I’m desperately trying to create a future for myself, yet my mother has a backlog of bitterness to clear up. I sure as heck can’t do it for her. And I refuse to allow all that bitterness to taint my relationship.

“Logan is not like that.” My voice comes out a whole lot more steady and calm than I’m feeling.

“Maybe not now. But men like that can’t handle a woman who’s in the spotlight—”

“Oh, cut the bullshit!”

“That’s enough, Lynn.” Rooster’s voice rumbles from the doorway.

I shift and tuck the flimsy hospital sheet around me. Shame heats my skin from cheeks to toes. How much of our insane conversation did he overhear? Does this hospital have a psych ward? Maybe I can check Momma in while we’re here.

“Can I speak to you privately.” Rooster’s tone makes it clear he’s not asking.

“I, uh.” My mother’s head swivels between Rooster and me. “I don’t want to leave Shelby alone.”

She reaches for me but I cross my arms over my chest and stare at the wall. Right about now, Rooster could kick her ass back to Texas and I wouldn’t bat an eyelash.

Rooster steps out of the room and returns with Heidi a few seconds later.

“Hi, Shelby. Hi, Mrs. Morgan.” Heidi smiles brightly at both of us, and dang, is she a welcome sight.

“Heidi will sit with Shelby so we can talk.” Again, Rooster’s not exactly asking to speak to my mother.

I’m too tired and irritated to introduce Heidi to my mother, but Heidi doesn’t seem concerned about my lack of manners. The tension in the room rises to an unbearable degree.

God bless her, Heidi keeps smiling like nothing’s wrong. Like Rooster’s not boiling with anger and my mother’s not being an overbearing pain in my ass.

“Oh, okay.” My mother brushes past Heidi.

The door clicks closed behind them and Heidi turns to face me.

“I’m so sorry about that,” I whisper.

She waves off the apology. “Oh, I’m no stranger to screwy family dynamics,” she assures me. “I’ve got stories that would make your hair and toes curl.”

I would’ve thought it was impossible, but somehow, Heidi’s upbeat chatter washes the bitterness of my mother’s visit away. The knot of tension in my chest loosens, and I actually laugh.

“Murphy and I were sitting with you earlier,” Heidi says.

“Oh, good. I thought I imagined talking to him before.”

She chuckles. “Nope.”

“I can’t believe you came all the way down here.”

“Hell, yeah.” She squeezes my shoulder and smiles warmly. “You have a whole new big family, Shelby.”

Well, thank heavens for that since my blood family seems determined to drive me nuts.

Chapter Fifteen


Not that I get off on intimidating women, but Lynn has me so fucking furious, it’s hard not to tower over her, snorting like a bull.

Shelby’s mother is a proud woman. Brave too. Maybe that crazy shit I overheard is an overreaction to the horrible situation. Jackson had given her an outline of what happened to Shelby. Then, she’d listened to what the doctors had to say. Maybe all the information pushed her over the edge.

Nah, fuck that. She’s been beating this subject to death since before the kidnapping. Using what happened to Shelby to get her way is the last straw.

I stroll down the hallway searching for an empty room and some extra patience. The visitors’ lounge is full of my brothers and not really where I want to have this conversation. Finally, a darkened room catches my attention. I shove the door open and peer inside. A stripped-down hospital bed and not much else. Perfect.

I flick the lights on and open the door wider, ushering Lynn inside first.

“What do you want?” Lynn crosses her arms over her chest and lifts her chin. It’s a proud, defiant expression, so similar to one I’ve seen on Shelby that it melts a portion of my anger.

Since I don’t trust Lynn right now, I leave the door open.

“You need to stop this shit, Lynn. Even before”—I wave my hand toward the hallway—“this happened, your meddling was stressing Shelby out. It needs to end. She really doesn’t need it now.”

“Don’t tell me what my daughter needs. I’m her mother.” She wiggles her fingers at me. “You’ve been in her life for five minutes.”

My mouth quirks. I get it. We haven’t been serious for long. Lynn knows that better than anyone. But by now, she should’ve accepted this is more than a hookup. “Listen, I get why you worry about her so much—”

“You’re not a parent, so I don’t think you do.”

“No, I’m not. And I’m not eager to become one anytime soon, either.” Maybe that will finally shut her up. “Since you seem so concerned about that topic.”

“Big surprise.” She snorts. “No man wants kids. They just don’t like anything in the way of gettin’ their dick wet.”

I blink and stare. Not how I envisioned our conversation going. At all. “I get that your ex was a piece of shit, Lynn.”