“Oh my gosh. That’s so sweet. Thank you!”

“We’re both big fans. Already have tickets to your show in Nashville.”

My mind blanks. Say something! “Thank you. I’m looking forward to it.”

Well, that was dumb.

It’s just…Dawson Roads is sittin’ right over there and she’s talking to me? It doesn’t compute.

Her gaze shifts to Rooster. “You’re her White Knight, right?” She presses her hand to her chest and meets my eyes again. “It’s so romantic. I love that song.”

More heat races over my cheeks and down my chest. “Based on a true story.” I lean into Rooster and he slips his arm behind me, resting his hand on my hip.

“Well, if you need anything at all, I’m Erica. Digger asked me to personally cover your table. VIP service all the way.”

“Thank you.”

Rooster asks for a beer, then she moves to Dawson’s side. “What can I get for you, Mr. Roads?”

So she does know who he is.

Rooster squeezes my hip. “You all right?”

“That was wild. I’m still processing.”

He chuckles softly. “You’re more famous than you realize.”

I sip my drink, savoring the tartness of the grapefruit and lime. Erica returns with the rest of our order and sets another paloma in front of me and I thank her.

Trinity slides closer to me. “You’re popular here.”

“Yeah, that was so weird. I didn’t know what to say.”

“People don’t recognize you out in the wild?”

“A couple of times.” I shrug.

“I think you better get used to it,” she says with a smile.

Chapter Forty-Four


Not that it’s a contest, but I’m amused that our waitress fawned all over Shelby while treating Dawson like just another customer. Shelby’s so damn sweet, the attention left her tongue-tied.

At least Dawson’s not some insecure prick who gets offended. If anything, he seems relieved the girls don’t make too much of a fuss over him.

I search the club. Busy but not as busy as I’d expected. The place seems well-run. This shouldn’t be taking up so much of Digger’s time that he doesn’t know what’s going on in his territory.

Across the table, I catch Dex’s eye and jerk my head to the side.

I lean into Shelby. “You mind if I talk to Digger for a minute?”

“Not at all. I knew this was a work outing.” She grins at me and sips her drink. Her cheeks and nose are already bright pink from the alcohol.

“Go easy on those.” I kiss her temple and slide out of the booth. Dex follows me to the bar. On the way over, I send Jiggy a text.

Me: Hey, chucklefuck. If you’re done gettin’ your dick rubbed, could you look after Shelby?

Jigsaw: My pleasure, cock-knocker.

The bartender bounces over to us right away. “Hi, Rooster. Hi, Dex.” Her gaze drops to my VP patch, then Dex’s spiffy new road captain patch. “Those look new.”

Do I know this chick?

“Is Digger still around?” I ask.

“Yup. Want me to text him?”


She moves to the end of the bar and I turn toward Dex. “What’s your professional opinion?”

“Nice place. Clean. Girls don’t look coked out of their skulls. I’d expect it to be busier.” He shrugs. “But I think a lot of clubs are on a downward trend.”

“Is CB?”

“Little bit. What’s the point of going to a club to watch naked girls they can’t touch, when they could just watch porn at home?” The corners of his mouth tip into a smirk. “Your business is literally killing mine.”

I burst out laughing. “Maybe the club’s just evolving.”

“Maybe. I think the point was always to have a good cover to launder money from other activities. Can’t do that with online porn.”

“That’s why downstate has the laundromats.”

He scoffs. “Sway was so literal.”

“What’s up, Rooster,” Digger says. “Everyone treating you okay?”

“Definitely. Erica’s been great.”

“Careful, I think she’s got a little crush on your girl.” He nudges me with his elbow and gives me a dirty old man smirk.

Yeah, not happening.

Since I’m not here to start shit, I humor him with a quick nod I hope doesn’t look too dismissive.

Priest sent me here with a goal in mind, not to take in the nightlife and kick back free drinks. Still, I need to use caution. Club brother or not, I can’t walk into another charter’s territory and start prying into their business.

I lean on the bar and take a sip of the fresh beer the bartender left in front of me.

“How are things?” I ask Digger. “Haven’t been down this way in a while. The area seems more built up.”

“Had a lot of growth in the last few years.” Digger glances around the bar. “Unfortunately, it’s not translating to more traffic here. We’re not as busy as we used to be.”

“Seems to be an on-going decline throughout the industry,” Dex says.

“Yeah? Same for your place?”

“We’ve had a bit of an extended slump.” Dex nods to one of the dancers who strokes her hand over his shoulder as she struts by. “Maybe we can start up an exchange program with the girls. Rotate in new talent,” he suggests to Digger.