Next to us, Jigsaw clears his throat—loudly. “Do you need a refill, Lynn?” he asks my mother.

While they chat, Rooster leans down, touching his forehead to mine. “How was rehearsal?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

His mouth turns down but he rights my chair, and holds it out for me to sit, then drags a chair over for himself.

“She’ll get there,” my momma says. “Just listening to them play was good for her.”

Rooster nods but the tight line of his mouth seems to say he disagrees.

“Greg says there are a lot of interview offers and other stuff he needs to discuss with me,” I say to take the attention away from rehearsal.

His eyebrows shoot up. “Good.”

“I didn’t tell him about the PR woman, because I wasn’t sure…” my voice trails off.

“That’s fine.”

“One of the interview offers was from People,” my mother says.

“Really?” That’s news to me.

Momma’s eyes glitter with excitement. People has been one of her favorite rags for as long as I can remember. She takes a long dramatic pause, her gaze pinging between us to make sure she has our full attention. “They want an exclusive and they’re willing to pay.”

“An exclusive with me? I thought they only paid for celebrity babies and super-secret superstar weddings.”

She straightens her spine, looking like a proud momma kangaroo. “Talk it over with Greg but I think you should consider it. Wouldn’t that be something? Your face at every checkout counter back home?”

“Oh. Yay.” I lift my fist in the air with an obvious lack of enthusiasm. Momma rolls her eyes at me and sips her coffee.

Rooster’s phone chimes, and he quickly shuts it off. “Ready to head to the airport, Lynn?”

“Oh, thank the Lord you were paying attention.” She glances at her phone. “I totally forgot what time it was.”

“I’ll ride with you,” Jigsaw says casually.

Rooster side-eyes him. “You hate being in the truck.”

“But I love your big, ugly face,” Jiggy says, while slapping Rooster’s cheeks and making kissy lips at him.

“Jensen, will you help me grab my bags from the front desk?” my mother asks, ignoring their display of brotherly affection.

“Yes, ma’am.”

Rooster shakes his head as they walk off together. “He promised he’d behave.”

“My momma can handle him. Don’t worry.”

He glances down at me. “I’d rather not end up with him as my step-father-in-law one day.”

I snort at the absurdity of that idea. “I’m like ninety-nine percent certain she has no plans to remarry. Ever. And I don’t feel like Jiggy’s a big proponent of marriage either.”

The implications of what he actually said don’t hit me until later.

Chapter Twenty-Two


At least Lynn’s departure is more pleasant than her arrival. No more complaints about me—or at least none that I overhear.

“I made sure I talked you up every chance I got,” Jigsaw assures me with a smug expression as we watch Shelby and her mom tearfully hugging goodbye at the airport security gate.

“Thanks. Exactly what I need.”

“She’s a feisty one.” Jigsaw rubs his chin, still focused on Shelby’s mom.

“Can you please not eyeball my girlfriend’s mother?”

“Why? She’s a fine woman. Meant to be appreciated. Like wine.”

“You’re a beer drinker. Appreciate her from a distance.”

“A man’s taste develops, you know.”

“For fuck’s sake,” I grumble.

“Bye!” Lynn waves to us one final time before heading through the metal detectors.

Shelby turns our way, sniffling and wiping her eyes. When she’s close enough, I pull her into my arms. She presses her face against my chest and lets me hold her for a few minutes.

“Aww,” Jigsaw mouths, forming a heart with his thumbs and index fingers.

“Asshole,” I mouth back over Shelby’s head.

“I’m surprised your mom doesn’t want to be on the road with you, Shelby,” Jigsaw says.

She pulls away. “Bite yer tongue. I love my momma but I’d never go onstage again if I had her nitpicking at me every dang night.” She scowls. “‘Your hair’s too long. Why don’t you have more costume changes? More makeup. Less makeup.’ No effing thank you.”

Jigsaw’s mouth opens, then closes. “I thought she made your dresses?”

“Some of ’em, yup. And I’m damn proud to wear ’em onstage too. Then send her pictures.”

Chuckling, I wrap my arm around her shoulders and steer her toward the exit. Jigsaw falls into step beside me. “So, what’s our plan today?”

I throw a glance at him after the word “our.” “I wasn’t aware we had plans.”

“That’s why I was asking, dickface. Unless you need me, I’m gonna check out of the hotel and stay at Ice’s until we’re ready to hit the road.”

“Good idea. I still need to finish some stuff for him.”

“I can do that for you, brother.”


Shelby seems lost in thought, not adding anything to our discussion. I wait until we’re back at the hotel to ask her what she wants to do.

“Whatever you need.” She gestures toward the door to our room. “I’m sure all this stuff has put you behind.”