I force my mouth to twist down, like I’m so terribly conflicted about the situation. “You saw what he did to my girl. What would you do?”

“Let the justice system handle it.”

I don’t buy that for a second. “Bullshit. You wouldn’t be so friendly with Ice if that was true.”

His lips twitch into a smirk. “Probably.” The humor in his expression fades. “This is turning into a high-profile case. I need something solid to close it out.”

“If they find Suggs, I’ll have them turn him over to you, okay? I have Shelby back. All I care about right now is making sure she’s okay.” I choke on the last word, and this time I’m not faking. “I gotta get back inside. I still need to call her mother.”

“First, tell me something.” He holds up his hand in a stop gesture. “How’d you know where to find her?”

“We searched the house. Saw the hidey-hole he had in the closet, so I just started moving furniture to see what other hidden spaces he might have.”

“That’s not what I mean and you know it.”

I shrug and back into the elevator, jabbing the ‘close’ button before Agent Jackson decides to join me. “Had a hunch and it paid off.”

The door shuts as he’s opening his mouth to respond.

Later, Jackson.

Upstairs, I find Greg in the waiting room, fretting and staring at his cell phone. “It’s out. The story’s out. Shit! This isn’t good, Logan.”

As if I give a single flying fuck about his PR problems. “Did anyone call her mom yet?”

He shakes his head miserably. “I didn’t know what to say to her.”

Yeah, neither do I. “It’s all right. I’ll call her now.”

“Thank you. Someone needs to let her know before she reads it online. It’s going to be everywhere in a couple hours.” He’s obviously too much of a coward to be that someone.

“Are they reporting where she is now?” People trying to get information or sneak a photo is the last damn thing we need.

“I don’t think so. Not yet, anyway. But the story about her being kidnapped from the arena is big news.”

“Shit.” I yank out my phone and search for a quiet place to make my phone calls and arrange some travel. The sun’s barely peeking above the horizon. Exhaustion settles over me but I push it away. I locate an empty room and make some arrangements before settling in to call Lynn.

“Rooster?” she answers with a yawn. “You know I work the late shift. Why the hell are you callin’ me at this hour?”

Can’t say I feel good about fucking up her morning. But better she hear it from me than someone else.

“Lynn.” I grit my teeth and decide to get straight to the point. “Shelby’s in the hospital.”

“What?” she shrieks so loud I pull the phone away from my ear. “What happened?”

Shit, how the fuck do I explain the kidnapping over the phone?

“She’s had this obsessed fan following her.” Bare details. Just give her the few pertinent facts. “He got to her last night. Gave her something that knocked her out. We don’t know what yet. The doctors are working on her now.”

“Can I talk to her? What do you mean an obsessed fan? Who?”

“She’s unconscious.” I swallow hard. This has to be the worst phone call I’ve ever made. “I’m waiting for an update from the doctors.”

“Rooster.” She sobs and I feel like fucking shit for doing this to her over the phone. “Is my baby going to be okay?”

“Shelby’s a fighter.” I choke on the last word. “You know that.”

“I…I need to be there…I—”

“I know.” Finally, I can be useful. “You got a pen nearby? I have you booked on a flight this afternoon. It was the first one I could get you on. You’re going to need to give them your I.D. and check in as early as possible. I’ll have someone at the airport here to pick you up when you land and drive you to the hospital.”

She’s silent for a few seconds. It’s hard to tell if she’s writing something down or absorbing the information. “You have me booked…what?”

“Can you get ready and leave soon?”

“Y-yes,” she stammers.

“All right. When we hang up, I’m going to arrange a car service to take you to the airport. I’ll text you the information.” I read her the flight info. “Call me if they give you any trouble.”

Another long pause. “Thank you.”

“No problem. I’ll see you soon.”

I hang up and make the arrangements for the car service. As I finish texting Lynn the details, a shadow passes the doorway then returns.

I glance up and Jigsaw smirks at me. “Want me to pick up Mom?”

“If you promise not to be a creep to her.”

He shakes his head, all humor melting out of his expression. “I don’t have it in me today, brother.”