The crowd spread out through the vast hallway quieted.

When Kahlan finally saw her coming, she smiled so broadly that it made her cheeks hurt. The crowd parted along the seemingly endless red carpet for the couple approaching the platform. The escorts followed in a long trail.

Cara, looking positively radiant, ascended the steps with Benjamin at her side, holding his arm. He looked magnificent in his dress uniform. Benjamin was now General Meiffert, Commander of the First File at the People’s Palace.

Cara, like all the Mord-Sith following behind, was wearing her white leather. With Benjamin’s dark uniform they made a stunning couple. In a way it reminded Kahlan of her in her white Confessor’s dress and Richard in his black war-wizard outfit.

Nicci, as beautiful as ever, smiled as she stood among the Mord-Sith to represent Cara as her official witness.

“Are you ready?” Richard asked.

Cara and Benjamin nodded, too giddy to answer, Kahlan thought.

Richard leaned down a little, fixing Benjamin in his raptor glare. “Ben, don’t you ever hurt her, do you hear me?”

“Lord Rahl, I don’t think I could hurt her if I wanted to.”

“You know what I mean.”

Benjamin smiled broadly. “I know what you mean, Lord Rahl.”

“Good,” Richard said with a smile as he straightened.

“But I can still hurt him if I want, right?” Cara asked.

Richard lifted an eyebrow. “No.”

Cara grinned.

Richard looked out over the silent crowd. “Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to be a part of something wonderful: the start of the life of Cara and Benjamin Meiffert together.

“They both have proven themselves to be the finest examples of the kind of people we all hope to be. Strong, wise, loyal to those they care about, and willing to overcome everything to embrace the highest values we have: life. They wish to share that life with each other.”

Richard’s voice broke just a bit. “No one in this room is more proud of that, or them, than I am.

“Cara, Benjamin, both of you are bound not by these words spoken before us all, but by your own hearts. These are simple words, but in simple things there is great power.”

Kahlan recognized the words from their own wedding. She thought that he could offer no greater respect for them than to use some of those same words for Cara and Benjamin.

Richard cleared his throat and paused for a moment to compose himself.

“Cara, will you have Benjamin as your husband, and will you love and honor him for all time?”

“I will,” Cara said in a clear voice that carried over the crowd.

“Benjamin,” Kahlan said, “will you have Cara as your wife, and will you love and honor her for all time?”

“I will,” he said in an equally clear voice.

“Then before your friends and loved ones, your people,” Richard said, “you are now wedded for all time.”

Cara and Benjamin came together in an embrace, kissing, as the Mord-Sith behind them cried and the crowd went wild.

When the noise finally died down, and the kiss finally ended, Richard held out a hand, inviting them to come and stand beside him and Kahlan. Berdine was still crying tears of joy on Nyda’s shoulder. Kahlan saw that Rikka, tears brimming, wore a pink ribbon in her hair that Nicci had given her.

Richard stood tall and proud as he looked out over all the faces watching him. If Kahlan didn’t see all the thousands gathered, she would have thought the halls were empty, it was that quiet.

Richard spoke, then, in a voice that all could hear.

“To exist in this vast universe for a speck of time is the great gift of life. Our tiny sliver of time is our gift of life. It is our only life. The universe will go on, indifferent to our brief existence, but while we are here we touch not just part of that vastness, but also the lives around us. Life is the gift each of us has been given. Each life is our own and no one else’s. It is precious beyond all counting. It is the greatest value we can have. Cherish it for what it truly is.”

Cara put her arms around his neck. “Thank you, Richard, for everything.”

“It is my great honor, Cara,” he said as he hugged her.

“Oh, by the way,” Cara whispered in his ear, “Shota stopped to see me just a little while ago. She wanted me to give you a message.”

“Really? What message?”

“She said that if you ever come back to Agaden Reach she will kill you.”

Richard pulled back in surprise. “Really? She said that?”

Cara nodded, grinning.

“But she was smiling when she said it.”

And then the bell calling people to devotion rang.

Before anyone could move, Richard again spoke.

“There will be no more devotions. None of you have to kneel before me or anyone else.

“Your life is yours alone. Rise up and live it.”


“Mr. Goodkind’s compelling prose weaves a magic spell over readers.”

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“Outstanding…Characters who actually behave like adults. Highly recommended.”

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“Goodkind’s greatest triumph: the ability to introduce immediately identifiable characters. His heroes, like us, are not perfect. Instead, each is flawed in ways that strengthen, rather than weaken their impact. You’ll find no two-dimensional oafs here. In fact, at times you’ll think you’re looking at your own reflection.”