Trinity wraps her arms around Heidi’s waist, squeezing her tight. “I’ll still call you ‘little sister’ if you want.”

“Always,” Heidi says, resting her head on Trinity’s shoulder. I can’t deny I’m a little jealous at how close they seem to be. Focusing on my singing career hasn’t exactly left room in my life for making or keeping friends. And the time I spent on Redneck Roadhouse made it almost impossible for me to trust anyone who gets close to me.

Until Rooster.

“Why don’t you have one of those yet?” Remy’s voice pulls me out of my thoughts. I glance up and he points at Trinity and Heidi’s vests that have their property of patches on the back.

I blink and shift my gaze between Remy and the girls. “I…uh…” I stammer, not sure how to answer. Rooster once explained that property patches were similar to an engagement ring in his world. While Rooster mentioned the M word when he was showing me the RV, I don’t think we’re quite there yet.

It’s impossible to ignore the way my heart flutters at the thought, though.

Trinity throws a stern scowl at Remy. “That falls under club business, Remy. But feel free to ask Rooster when he plans to patch his ol’ lady.”

Damn, Trinity’s a protective lioness. And I’m feeling like her lil’ cub.

The smirk slides off Remy’s face.

“Does every club have them?” Griff asks, taking the attention off his buddy’s gaffe.

Trinity seems less annoyed by the more general question. “No. It’s something every club decides on their own.”

Griff flicks his gaze toward Remy. “I think it’ll be a deal-breaker for Vapor.”

Remy shrugs.

“You should really talk it over with Dex and Murphy,” Trinity suggests, the ‘leave me out of it’ clear in her tone.

So many questions pop in my head. But I’m not comfortable asking in front of the guys.

While I’m mentally sorting out the short discussion, Anya squeezes between my chair and Griff’s. “Mind if I join you guys?” she asks Trinity.

While Trinity assesses the newcomer, Heidi’s more welcoming, patting the couch cushion next to her.

“Hey, Anya,” I say.

She scoots forward and gives me a quick hug. “I’m so happy you’re okay,” she gushes. “Rooster was a mess while—” her jaw drops and shakes her head. “Sorry.”

“It’s okay.” Shoot, I’d rather people just openly say whatever’s on their mind than tiptoe around me like I’m made of glass. “I’m lucky Rooster was on the road with me and the club was nearby.” I glance at Trinity and Heidi. “And New York was willing to come all this way.”

“Hell yeah.” Griff bumps my elbow. “We volunteered as soon as we heard Rooster needed the extra muscle.”

My gaze skips over Griff’s granite-hard arms. An inappropriate, but welcome, fantasy of all the guys taking turns beating Martin Suggs to a bloody heap dances in my head for a few seconds.

I hate that he’s turned me into such a vindictive person.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


Church is more or less the same at each charter. Sometimes it’s only open to members if there’s sensitive business to discuss. Other times, anyone wearing a Lost Kings patch is invited inside.

This morning, Ice made it clear he expected me to attend. Shelby’s safe. She’s hanging out with Trinity and Heidi. Remy and Griff were told to keep their eyes on the girls and not let them out of their sight.

As visiting brothers, Ice asked us to take spaces up front. I would’ve been happy blending into the background, but I’m not about to disrespect Ice in his own house. Jiggy took the seat to my right and Murphy’s on my left. Wrath’s holding up the wall across from me with Dex and Steer on either side of him. Not sure where Hustler ended up.

I’m silent—and bored to death—while they go through business that only concerns their charter. Although, I do make a few mental notes of things to discuss with Z. About an hour into the meeting, Jiggy squirms in his seat and I bump his elbow as a reminder to settle the fuck down.

“And finally, we owe thanks to Rooster for spending his time helping get Anya’s site running.” He holds up a sheet of paper. “Money’s already looking good.”

Brothers clap and offer thanks.

I hold up my hand and sit forward. “I’m the one who needs to thank Virginia. Thank you for having my back.” I turn toward Ice. “I don’t know what would’ve happened if you hadn’t been so quick to help us search for Shelby.” I swallow hard, trying not to get choked up in front of everyone. “And calling in your favor with Jackson—”

“I’m not so sure how useful he actually was,” Pants jokes.

I kind of agree, but since Jackson’s basically a club asset, I’m not about to insult him. He didn’t get in my way, and that alone was a huge help. “No, brother. He made it look good for his people but he didn’t interfere. Didn’t hassle us about the condition Suggs was in when we turned him over, either.” I smirk at Jigsaw who gives everyone an ‘aw-shucks’ shrug.