“Connell,” she pled, tilting her head for my kiss, but I didn’t give it to her. Instead, I retreated, only to run my hands down her neck and then the sides of her ribs.

“Fuck, Annabelle, ye have the most perfect breasts. I don’t even need to undress you to know it.” She arched, and I took the invitation, cupping the overflowing mounds in my hands. “Damn. This. This is exactly what a woman should feel like. One day I’m going to taste these. I’m going to see if your nipples are as pink as the dresses you love, and then I’m going to suck them into tight little points until you’re begging for more.”

She whimpered and rolled her hips against mine.

Fuck, I wasn’t going to make it.

Yes, you will. For her.

“A woman feels like a road curving through lush hills, taking you to hidden places. A woman demands your attention just like that road because you don’t want to miss one dip or hollow.” I stroked my hands over the dip of her waist, and then I gripped her hips and pulled her to the edge of the counter.

“Connell,” she begged again, her voice pitching higher as her hands slammed to the counter behind her in an attempt to keep her balance and control.

Control was the one thing I wasn’t going to let my high-strung Annabelle have.

“A woman has hips a man can grab ahold of. Hips that can take every thrust and give back just as much as she’s willing to take.” Just the thought of thrusting inside her tight heat had my cock throbbing behind my zipper.

I placed my hands on her bare knees and met her lust-filled gaze with one of my own. When she shifted her legs slightly, widening for me, I let out a growl of pure, primal appreciation.

Then I sent my hands under her dress and was met with skin softer than satin as I moved to her thighs. “A woman has thighs strong enough to wrap around a man’s hips. Thighs thick enough to cushion her man as he fucks her to mindless pleasure. Thighs that—” I groaned as I reached her inner thighs. “Feel just like this. God, Annabelle, do you know what I would give to feel you wrapped around me?”

“I might have an idea,” she admitted between quick breaths.

“Good. Because God, lass. You are exactly my idea of a perfect woman.” My thumbs ran lightly over the edge of panties that felt like lace. Just picturing her had my dick straining at the zipper. How long had it been since I’d wanted a woman like this and not taken her?

Fuck that. How long had it been since I’d wanted a woman like this, period? Had I ever? Annabelle had me so tightly strung that I’d snap if I wasn’t careful.

My thumbs traced the edge of her panties again, and she rocked her hips, urging me on.

“Connell, I’m on fire.” She sat up straight and gripped my shirt in her hands. Then she started flicking the buttons free one at a time, baring my skin.

“Lass,” I warned.

“Please?” She looked at me with those eyes, and I would have given her whatever she asked for. My life. My career. Anything.

“Do with me what you will,” I said with a grin.

She tugged her lower lip between her straight, even teeth, and made quick work of removing my shirt. As soon as it was off, I sent my hands straight back to the heat of her, only inches away from her core even though she remained fully dressed.

But if she kept looking at me like I was dessert, she wouldn’t be fully dressed for long. “What are you thinking?” I asked as her gaze raked over me with the same hunger I felt.

Her fingers traced the lines of my muscles, running over my pecs, then tracing down my abs. “I think…” Her eyes met mine. “I think I could probably come just from looking at you.”

My cock pulsed, firmly in agreement.

“That’s exactly how I feel about you,” I told her. Then I moved my thumb over slightly and groaned at the feel of her through the lace that covered her pussy, wet and so warm.

She gasped and gripped my neck, pulling me to her mouth.

“Let me touch you,” I begged, uncaring that I hadn’t begged a woman for anything since...ever.

Her breaths hit my lips in ragged bursts, and I was nearly undone. Fuck me, I hadn’t even really kissed the lass tonight—had barely touched her, and I was teetering on the edge of losing my control.

“Annabelle.” Was her name a plea? A warning? I didn’t know or care.

She arched her hips, pressing my hand harder against her heat. “Do with me what you will,” she whispered.

I was smiling when I crashed my mouth to hers. There was no sweet seduction or coaxing this time. I took her mouth like I owned it, laying siege to every sweet inch and demanding her surrender. Fuck, she tasted like raspberry icing and Annabelle.