A familiar voice said, “I made a promise to her. I want her to know who has her, and what we plan to do to her.”

Footsteps approached and I tried to put a name to the familiar voice. My mind churned as if mired in river mud.

“Take the gag off,” Familiar Voice said from behind me.

One of the guards removed the leather strap. A mixture of pain and relief flowed into my cracked lips. I licked them, tasting blood. Other aches and cramps woke. Only the sight of a pair of black riding boots covered with dust could distract me from my medley of aches.

My gaze followed the boots up to jodhpurs that disappeared under a gray riding cloak. I squinted in the firelight, hoping the person in front of me was an illusion.

The cocky smirk caused my heart to stutter. And when he kicked me in the ribs, I knew all hopes for a pleasant reunion were gone. I coughed and wheezed as the pain shot through my body.

“That’s for hitting me with Curare!” He kicked me again. “And that’s just because I can.”

His words sounded thin and distant, reaching me through my efforts to reclaim my breath. He loomed over me. When the sharp pain dulled to a loud throb, I struggled to a sitting position. I glanced around. Four guards stood a few feet away and I counted three Daviian Vermin nearby, but I couldn’t tell if they were Warpers or not.

“Cahil,” I said between gasps. “You’re still…scared. Of me.”

He laughed. The washed-out blue of his eyes sparked with amusement.

“Yelena, you’re the one who should be scared.” He crouched down.

We were face-to-face. He held a dart between us. A drop of clear liquid hung from the end. Fear coiled in my stomach as I smelled the sweet odor. Curare. I tried not to let my terror show on my face.

“I allowed you this brief moment of lucidity. Listen closely. Remember what I said to you the last time we were together?”

“When you wanted to exchange me for Marrok?”

“No. When I promised to find a person who could defeat you and Valek. I’ve met with success. In fact, you have already had an encounter with my champion.”

“Ferde?” I played the simpleton to prolong the conversation, hoping my slow mind would produce a plan for escape.

“Act the fool, but I know better. My champion makes you sweat with fear and desire. The Fire Warper has been called to this world with one mission. To capture you. And you’re powerless against him.” Pure satisfaction shone on Cahil’s face. “I will deliver you to Jal and the Fire Warper. Jal will perform the Kirakawa ritual’s binding ceremony on you, taking your powers as the Fire Warper claims your soul.”

My mind buzzed with the need to stop him yet produced nothing intelligent. I couldn’t even connect with the power source. “And what do you get, Cahil?”

“I get to witness your death and watch your heart mate suffer before he meets the same end.”

“But Jal gains power. Do you really believe Jal will let you rule? And what about the Fire Warper? Do you think he’ll be content to go back after his task is complete?”

“He has come asking for you. Once he has you, he’ll go back. Then Jal rules Sitia, and I rule Ixia.”

I saw a faint trace of uncertainty in Cahil’s eyes. My mind pulled free from the mire of the goo-goo juice and I made a connection. “Before you said you called him. Now you say he has come. Which one is it?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“Yes it does. If you called him, you have control over him.”

He shrugged. “Jal will deal with him. As long as I have Ixia. I don’t care.”

“You should care. The need for power is addicting. Ask your Daviian friends about the history of the Sandseed Clan and the Daviian Mountains. Then you’ll realize Jal won’t be content with just ruling Sitia. Once your usefulness is gone, you will be too.”

“You’re just trying to trick me. I know better than to listen to you.”

He tried to stab the dart into my throat. I fell back and pulled power as Cahil pinned me with his weight. With no time to think, I focused the magic on my neck as he jabbed the dart into my skin. Closing my eyes, I treated the area as I would an injury. In my mind’s eye, I saw the Curare as a pulsing red light, spreading through my throat. I used power to push the liquid back through the tiny hole in my skin. It trickled down the side of my neck.

My gaze met Cahil’s when I opened my eyes. He stared at me with a mixture of triumph and hatred.

Hoping he hadn’t seen the drug run out, I said, “Pay close attention, Cahil. You’ll see the truth.” I acted as if I had been paralyzed, unfocusing my eyes and letting my body go slack.

He grunted and stood. “I’ve seen the truth. That’s why I want you dead.”

The Vermin joined him next to the fire, and I watched them from the corner of my eye.

“I felt magic. Brief. Did she use her power on you?” one of the Vermin asked Cahil.

“No. I got her in time.”

They discussed their plans for leaving in the morning.

When the others moved to set up camp, Cahil said, “I should kill her now.”

Alarmed replies told him it would be imprudent. For the first time ever, I agreed with the Vermin.

“Jal needs her and we do not wish to infuriate the Fire Warper,” another said.

“Why should I care about infuriating the Fire Warper?” Cahil asked. “I’m in charge. He should answer to me. He should worry about infuriating me, especially after the fiasco in the jungle.”

Soothing words were muttered.

“Put her back in the box,” Cahil finally said. “Secure it, just in case we encounter trouble.”

Two of the Vermin lifted me. I concentrated on being a dead weight. My hands were tied and I couldn’t use magic without alerting them. I knew one of the three was a Warper but was unsure about the other two. At this point I needed more information. I decided to wait for a better opportunity and hoped I would get one.


p; The Vermin climbed onto a cart, dropped me into a crate and shut the lid. In the darkness the sound of metal latches being closed grated on my skin. I bit down on a cry of dismay when the snap of three locks sounded. The coffin-shaped crate seemed to press into me, and I drew in a couple of calming breaths. My gaze found the small slit between the boards, allowing air to come in. And light. The faint flicker of firelight seeped through the cracks.

I wiggled into a more comfortable position. My mind raced over my limited options. Magic remained my only weapon. The desire to project my awareness and scan my surroundings pulled at me, but I knew if they discovered I wasn’t drugged, all possibility of escape would be gone. Would the Warper feel my power while he slept? Could I put the Vermin and Cahil into a deep sleep? I would still be locked in a box, but I could call someone to break me out.

Who? Only a fellow magician could hear my mental call, and I had no idea where I was. If I was lucky enough to find a local citizen, perhaps I could discover my location.

Unable to plan a course of action, I marveled over my ability to push the drug out of my body. Had I known I possessed that skill, I wouldn’t be in this situation. And my problems with Curare, sleeping potion and goo-goo juice were solved. Although it was hard to celebrate when locked in a box.

Ever since I went to Sitia, all I wanted was to learn about magic, to discover the extent of my powers and be reacquainted with my family. Events conspired against me and I had hardly had time to catch my breath, let alone spend time exploring my magic.

Pushing the Curare out of my body was a new wrinkle. My abilities only affected living things, since my magic didn’t move the drug; it must have made the muscles in my body do the work.

Desperation and raw instinct had gotten me this far. I hoped it would carry me through, and as much as I disliked using it, magic was unavoidable. If I was lucky enough to survive this, I planned to retire as a Soulfinder and limit my magic to only communicating with Kiki. I wondered if she knew I’d been taken. Did Valek know? And what about Star’s role in all this?