“Those tales probably fall well short of the reality. With the barrier breaking down, what was on the other side is now getting out. What no one knew was that Jit was only the beginning of that evil escaping from beyond that north wall.”
Ester leaned forward a little. “What is it that’s on the other side?”
“You remember those creatures that looked like walking corpses that came up here the other night and hurt so many people, killed so many?”
Her knuckles were white. “How could I forget such a thing?”
“They were corpses animated by occult magic from beyond the north wall. They were the walking dead.”
Unable to speak, Ester stiffened with a look of horror.
“The people from beyond that wall aren’t like us,” Richard said. “They’re a kind of cannibal.”
She frowned in confusion. “A kind of cannibal? What do you mean? How can there be different kinds?”
“They eat living people, eat them while they are still alive, to try to steal their souls,” Samantha said.
Ester gasped but said nothing. She looked at a complete loss for words.
“Those from beyond the wall,” Richard told the woman, “attacked my friends who were taking us back to the People’s Palace. They were also the ones who killed Samantha’s father and likely took her mother. I think that my friends and Samantha’s mother may still be alive. We’re going in there, beyond the north wall, to try to get them back out.”
Ester looked at Samantha before looking back at Richard. “Are you serious? Do you so soon forget Henrik’s story? They attacked a whole column of your elite troops, your personal guard from the palace, and overpowered them, and you think that you two can go in there alone and not be slaughtered the moment you step through the north gate?”
That same thought had occurred to Richard.
“He won’t be alone,” Samantha said. “I’ll be with him.”
“Sometimes it’s safer to be few in number,” Richard said. “We won’t be noticed the way a whole column of troops would be.”
“Lord Rahl, far be it from me to tell you your business, but you were alone when those two men attacked you, and had we not come along when we did you would be dead now.”
Richard sighed as he rose up from beside Kahlan. “I know. But there’s no choice. It’s something I have to do. This threat could kill people in numbers beyond your ability to imagine. I’m the Lord Rahl. I have to do what is necessary to protect all the people of the New World.”
Ester dipped her head. “I can’t argue with the word of the Lord Rahl.” Ester gestured at Samantha. “But why is she going?”
“Because she is stubborn,” Richard said.
For the first time, a small smile touched Ester’s lips. “I see you have gotten to know her.”
“I have the gift,” Samantha said in her own defense. “Lord Rahl and the Mother Confessor are sick with Jit’s touch of death in them and their magic doesn’t work. I can at least help Lord Rahl with my gift. And if we can get my mother out, then she can help him, too.”
Ester considered briefly. “I see. That’s very brave of you … Samantha. Well, what can we do to help, Lord Rahl?”
“You can watch over Kahlan for me and when she wakes up tell her what’s happening. I’ll be back as soon as I can get my friends out. Then we must rush back to the People’s Palace so that they can cure us of the Hedge Maid’s deadly touch. After that, I will deal with the threat from beyond the north wall.
“When she wakes, tell Kahlan what I’ve told you, and that I said it’s important for her to wait here for me. I will be back for her. I will be bringing help.
“I need to briefly explain some of what I’ve learned so that you can tell the others here about the threat that is now loose. The people of Stroyza need to stay up here as much as possible. They shouldn’t go out alone, only in large groups. Keep a watch at all times. The unholy creatures from beyond the north wall may try to get up here to attack your people.”
“You mean, to eat us alive?”
Richard took a breath. “I’m afraid so. From up here you have a better chance of holding them off. Hopefully I’ll be back before you have any trouble.
“We need to leave right away,” Richard added. “There’s still plenty of light left. We need to get as far as we can before dark.”
“It’s a pretty long way to the north wall,” Ester said. “It will take you days to get there.”
“I know. That’s all the more reason I have to hurry.”
The climb down the side of the mountain in the damp drizzle was harder than the climb up had been. As he led the way, Richard idly wondered how many people from the village of Stroyza, over all the time the cave village had been up there, had slipped in the wet on the narrow trail and fallen to their death.
