“I can’t make that call. I spent less than twenty-four hours there.”

“Sometimes your caution is frustrating.”

I can’t win today, can I?

“That’s not my intention.” I blow out a breath and recall the savage look on Digger’s face when he was making the decision of who to turn over to the cops. “Soft? No. He handled the situation with the girls like a boss.”


“I don’t know if it has anything to do with age.”

He smirks. “Speak freely, Rooster. You’re not gonna hurt my feelings.”

“It might be that he’s got too much on his plate. He had a call from the credit card company but didn’t investigate. His SAA’s missing but he’s not concerned. He might have reasons I’m not aware of, though. But if it were me, I would’ve checked on him sooner.”

“So would I.”

“That’s your call, Priest.” Just leave me the fuck out of it.

If I had to guess, Blink and at least one other brother will be on the road to Deadbranch by tonight.

“How long you plannin’ to be on the road?” he asks.

Shelby’s tour is all sorts of fucked up thanks to the delays but I don’t want to get into specifics with Priest. “At least another month or two. Then she’ll be recording her album.”

“You got any control over those dates?”

“Not really.” I shrug. “She’s the opening act.”

“But some of those dates bring you close to our charters, right?”

Wouldn’t surprise me one bit if he’d already looked up every date on the schedule. “Yes, sir. Of course, I’ll stop by and pay my respects.”

“I don’t doubt you will.” He pauses and studies me for a moment. “What you did in Deadbranch probably saved this club a lot of fucking trouble. You understand that, don’t you?”

“Uh, I guess.”

“I realize it cost you personally, and I’m sorry.”

Damn. I highly doubt Priest apologizes often. “Club comes first, Priest. I know that.”

“It does. But our brothers’ happiness is important too.” His gaze shifts to the door. “And ain’t no brother happy if his old lady ain’t happy.”

I laugh with him. “She handled it okay. Her manager’s still not pleased about the exposure, but he’ll get over it.”

“Still, if there’s a way to make amends, I want you to tell me.” He holds up his hand. “Think on it. I don’t need an answer right now. I owe you one, though.”

“Okay.” Priest owing anyone a favor probably happens about as often as a total solar eclipse. “I will.”

“One last thing, what’s our relationship with the other clubs in New York looking like?

At least I don’t have to hesitate. “Good. Wolf Knights are still moving out of Slater County.”

“What about the Devil Demons MC?”

“Solid.” I gesture toward the door. “Actually ran into their prez at one of Shelby’s shows. He called to offer some help during her…what happened.”

He sits back and crosses his arms over his chest. “Chaser? That right?”

“Yes.” I have no idea how much of Chaser’s background Priest is aware of. “He has some entertainment connections. Hooked me up with someone who could help Shelby. Also said he’d introduce me to some Demon brothers if I need a hand with security at any of her shows.”

“Very nice.” His wide eyes and thoughtful nod say he’s impressed and not annoyed that I’m cozy with the president of what’s technically a rival MC. “That might come in handy on the West Coast where the two clubs’ relationships haven’t always been as…harmonious, shall we say, as they have on the East Coast.”


He narrows his eyes. “And I assume any work you have would be offered to Lost Kings.”


“Washington’s your home charter, right?”

Technically, I grew up in Northern California and then Oregon. Spent very little time in Washington. I shift in my seat, uncomfortable with the turn our conversation just took. “Yeah.”

“You know we’ve had issues there. Any chance you can stop in. Just observe, the way you did in Deadbranch.”

Yeah, because that worked out so well for me. This time, I’m not taking an entourage.

“Absolutely, I was planning to stop there. Shelby’s got dates in Spokane and Tacoma.” There isn’t a whole lot of wiggle room in the schedule around those dates, but I’ve got time to figure it out. Obviously, this visit isn’t optional.

“Good. Bring her with you. Introduce her so they get to know your old lady.”

I hesitate, not sure I should even mention this. “Unfortunately, sometimes it draws attention to me. Being photographed with her.”

He searches through a stack of papers and uncovers the damn copy of Glow with Shelby and me on the front.

Are you fucking kidding me?

“Who’s the largest one-percenter club in the country?” he asks. “Fuck, the whole world?”

I’m not sure what that has to do with the magazine but the answer rolls off my tongue easily. “The club we never name.”

“Right. You notice how pervasive they are these days? They’re everywhere. Insidious. In the Nineties they started treating the club as a business entity. Now, they’ve wormed their way into all facets of pop-culture. Built up a ‘mystique’ around the outlaw life.”