Richard thought the sliph was being uncharacteristically reserved and distant. Usually she was as eager to please as she was to travel. In the past the sliph had always been solicitous, bordering on pandering, always wanting to travel with him. Although he was somewhat confused by the chilly reception, he ignored it as he urged the others to step forward.

As they stood close around the well, the sliph extended a silvery arm, brushing it briefly across the foreheads of Cassia, Vale, Nicci, and Kahlan, touching Richard last.

“Not ideal,” the sliph announced, “but each of you has enough of what is needed. I can take you all if you insist.”

“We’re trapped in here,” Richard said, his frustration with her strange behavior growing by the moment. His annoyance increasingly crept into his tone. “Anyone left here will die. So, yes, I insist that we all travel.”

The sliph assessed him for a moment with her liquid quicksilver gaze before finally answering. “Very well.”

Richard lifted his sword a few inches from its scabbard and then let it drop back down. “We have no other way out of here. I need to take my sword with me.”

“Your need for that object is not important to me.”

He had to put an effort into keeping his temper in check. “I know that in the past traveling with it was lethal. Is there a way for me to bring it this time? That’s what I need to know.”

The lustrous metallic face studied him a moment before the sliph again reached out to glide a silvery hand along his brow, then moved it down to touch the sword resting in its scabbard.

“This dangerous thing belongs to you,” the cool voice said.

“Yes. It’s my sword.”

“I mean, it is linked to you through magic. It is bonded to you.”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“In addition to that link to this object, you now have death in you. Because of the link to you, it will not harm the others.”

“What about me?” Richard asked. “Will it harm me?”

The silver face showed no emotion. “I told you. You have death in you.”

It wasn’t a question. “Yes. What of it?”

“If you did not have death within you, it would kill them once they entered me. That object would bring death to you as well if you brought it with you, except that you already have death in you. Since you already have death in you, it can’t bring death into you.”

“Why not?” Nicci asked, clearly not convinced.

The sliph lifted her brow at the sorceress. “Because you can’t be killed twice. He is already dead. At least, to a degree and as far as the magic is concerned. He is already crossing the veil, already irretrievably beyond hope of escaping that death taking him, beyond hope of remaining alive. Since death already has him in its grip, it can’t take him a second time.”

“We don’t have death in us,” Nicci pressed. “So why wouldn’t it kill the rest of us?”

The silver face looked displeased to have to explain it. “The object is designed to kill. It seeks to bring death to the living. He is living, but he has death in him, so as long as he is in me along with you, the magic within the object is locked on him. It has a purpose designed into it. It cannot go outside that purpose. You might say that because of his condition, the object is fixated on him for now, so you are able to slip through without drawing its lethal magic.”

“So then I can bring it,” Richard said, eager not to have to discuss it. Kahlan was already looking more than a little alarmed and he didn’t want to get her any more upset than she already was.

“Yes,” the sliph said. “But you must understand that it will increase the death in you.”

Kahlan planted her fists on her hips. “What does that mean?”

The reflective gaze turned to her. “It means that it will steal some of the life from him and it will add instead to the power of death within him. It will be doing its job. It will move the placement of the veil within him. It will shift the balance toward death.”

Kahlan glared. “You mean it will cut the time he has in the world of life so that he will die sooner.”

“Yes. Traveling with that object will draw away some of his life and add power to the force of the other side of the veil, add power to the death he already has in him, but since he is already in the grip of death it cannot kill him.”

“By how much time?” Kahlan asked. “How much time will it steal from his life?”

“I am no expert and I can’t say for certain. But I am able to tell that it will drain away some of his remaining life force.”

Kahlan grabbed his sleeve. “Richard, you can’t afford to take that risk. You need to leave the sword here.”

He remembered the sliph telling him before that when he put her to sleep she went to be with her spirit. That meant that at least some part of her had been called from the underworld, and that concerned him. The sliph would have direct knowledge of that line between life and death.

He turned to Kahlan. “We don’t have a way to get back in here, except through her. I can’t come back for it, and I can’t leave the sword here.”

“Yes you can,” she insisted. “Richard, this is about your life.”

“No, it’s about everyone’s life.” He leaned toward her and lowered his voice. “It’s the key to something. Something mentioned in the Cerulean scrolls.” He cocked his head to the side, expecting her to complete that concept without having to say it aloud.

Recognition suddenly appeared in her eyes. The sword was the key to the power of Orden. The power of Orden had to do with the Twilight Count, prophecy, and everything else that was happening. The key to that kind of power was far too valuable to abandon.

The sliph would know of the line and the balance between worlds. He had no doubt that she was correct about the cost of taking the sword with him.

But it was a cost that really didn’t matter.

“All right, then,” he said, turning from Kahlan back to the sliph. “Let’s get going. We need to hurry.” He put a foot up on the wall. “We need to get to the People’s Palace.”

The silvery face frowned. “Where?”



Richard paused and looked up. “The People’s Palace. In D’Ha

ra. We need to travel to the People’s Palace.”

The sliph stared without comprehension. “I don’t know of such a place. I can’t travel there.”

Richard let his foot slip off the wall and back down on the floor. “What are you talking about? Of course you can. I’ve traveled with you to and from the People’s Palace in the past.”

The sliph shook her head. Little silver droplets fell back into the well to join the rolling quicksilver.

“I have never seen you before,” the sliph insisted. “You have never traveled with me.”

Richard stared, trying to figure out why she would say such a thing. “Of course you have.” He swept an arm out, as if to indicate the places far away they had gone together. “I’ve traveled with you a number of times. You have pleased me.”

A frown of displeasure grew on the silver brow. “It is not my responsibility to please anyone, even you. If you want to travel, we will travel, but I am not required to please you as well. Now, do you still wish to travel?”

Richard and Kahlan shared a look. He cleared his throat and started over.

“We need to travel. We have to get out of here. You are our only way out of here. We must all travel. If you are no longer able to take us to the People’s Palace–”

“I told you, I have never been to such a place. I cannot take you there.”

Richard forced himself to be patient. “All right, then, where are you able to take us?”

The sliph looked at him as if he had lost his mind. “To the place I am supposed to take you.”

Richard wiped a hand back across the side of his face as he reminded himself to be patient. He dared not anger her and have her vanish. The sliph, after all, was their only way out of the caves.

“Where are you supposed to take us? Are you able to name the place?”

“Of course,” the sliph said with cool detachment as the head drew back a bit. “The Wizard’s Keep.”

“The Keep,” he repeated as he stared at her. “You can go to the Keep. And where else can you travel? What other places?”

The frown on her silver brow returned. “Other places? There are no other places. There is only here and the Keep. Those are the only two places. You summoned me. I am here to take you from here to the Keep.”