Jiggy watches them fight for a few seconds too long before separating them. The tall girl tries to run but I jump up, blocking her escape.

“What the fuck, Rooster? What are you doing?” Digger shouts, rushing into the room.

I shove the brunette into his chest. “Your girls here tried to scam my buddy. I brought my friends into your establishment thinking you’d treat my guests with respect, brother. This ain’t right.”

“I…I…,” he sputters.

I point at the door. “Your bouncer’s in on it too.”

Steer pops into the room, his wide eyes bouncing around the room. “The fuck is going on, bro?”

“Digger’s got a big fucking problem in his house.”

Digger shoots a glare at me and I glare right back. The situation’s deteriorating rapidly.

“Logan?” Dawson groans.

Thank fuck. “You all right?”

He leans over and pukes, narrowly missing my boots.

I reach down and slap his back a few times. “Better?”

“I think so,” he groans.

“Here,” a soft voice says next to me. I glance over and find our waitress, Erica, holding a bottle of water and a towel.

“Bitch,” one of the girls Jigsaw’s corralling hisses.

Erica’s scared eyes meet mine for a second before she scurries away.

“What the fuck happened?” Digger demands.

“Nothing!” the tall dancer stomps her foot. “We don’t know what he took before he came here. All these musicians are druggies and junkies.”

Dawson’s resting his elbows on his knees, head down, rubbing his temples. “Sweetheart, I ain’t had anything harder than whiskey in ten years,” he mumbles. “Try again.”

“Nothing happened,” the short blonde whines. “He bought a bottle of champagne, we started dancing for him, and he passed out.”

“And you conveniently kept charging his credit card.” I sneer.

She shrugs.

“Rooster, I’m sorry,” Digger says. Ouch that had to hurt his pride to apologize in front of everyone.

I shake my head, indicating we can discuss it in private. Gotta leave the man his dignity if I want to get this sorted.

The brunette who cracked first really loses it. She screams and slides down the wall until her ass hits the floor. “I didn’t wanna do any of it,” she wails. “They made me. And Josh threatened me.”

“Shut up, you sniveling little bitch.” The taller brunette kicks her in the thigh and the girl on the floor starts wailing even louder.

“Jesus fuck,” Steer groans, covering his ears.

Jigsaw grabs the tall one and yanks her away from the other girls.

“Steer, Jigsaw,” Digger throws them a pleading look. “Would you mind helping me escort them into my office and keep them there, please? I need to have a word with Josh.”

“That the guy out front?” I ask Digger. I wouldn’t mind punching that asshole a few times before we leave.

He nods once and takes out his cell phone. “Let me ask one of my guys to hold him somewhere for me.”

Jigsaw yanks the tall girl out by her wrists while Steer drags the other two by the arms.

“Wait.” I stop them at the door. “Leave her.” I nod to the one who gave up the truth first. Normally, I’m not a fan of snitches but in this case, I’m glad she broke as fast as she did.

She trembles like a kitten in a rainstorm as I nod for her to return to the corner of the room. Doubt she’ll try to make a run for it and we might need more info from her.

Now that it’s a little quieter, Digger shuts the door and pulls out a revolver.

Well, fuck. That escalated fast.

At least he doesn’t point it at any of us.

Dawson hasn’t looked up, so I don’t even think he’s noticed the rising tension in the room.

“Presley,” Digger says in a low, ominous tone. “I took you in. Gave you a home. Gave you a job. Why would you disrespect me like this?”

She bursts into tears.

Dear God, can I just leave?

Click. Digger opens the revolver and slides a bullet in the chamber. “I’m waiting, Presley.”

He still doesn’t point the gun at her, but the threat’s clear.

Her chin trembles as she tries to contain her sobbing. Finally, she opens her mouth. “Josh and Michelle set it up. I think Vanity’s usually in on it with them but she was busy tonight. Skyla seemed to be in on it too but Michelle was definitely in charge. I didn’t know what they were going to do until he passed out. When I tried to leave, she threatened me.” She shrugs and looks down at the carpet. “They wouldn’t let me leave. Josh said he’d come to my apartment and hurt me if I told anyone.”

And this right here is why I wasn’t lying when I told Shelby I’m not interested in going to strip clubs. Way too many girls end up so bitter and jaded after the shitty treatment they get from customers and the owners of the clubs that they see nothing wrong with robbing a guy blind. Or in this case drugging him until he passes out and stealing everything he’s got.