“All right. We’ll wait until tomorrow. How long will it take us to get to the manor? Perhaps it would be best to leave tonight?”

“No. It would be best to leave in the morning. It’s a half-day’s ride.” Maren led us to a brick cottage with a stable nearby. “You can stay in our guest quarters. This location is a popular spot for travelers from MD-6 to stop.”

The castle complex was located in the southern end of MD-6. Two-and-a-half days’ ride directly north of Sitia’s Citadel. I found it interesting the two centers of political power remained physically close while their governing styles were worlds apart.

We entered the cottage. Although the furnishings in the main room were sparse, it looked comfortable enough. Guards stationed themselves outside, but one lieutenant followed us in.

“Beds! They have beds with feather mattresses,” Leif called from a bedroom.

“There is wood in the back, and you can dine with the soldiers for your evening meal. I’ll let the general know when you’re arriving.” Maren left with the Lieutenant close on her heels, but two guards remained positioned by the front door.

A quick peek out the side and back windows revealed the presence of more guards. We were surrounded. I thought about Maren’s comments. A few of the things she said didn’t add up. I wondered what she planned to do. All I knew were my plans, and they didn’t include visiting the general.

I joined my traveling companions in the bedroom. Moon Man sat next to Marrok, who lay on his back, staring at the ceiling. Tauno perched on the edge of a chair.

Leif had stretched out across one of the beds. A sigh of contentment escaped his lips. “I haven’t slept in a bed since…since…I can’t even remember!”

“Don’t get too comfortable,” I said.

He groaned. “Now what?”

I put a finger over my lips then pointed to my forehead. Too many ears around, I said in his mind.

What’s going on? he asked.

We are not going to waste time with the general, Moon Man said.

I scowled at him in surprise, forgetting that he could link his mind to ours.

Since you have chosen Gede as your guide, I had to channel through Leif.

I ignored Leif’s confusion. Unchannel then. This is a private conversation.

Moon Man remained quiet for a while. I will withdraw.

Care to tell me what that was about? Leif asked.

I filled him in on my conversation with Roze. Moon Man’s a spy.

No way. You can’t believe that.

Are you saying Roze is lying?

No. I’m saying maybe you’re overreacting. Moon Man admitted Gede is his boss. Their clan was decimated by the Vermin so Gede and Roze want the same thing. Gede probably sent Moon Man to keep an eye on you.

And that’s different than spying how?

He’s probably here to protect you. To keep you safe until your name can be cleared.

It would be nice just to ask him, but I’m sure he has a vague non-answer already prepared.

That’s harsh, Yelena. He has witnessed the massacre of his clan. Although, I do wish for the old Moon Man back, Leif said. I’ll take his teasing, cryptic advice and mysterious arrivals over his somber demeanor any day.

My brother put another pillow under his head. Looks like we’ll be in Ixia for a while. Leif Liana Ixia has a nice ring to it. If they don’t execute me for being a magician, perhaps I can find a job at an Ixian apothecary. Do they have uniforms for an apothecarist?

We’re going back to Sitia.

To certain death? No thank you. Perhaps the Commander will need one of my tisanes?

We need to talk to the Commander and rendezvous with Valek. I hoped.

Surrounded by guards. Remember?

That’s right. We’re outnumbered. It’s a shame we don’t have magic to help us. A mage could put the guards to sleep. Or better yet we could use Curare. Too bad I don’t have any blowpipes in my backpack.

Sarcasm is an ugly trait, little sister. You should avoid it.

And you give up too easy. And trust too easy, but I wouldn’t say it to him.

I blame the feather mattress. It has sucked all my motivation. If there is a comfortable bed in my apartment above my apothecary shop, I will be quite content living in Ixia.

Leif. I warned.

All right. All right. I’ll make you a few blowpipes just in case we can’t put everyone to sleep. He grumbled to himself as he rolled out of bed and went over to his pack.

I debated what I should tell Tauno and Moon Man. As long as we didn’t have a fire, I could warn them about my plans. And I wanted them with me so I could keep an eye on them.

“We should go to bed early tonight,” I said to them. “To rest for tomorrow.”

They appeared to understand my hint. Once the Ixian soldiers had gone to bed, we would make our escape.

I planned to be at the Commander’s castle before the MD-7 guards realized we had gone. Approaching the main gate of the castle complex without an Ixian guide would create instant suspicion, but that was a problem I would deal with when it arose.

After having dinner with the soldiers, I eyed our new set of guards with care, trying to size them up. I knew Tauno and Moon Man wouldn’t pass for Ixian, so either Leif or I would have to wear a uniform and pose as a soldier until we reached the Commander. Ideally, I should disguise myself, but at five feet four inches tall, I doubted I would find a uniform that fit.

Not bothering to build a fire, we retired early. I slept for a few hours. The luxury of being in an actual bed made it difficult to rouse. But I forced myself to get up and woke the others, gesturing for quiet.

Leif didn’t have the skills to put our guards to sleep, but he could complement my energy. I held his hand and projected my awareness to the circle of soldiers. Three men and one woman stood watch. Reaching farther, I connected to the horses in the stable.

Ready? I asked Kiki.


The two stable lads slept on bales of hay, content to have horses in their stables. To them the musky smell of horse, manure and straw equaled a feather bed.

I swept the barracks with my mind, seeking trouble. At two hours past midnight, the garrison was calm. Since I couldn’t put the entire garrison into a deep sleep, I hoped we were far enough away not to wake them. I returned to the sleeping lads and sent them into a heavy slumber.

The guards who ringed our quarters proved resistant to my mental suggestion. Their Ixian training fought my magic and I feared I would have to resort to using the Curare. Before I broke the connection, one of the guards jerked in surprise as a sharp point jabbed his neck. His vision spun as the drug entered his blood. I pulled away before the man passed out.

Leif released my hand.

“Time to go,” I said, moving fast. We had help and my heart soared. One person always knew when I needed him. I threw open the door, expecting Valek, but found Maren instead. She dragged one of the guards into the guest quarters, and was soon followed by three others who each carried in a prone form, dumping them onto the floor.

Her companions wore MD-7 uniforms.

“Guess we had the same idea. My men will pose as your guards while we head toward the castle,” she explained.

“Will they be out long?” I poked one of the men on the floor with the toe of my boot.

“A good six hours. I used Valek’s sleeping potion on them.” She smiled with a mischievous glint in her gray eyes.

“Adviser Maren, you aren’t doing a little moonlighting with Valek’s corps now, are you?” I tsked with mock concern. “How did you know when to strike?”

Maren gave me an odd look. “When the horses left the stable, I thought you might be ready to go.”

“Are you coming with us? Can you ride?”

“Yes. I have a horse nearby. I need to return to the general’s manor house before you’re discovered missing. I’ll take you to MD-6’s border and introduce you to the soldiers at the way station there. They w

ill take you to the Commander’s castle. Your weapons are outside. Let’s go.”