"If it's so secure," Nicci reminded him, "then how did Ann and Nathan and George Cypher get in to take the book?"

Zedd sighed as he looked up at her from under his bushy eyebrows. "Therein lies what has come to trouble me—the only copy of a book that important being that vulnerable—"

"That's what Richard was going to tell you," Nicci said with a sudden flash of comprehension. "That's why he was in such a hurry to get back i here—he said he had to get to you right away. That was the reason!"

Zedd frowned. "What are you talking about?"

She stepped closer to the wizard and pulled the small book from her pocket. "This is the book that Darken Rahl used to put the boxes of Orden in play—"

"It's what!"

"This is the book that Darken Rahl used to put the boxes of Orden in play," she repeated to the astonished wizard. "We found it at the People's Palace. I promised Richard that I would study it and see if there was a way to undo what Sister Ulicia had done, see if there was a way to perhaps take the boxes of Orden back out of play. I tried to explain to Richard that magic doesn't work that way, but you know Richard, he doesn't so easily accept that something can't be done."

Zedd stared at the book she was holding up as if it were a viper that might bite someone. "That boy has a way of turning over rocks and finding trouble."

"Zedd, this warns that to use this book, the key must be used. Otherwise, without the key, everything that has come before, meaning what has been used from this book, will not only be sterile, but fatal. It says that within one full year the key must be used to complete what has been wrought with this book."

"The key," Zedd whispered, as if it were the end of the world. "The boxes must be opened within one year of being put into play. You need The Book of Counted Shadows to open the boxes. That book has to be the key."

"I think so, too," Nicci said. "The thing is, we found information from back at the time of the great war saying that some wizards had made five copies of 'the book that was never to be copied.'"

"And you think that 'the book that was never to be copied' was The Book of Counted Shadows!"

"Yes. There is a book of prophecy that says 'They will tremble in fear at what they have done and cast the shadow of the key among the bones.'"

Zedd was staring at her as if his world were crumbling apart. "Dear spirits. That sounds like it's from Yanklee's Yarns."

"That's right. The thing is," Nicci said, "all the copies but one were false copies. Five copies—four false, one true copy."

Zedd pressed a hand to his forehead. Nicci noticed that his breathing was faster than normal. He looked on the verge of passing out.

"Zedd, what is it?"

His fingers were trembling. "You know what you said about The Book of Counted Shadows being too easy to steal? That was always my thought too, but not something I consciously dwelled on. It was more one of those thoughts in the back of your mind that never fully surfaces."

"Yes," Nicci said, waiting patiently until he went on.

"Well, when I remembered The Book of Inversion and Duplex, I finally remembered where I had seen it as a boy: the catacombs. I needed it to test this spell, so while you were gone with Richard to the People's Palace I went back into the catacombs and looked for The Book of Inversion and Duplex."

Nicci knew what he was going to say before he said it.

"And while I was searching for The Book of Inversion and Duplex, I found a copy of The Book of Counted Shadows."

" 'They will tremble in fear at what they have done and cast the shadow of the key among the bones,'" Nicci quoted again.

Zedd nodded. "All my life, I never knew there was a copy of that book. I had been taught that there were no other copies. I had been taught that there was only one copy. That alone told me how important that book was. But if it's so important, then why was it not in a safer place? That question was what always stuck in the back of my mind.

"That was one of the reasons I was so angry with the council for giving the boxes of Orden away as gifts or favors. I knew how dangerous those boxes were, but no one would believe me. They all thought that the things I told them were only ancient superstitions, or children's tales.

"Part of the reason that no one believed the truth of the danger that the boxes represented was that the book that was needed to put the boxes in play had never been found. Without the book, the boxes were only a fanciful tale." He pointed at the book in Nicci's hand. "In fact, no one ever even knew the name of that book. The title looks to be in High D'Haran. We'll need someone to translate it."

"I can read High D'Haran," Nicci said.

"Of course you can," Zedd said as if nothing could surprise him any more. "What is its name, then?"

"The Book of Life."

Zedd turned nearly as white as his wavy hair. Apparently, he was not yet beyond shock. "The Book of Life," he repeated as he wiped a hand wearily across his face.

"What an appropriate name," he said. "The power of Orden is spawned from life itself. Open the correct box, and one gains the power of Orden?the essence of life itself, power over all things living and dead. They would have unchallenged power. Open the wrong box, and the magic would claim them—they're dead. But open the other wrong box, and every living thing in existence is incinerated into nothingness. It would be the end of all life.

"The magic of Orden is twin to the magic of life itself, and death is part of everything that lives, so the magic of Orden is tied to death as well as to life. And the key is the means to know which box is which. The person opening them can take a chance, but they would be foolish to do so without using the key first, to be sure of which is which."

"Foolish," Nicci said, "like Sisters of the Dark who don't necessarily care if they open the wrong box?"

Zedd could only stare at her.

"So, you were saying that you found one of the copies," Cara finally said when Zedd had fallen silent for a time, lost in thought.

Nicci was relieved that Cara was the one to prompt him when he looked so stricken by contemplation of events so terrible she probably couldn't even begin to imagine them.

"I'm afraid that's not even the worst of it," he said. "You see, Richard memorized The Book of Counted Shadows as a boy. George Cypher feared that the book would fall into the wrong hands, but he was wise enough that he didn't dare destroy the knowledge the book contained, so he had Richard memorize it. After Richard had learned every word, he and George Cypher, the man who had raised him and who at the time Richard believed was his father, burned The Book of Counted Shadows.

"When Darken Rahl captured Richard, and was opening the boxes, he made Richard read out the instructions from The Book of Counted Shadows. I don't recall how—probably as a result of the Chainfire spell.

"The point is, I was there. I remember that part quite well because I was so shocked—for two reasons. First, to learn that the book had been stolen from my enclave at the Keep for Richard to memorize and, secondly, because it was a book of magic and that fact meant that Richard could only memorize and speak the words because he was gifted.

"When I found the copy of The Book of Counted Shadows down in the catacombs, I was shaken to my core. I read it and sure enough it was word for word exactly what Richard had memorized."

Nicci cocked her head. "It was the same? Are you sure?"

"Positive," Zedd said, emphatically. "The two were identical."

Nicci was beginning to feel sick herself. "That can mean only one of two things. Either one was the original, and the other the one true copy of that key… or else they were both false keys, false copies."

"No, they couldn't be false," Zedd insisted. "When Richard read the book out, he left out an important element at the very end. It was by leaving out that one piece of the book that he defeated Darken Rahl. He, in essence, turned it into a false copy, thus tricking Darken Rahl to defeat him. As I often told Richard, sometimes a trick is the best magic."

Nicci laid the book on the table. "That doesn'

t necessarily mean it's the true key and not the false. Look at this." She laid The Book of Life open and tapped a page in the very beginning that had only one thing all by itself on the page to emphasize how important—how central—it was.

"This is the introductory statement to The Book of Life. I already translated it. It's a warning to anyone who would read this book.

"It says, 'Those who have come here to hate should leave now, for in their hatred they only betray themselves.' "

Zedd squinted at the words in High D'Haran all by themselves on the page. "So you are saying, what… that because Darken Rahl turned to the boxes of Orden out of hate, he would have been destroyed by the true Book of Counted Shadows just the same as by a false one?"

"That's one possibility," Nicci said.

Zedd shook his head. "I don't believe that. Some magic works by reading intent. The Sword of Truth works that way. People who hate don't usually recognize that vile taint within themselves. They spew their hatred as righteous. That corruption is what makes them so evil—and so dangerous. They are able to do the most despicable things and think themselves heroes for having done them."