Looking up at one point, Richard saw crowds of people lining the rim of the cavern, gazing down at him and Samantha as they made the treacherous descent on the way to an even more treacherous unknown land beyond the mysterious barrier they knew as the north wall. They were probably wondering if the two would ever be seen again.
Richard dared not entertain such doubts. Kahlan was up there and he needed to bring help back for her. If he failed, he was failing her and she would die.
As Richard and Samantha had swiftly put together their supplies, he had briefly explained the dangers from the barrier failing to those gathered around helping. With no time to explain things to all the people of Stroyza, Richard told Ester and those gathered around that they would have to be the ones to let all the rest of the people know what had happened with what they called the north wall and fill them in with more of the details of the new dangers.
The Dark Lands were already a dangerous place. With the menace of the Hedge Maid recently appearing out of nowhere and mysterious hordes attacking, killing, or carrying off all the soldiers and gifted who had been with the Lord Rahl, to say nothing of the grotesque creatures that had attacked and killed so many people up in the caves, the people of Stroyza were already on high alert. He had no doubt that they would take the warnings seriously.
While he’d had the chance, Richard had impressed on those gathered around the previously unknown sort of threat that those from the third kingdom represented. Like him, none of them had ever imagined people, or half people, who thought they could steal another person’s soul by eating them alive.
He had told the people listening to come down the mountain only for something essential, and then only in groups prepared to fight off an attack. He’d been glad to hear that they had already avoided coming down ever since the attack by the walking dead. They told him that groups of men had quickly rushed down to tend their animals as necessary, but they didn’t linger. They feared that more of those corpselike monsters might be lurking down below. Richard had told them that they could very well be right. That was before they knew of the threat of the half people. Fortunately, as of yet, they had not encountered any more of the awakened dead.
He was glad that the trail up was so strenuous. The difficulty of coming up that mountainside trail to attack the cave village was probably the best defense these people had, now that they were properly on alert. They had been careless in keeping watch before, but he doubted that they would be that inattentive again.
As he paused to gaze out over the gloomy wilderness, the thought occurred to him that those back in Naja
Moon’s time probably planned the cave village high up in the mountain with defensive safety in mind. It was even possible, if not likely, that they were the ones who had constructed the cave homes in the first place for just this eventuality. The more he thought about it, the more likely it seemed.
Still, whether it was by initial intent or the village had come to be this way over time, these were not a people who were schooled in the art of fighting. They had, after all, fought off his attackers with a rock, even though they carried simple knives. He had to admit, though, that in that instance it had been pretty effective. He had told them that they shouldn’t depend on such methods in the future, and told them that when they went down to tend the animals to always have knives on them. A rock was all well and good, but a blade would serve them better in a fight for their lives.
These people, though, were meant to wait and watch. They were sentinels, watchers, the ones who were supposed to raise an alarm. It was clear to Richard that it was never intended that they would be the ones to be the first line of defense and fight the war they were here to warn about. Now that the ancient war had flared anew, they were going to have to defend themselves as best they could until Richard could do something to stop the threat.
Henrik had seen all the rushed preparations and had wanted to come with Richard and Samantha. Richard asked the boy to instead stay and help watch over Kahlan. When she woke, Henrik would then be able to fill in a lot of the blanks for her about what had happened after Richard had killed Jit. Ester could fill Kahlan in on what Richard had since learned about the barrier failing, and what he and Samantha had gone to do.
Kahlan had rescued Henrik from the Hedge Maid’s clutches. Because of that, he had a special kind of loyalty and attachment to her so it hadn’t taken a lot of convincing for Richard to get the boy to stay behind and help Kahlan.
Richard hiked the bow up onto his shoulder before negotiating a particularly treacherous turn on the steep trail. Between frequently looking down to watch his footing and looking ahead for handholds, he scanned the forest spread out in the distance below, looking for any sign of half people lying in wait. He didn’t see anyone or anything out of the ordinary, but that didn’t allay his concern. The unseen threats were what worried him the most.