked Logan.

He shook his head, watching Cannon skate off. “No clue.”

“Ward! MacDhuibh! Let’s go!” Axel called out, forming lines for a scrimmage.

“Shall we kick some newbie arse?” I asked Logan.

“Hell yes.”

“So this is it, huh? The start of the season?” Annabelle tightened the sash around her robe, looked out over the crowded backyard, and sighed. Her sun hat was huge but sexy as hell, and she was wearing the same oversized glasses she’d worn the first day we met.

“You don’t have to look like it’s the end of the world, lass. It’s just our kick-off party.” Every Reaper was in the yard was in various states of undress. Some were still fully clothed, and others were already in swimsuits, enjoying the pool.

One of the poor rookies was enjoying the pool fully clothed thanks to ogling Faith, Lukas’s wife.

“I know. It just feels like summer is over.”

I took her face in my hands and kissed her, taking my time despite the party going on twenty feet away. Nothing ever seemed to matter while I was kissing Annabelle. She parted her lips, and I sank into her, swirling my tongue around hers until she gripped my bare shoulders and moaned.

“Fuck the party, let’s go upstairs,” I murmured against her lips.

She grinned and shook her head. “It’s your party, Connell. We can’t just disappear.”

“Sure we can.” I tugged her against me and filled my hands with her sweet arse. “No one will even know we’re gone.”

Her hands slipped down my chest, then traced the lines of my abs. “As much as I would love to take you upstairs, there’s no chance that’s going to happen while you have all these people here.”

“I’ll kick them out,” I offered.

She laughed, and I groaned as she pulled away from me. “Let’s go join your guests.”

I groaned but took her hand.

“You sure?” she asked, looking down at our entwined fingers.

“I couldn’t care less who knows about us. If you’re worried about being public, then don’t stress. No one here will run off to the press.” I stood at the giant glass doors and waited for her to make her choice.

“Okay,” she said with a nod.

My smile was Cheshire-cat big as we walked onto the patio, then down the steps that led to the pool area.

“I can’t believe you bought a splash pad just for the Reaper kids.” She shook her head as we passed a few players. The deck was crowded, but there were still a few lounge chairs open over by Echo, where I knew Annabelle would feel most comfortable.

“Well, I figured my kids would like it, too.”

She halted.

“Annabelle?” When she dropped my hand, I turned to face her.

“You have kids?” she hissed.

I took off her sunglasses so I could see her eyes and noticed they were almost as big as the lenses had been.

“No, lass. I don’t have children. At least not yet. But maybe one day.”

She blinked away the shock and blushed. “Oh. Okay. Sorry, I just realized that there is so much I don’t know about you.”

“There’s time.” All the time she wanted. I wasn’t going anywhere.

“So, you want kids?” she asked, taking my hand again.

I watched some of the younger generations of Reapers play in the splash pad and nodded. “Aye. I’d like a family.”

“Annabelle!” Echo called out and waved us over.

“Hey!” Annabelle dropped her bag on the empty chair closest to Echo’s.

“I’m going to get in,” I whispered in her ear.

“I think I’m just going to visit here with Echo.” She clutched the corners of her robe together.

I kissed her forehead, and when I pulled away, Echo was open-mouthed staring at us. “I think you’re the sexiest woman on the planet, and if you bring that incredible arse into the pool, I’ll make it worth your while,” I growled in her ear.

She rolled her eyes at me and gave me a little shove.

“Take care of her,” I ordered Echo.

“Uhhh, that’s my line,” she said with a huff, her gaze flickering between Annabelle and me.

I gave her a mock salute and headed for the water. A water gun fight, two slides, and two more rookies dunked, I looked over from the pool and nearly swallowed my tongue.