“So good.” I drop my gaze to the ground. “I’m a little sad you guys are headed home soon, though.”

“Aww.” She pulls me in for a hug. “I’m gonna miss you too.” In a lower voice, she asks, “You’re not worried about all the alone time with Rooster, are you? You two seem to get along well.”

“Oh. No.” The corners of my mouth twitch. “At first, I was concerned. But we mesh well.” Heat stings my cheeks. “I really never get tired of being around him. Is that weird?”

“No,” she answers, quickly glancing over her shoulder at her husband. “I feel the same way about Wyatt. We each have our own things going on, but at the end of the day he’s the only person I want to share my space with. We always have something to talk about or I just enjoy, you know, the quiet with him.”

“Yeah, I’ve never felt that easy silence with someone before. It’s soothing.” I glance over my shoulder in the direction Heidi went but she’s already on her way back.

She hands over the tablet to Trinity. “Hope wants to talk to you for a minute.”


“Everything okay?” I ask. Heidi seems sort of down instead of invigorated from our practice.

Her lips form a wobbly smile. “I’ve been having fun out on the road with you. Thank you for letting me come along.”

“Oh my gosh, of course.” I pull her in for a quick hug. “I love having you guys with me. I feel a little selfish though. I know you have lots to do at home.”

She nods and swipes at her eyes. “I miss my daughter. She’s totally fine.” A more genuine smile flashes over her face. “She’s having the best time with her aunties and uncles as she just told me.”

“Aww. That’s good, though.”

“It is,” she agrees quickly. “I appreciate them so much. I wouldn’t have been able to finish school or accomplish any of the stuff I’ve done the last couple years if I didn’t have Rock, Hope, and my brother helping us out. I know how lucky I am. My friend Dawn’s a single mom and I see how rough it is on her.”

“It’s nice to have people you trust looking after her.”

“Sorry.” She swipes under her eyes again and pastes on a smile. “I know you’re not a kid person. You don’t want to hear all this.”

I can’t help hugging her again. “Maybe. But I’m a Heidi person, so I don’t mind listening at all. I’d have trouble leaving that bundle of cuteness too.”

“Thanks, Shelby.” She squeezes me once more before letting go. After a few laugh-sniffles, she wipes her hands over her cheeks. “This is why Murphy says we need to add to our family sooner than later. So we’ll still be young enough to do all the traveling we want once they’re out of the house.”

I burst out laughing. “I guess he’s got a point.”

“Yeah, when we go on any big club trips, Carter drives one of the vehicles, so the kids can come along. We have a big family party while the guys are all doing club stuff.”

“Which one is Carter?”

“Oh, sorry. He’s my soon-to-be-sister-in-law’s little brother. Phew! That’s a mouthful!”

I laugh with her, thinking over what she’s told me. “Y’all have a very ‘takes a village’ approach to child-raising, huh?”

She squinches her nose. “Yeah, I guess we do. It’s nice.” Her expression shifts to something almost melancholy. “I went to live with my grandmother when I was little and it was pretty lonely. None of my kids will ever have to deal with that.”

“Ugh, I woulda ended up dead if Grandma Morgan had raised me.” I shudder at the thought.

“Yeah, mine was no picnic either,” she mutters.

The guys have all returned and seem awfully disappointed we’re done with yoga. No one dares say it, since Wrath’s wearing what I’d call an I-dare-you-to-open-your-mouth scowl.

“Let’s get everyone fed.” Trinity claps her hands together and hands out tasks for everyone.

They work out a system on the grills scattered around the campground and in no time we’re sitting down to plates of bacon, sausage, and piles of scrambled eggs.

Rooster nudges me and leans in. “Murphy volunteered to drive the truck for a bit. Feel like ridin’ with me today?”

“Yes.” I flick my gaze across the table at Murphy. “Thank you. That was very thoughtful.”

“I would’ve offered too,” Jigsaw says with a pout.

“And yet, you didn’t,” Dex says.

“I’m really going to miss you guys.” I reach over and tap Murphy’s hand.

“I’m not going anywhere, songbird,” Jigsaw reassures me.

A faint smile ghosts my lips. “I know, Jiggy. I’m glad. I definitely feel safe with you on board.”

He lifts his chin, giving Rooster a smug smile.

“I’m sticking around too,” Dex announces.

“You are?” My eyebrows shoot up. “Oh, that’s great, Dex. Thank you.”

“I’m staying too, Shelby!” Pants shouts from the next table.