He squeezes me tighter. “No. Why would you ask that?”

“It seems to be a general theme.” I twirl one finger in the air, indicating the rest of the room. Pants’ performance is the least risqué of what’s happening around us.

“Never.” He glances over my shoulder. “In fact, I’m considering gouging out T-Bone’s eyeballs right this second if he doesn’t stop staring at your ass.”

I twist to peek over my shoulder, but he stops me with a hand on my cheek. “Thanks for staying here tonight. I didn’t realize it’d be this raunchy, but I wanted to spend time here before we leave since they helped—”

“As long as I’m with you, I’m happy.”

“I shouldn’t take you away from hanging out with the band and—”

I stop him again, this time with a finger on his lips. “I’ll see plenty of them on the road. It’s fine.” I lean in and give him a quick kiss. “Thank you. For everything.”

He brushes his knuckles against my cheek for a brief second before gripping my hips and sliding to the edge of the couch. In one smooth movement, he stands, lifting me in the air. Startled, I squeal and wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He rumbles with laughter and palms my butt.

Jiggy flashes an angelic smile—or demonic, considering what’s probably about to come out of his mouth. “Pool table?”

“No, fuckhead,” Rooster growls, lashing out with his booted foot, kicking Jiggy’s shin as we pass.

“Where are we going?” I ask, resting my head on his shoulder.

My question’s answered a few seconds later when something hard presses into the back of my legs. I untangle myself from Rooster and discover he’s perched me on top of the bar. He rests one hand on either side of my hips and leans in. “You want something to drink before we leave the party?”

“Rooster, you bring us a new bar decoration?” a biker I don’t recognize asks.

“No. This is my ol’ lady.” The warning in Rooster’s voice can’t be missed.

“Well, fuck. Sorry, brother.” The man nods to me and returns to flirting with one of the girls behind the bar.

“We’re leaving?” I ask, curling my fingers in the back of Rooster’s hair.

“You seem uncomfortable.”

“I was…am…I guess. I’m not used to having glittery va-jay-jays shoved in my face.”

He blinks, then bursts into laughter. “Okay.”

Something awful occurs to me. Why haven’t I thought of this sooner? “Do you…Is that what you did before me?”

He glances over his shoulder briefly. Another brother has joined Pants and the redhead. It’s quite a show, and they’re attracting a crowd.

“No,” he finally answers.

It took an awfully long time for him to answer what should’ve been a simple question.

Jigsaw sneaks up behind Rooster and slaps his shoulder, shouting, “I did not need to know that Pants shaves his balls.”

“Then why’d you shove your face up there?” Rooster asks.

“Good grooming is just the polite thing to do, Jigsaw,” I say sweetly.

His jaw drops, and his eyes widen for a brief second before his mouth curls into a smirk. “Such a funny little songbird.” He slaps his hand on Rooster’s shoulder. “You planning to lay her out for body shots?”

“Fuck no.” Rooster shrugs off Jiggy’s hand.

“Then get her off the bar before someone assumes she’s a fuckin’ party favor.”

“Aw, such a sweetheart.” I curl a finger, inviting him closer. “Quick question. Is this the kind of thing you two got up to before I came along?” I jerk my chin toward Pants, the redhead, and the new guys who’ve joined their party.

His gaze shifts to Rooster, who shoots him a death glare.

“You see,” I say in a teasing, singsong voice. “I asked Rooster, but he took an awfully long time to answer.”

Jigsaw scratches his hand over the back of his head. “Of course not. In fact, I think he was a virgin until he met you. Yup. Almost positive I heard that somewhere. Choirboy.”

I break into giggles. “So you two never…?”

Jiggy makes an X with his index fingers. “Crossed swords? Hell no.”

“Crossed…ewww.” I groan as the meaning sinks in. “No, I meant have a threesome.”

Rooster closes his eyes and rubs his temple. “What exactly did I do to deserve this?”

“Aww.” I loop my arms around his neck again. “I’m just teasing.”

“You know what? I’m so happy to see you smiling that I don’t even care that you’re busting my nuts over something that probably didn’t even happen before I met you.”

That’s probably the kindest ‘yes’ anyone’s ever received to such an invasive question.

He leans in closer. “I don’t want anyone but you.” His dark gaze shifts to the side, his voice a deep growl. “Alone. Where I can focus all of my attention on the only person who matters.”

“Aww,” I breathe out.

“However…” He leans down, pressing his forehead to mine, forcing me to maintain eye contact. “If you’re feeling curious or adventurous. If you need something else…” The determination burning in his eyes steals my breath. “…I’m not built that way. Not when it comes to you.”