Convicted felon of a brother or not, this money-laundering ass**le was not touching her again.

At her rebuff, Xander’s expression took on a harder edge.

“Excuse me, Mr. Eckhart?”

Jordan started at the unexpected sound of the woman’s voice. She turned and saw the redhead bartender/FBI agent standing a few feet from them, in front of the doorway that led to the restaurant.

“Yes?” Xander asked, obviously annoyed with the interruption.

“We’re nearly out of the zinfandel. I was wondering what you would like us to open in its place?”

Xander frowned. “That’s impossible. There should be more than enough. Excuse me for a moment, Jordan.” He strode over to the bartender and pulled her aside to speak privately.

Jordan turned her back to them. Facing the river, she gripped the railing and exhaled in relief. She had a feeling a certain special agent was watching out for her from his post in Xander’s office. She glanced down at her chest, feeling the microphone stashed safely in her bra.

“Nice save, Brooklyn,” she whispered under her breath.

Xander and the bartender took a few minutes to wrap up their conversation, and then she left. He walked over to Jordan, shaking his head. “No clue what that was all about. This is my fifth year throwing this party. I think I know how much wine to order. I kept telling her there were extra cases of all the wines in the storage room, but she insisted we were out of the zin. Then suddenly, she tells me that she realized she forgot to check the racks behind the door.” He rolled his eyes. “Fucking airhead. I’m firing her after tonight.”

That airhead is listening right now, Jordan thought. And she is going to have a lot of fun arresting you in the not-too-distant future.

Xander resumed his place by her side at the railing. The interruption seemed to have calmed his earlier response to her rejection. “So. Where were we?”

“We were talking about the Pétrus,” Jordan said.

He shook his head. “Uh-uh. We were talking about us.”

“Xander, there is no us.”

“There should be. I’ve wanted to say that for a long time. Seeing you here with Stanton shows me what a fool I’ve been for not saying it earlier.”

“But that’s the problem, Xander. I am here with Nick.”

“It’ll never last between you two.”

She pulled back. “Why would you say that?”

He gave her a get-real look. “Don’t you think you should be with someone more on your own level?” He put his hand on top of hers and ran his thumb over her fingers. “Jordan, Nick Stanton is a nobody.”

“A nobody who’s going to throw your ass into the river if you don’t get your hands off my date.”

What struck Jordan, as she looked over at the sound of the voice, was that the Nick she saw standing to the right of them was not the devil-may-care, always-ready-with-a-quip man she knew.

This man was angry.

Nick’s expression was dark and intimidating. His voice, however, remained calm. “You have guests who are looking for you, Eckhart.”

Xander shifted. After a moment of studying Nick, he seemed to decide that a quick departure was the safest course of action. “We can finish our conversation later, Jordan,” he said coolly. He passed by Nick as he walked to the door. “You are really starting to annoy me, Stanton.”

Nick didn’t blink. “Good. By the end of the night I hope to finish the job.”

Xander’s scowl deepened as he turned and left the terrace.

Nick watched him leave before turning his attention to Jordan. He looked her over, his voice softening. “Are you all right?”

“Yes.” She exhaled as he walked over. “That got a little too close for comfort for a moment there.” She gestured to his face. “What’s with the look?”

“It’s my don’t-fuck-with-me face.”

Jordan nodded, impressed. “It’s not bad.”

“Thanks.” Nick smiled slightly, and the tension seemed to lift as the darkness left his face. He raised an eyebrow. “You handled yourself well.”

Yes, true, she pretty much rocked this assignment. Except for the part where she’d nearly broken out in hives. And that little bit at the end there, when Nick sort of had to rescue her from Xander.

Jordan chose her words carefully, just in case anyone was listening. “Were you able to find some way to amuse yourself while I was up here?”

Nick tucked his hands into his pockets and shrugged casually. “I found a few things to divert my attention.”

She couldn’t help but smile. He always seemed so effortlessly confident, as if nothing fazed him. “That’s good.”

As they stood there, each taking in the other, an uncharacteristic silence fell between them. A cold breeze blew over Jordan’s shoulders. With their assignment now complete, she realized that her work with the FBI was nearly over. At the end of the night, she and Nick would go their separate ways. Later, someday, she would have one heck of a story to tell her girlfriends.

Tough to say what she would tell them about Nick. Probably, she’d talk about how he annoyed her a good eighty-seven percent of the time they were together.

“You’re shivering. We probably should get back inside,” he said.

“We probably should.” Jordan’s eyes held Nick’s for another moment, then she finally turned and began to walk toward the door that led inside the restaurant. She heard Nick clear his throat pointedly and glanced back over her shoulder.