Ann looked beside herself but she remained silent. Nathan watched with stony resignation.
Zedd pushed his simple robes farther up his bony arms. "Richard, it's impossible to shut down a regular verification web, much less one such as this."
"No, it's not," Richard said, irritably. "Here. See here? You have to interrupt this route, here, first."
"Bags, Richard, how am I supposed to do such a thing! The spell shields itself. This web is powered by Subtractive as well as Additive Magic. It has integral shields constructed of both."
Richard stared at his grandfather's crimson face a moment before turning back to the maze of lines. He gazed up at Nicci again and then carefully inserted a hand in through the net of lines to touch Nicci's black dress.
"I won't let it have you," he whispered to her.
No words had ever sounded sweeter, even if she knew he could not understand the impossibility of his promise.
When his finger touched her dress, the patterns shifted from two-dimensional to three-dimensional forms that looked more like a thornbush than a spell-form.
It felt to Nicci as if he had just twisted a knife through her insides. She struggled to remain conscious. She focused on the glowing eyes in the shadows. She had to find a way to warn Richard.
His hand paused. He carefully pulled it back out. The pattern flattened to two-dimensional.
Nicci would have sighed in relief could she breathe.
"Did you see that?" he asked.
Zedd nodded. "I certainly did."
Richard glanced back over his shoulder at his grandfather. "Is it supposed to do that?"
"I didn't think so. It's supposed to be inert, but the biological variable contaminating it has changed the nature of the host spell-form."
Zedd's expression tightened as he considered. "It seems pretty obvious that whatever is going on, it's changing the way the spell works."
Richard nodded. "Worse, it's a random variable. The contamination caused by the chimes' presence in this world is biological—it evolves. Probably so that it can attack different kinds of magic. This spell will undoubtedly continue to mutate. There's probably no way to predict how it will change, but from the evidence here, it appears that it's only going to become more virulent. As if Chainfire isn't trouble enough, this could make it worse. It could even be that everyone affected by it will develop problems beyond their memory loss revolving around Kahlan."
"What makes you say that?" Zedd asked.
"Just look at how many memories of events only tangent to Kahlan you've all lost. The lost memories could even be the means by which the contamination infects those people touched by the effects of the Chainfire event."
As if the Chainfire event being loosed on the world weren't potentially deadly enough, it now seemed catastrophic beyond imagining.
Ann was bottled fury. She gritted her teeth. "Where did you learn such gibberish?"
Zedd flashed her a scowl. "Be quiet."
"I told you, I understand emblematic designs. This one is a mess."
Nathan glanced to the windows as they lit with flashes of lightning. When the room again fell to darkness, Nicci could again see the thing watching from a dark world.
"And you sincerely believe that it's somehow harming Nicci?" Zedd asked.
"I know it is. Look at this divergence, right here. Such a thing is lethal even without this added breach over here. I know a lot about representational designs involving lethality."
Zedd gave Richard a forbidding look. "I need to know what you're talking about, what you mean by 'representational designs involving lethality.'"
"Later. We have to get her out of there, first, and we have to get her out now."
Zedd shook his head in resignation. "I wish I knew a way, Richard, I truly do, but as I've said, I don't. If you try to pull her out of there before the verification has run its course, that alone will kill her for sure. That much I do know."
"Because her life is in a way suspended. Don't you see that she isn't breathing? The spell-form surrounding her supports her life while she cannot, while the web runs through the verification. She is, in a way, now a part of the spell itself. Pull her out, and you will be pulling her out of the mechanism that is keeping her alive."
Nicci's heart sank. For a moment, she had begun to believe Richard, to believe that he could do it. It was not to be.
All the while the glowing eyes watched. She could see the shape of it, now, standing there in the dark shadows beside a tall shelf. It looked something like a man twisted into a fearsome beast of sinew and knotted muscle. Its eyes gleamed out from the darkness of death itself.
It was the beast that hunted Richard. The beast sent by Jagang, the dream walker.
She would have done anything to stop it, to keep it from Richard, but she could not move a muscle. With every new line of light, she was being stitched tighter and tighter to her fate, pulled inexorably into the darkness of eternity beyond life.
"Even if it's mutating," Richard said as if thinking aloud, "it still has elements that support it while it grows."
"Richard, a verification web is self-generating. Even if it was mutating like you say, there is no way to halt such an eve
"If it can be shut down," Richard murmured, "it will release her—then we won't be pulling her out of it while her life is still being supported by the spell."
Sighing, Zedd shook his head as if he thought Richard hadn't understood a thing he'd said.
Richard studied the lines one last time, then abruptly reached out and placed his finger at an intersection that had been created back before the area of contamination.
The line extinguished at his finger.
"Dear spirits," Nathan said as he leaned in.
The shadow took a step forward. Nicci could now see its fangs.
The line that had extinguished felt as if it pulled her insides out with it. Nicci fought to cling to life. If he really could do it, if he really could extinguish the spell, she had a chance to warn him.
If she could hold on that long.
Richard withdrew his finger. The line ignited again. It lanced through her like a razor-sharp spear. The world flickered.
Zedd reached out to duplicate what Richard had done, but with a yelp of pain pulled his hand back as if he'd been burned.
"It's shielded with Subtractive Magic," Ann said.
Zedd shot her a murderous scowl.
"And remember the shields back at the Palace of the Prophets?" Richard asked her. "Remember how I was able to pass through them?"
Ann nodded. "I still have nightmares about it."
Richard reached out again, quickly this time, and again blocked the line of light. Again it extinguished.
Richard then put a finger from his other hand at an intersection preceding the darkened line. In a blink, more lines went dark. He moved his first linger to insert it at another key point, working his way back through the pütcrn, causing the spell to turn in on itself.
The darkened line raced around Nicci, hitting intersections, making turns, sweeping through and darkening arcs. The line Richard had extinguished ceased to exist in the pattern, its absence causing an interruption in the vitality of the rhythm.