Page 8 of The Dead King

What had he done with that poor man’s body?

I said goodbye to Rosie and told her to try my cell if she needed me. Otherwise, I’d check in tomorrow. “Maybe,” I told her.

She gave me a look, like she suspected I wasn’t coming back. Honestly, I had no attachment to her or this job. It was work. The money was good. But I didn’t feel safe here.

I grabbed my purse and stepped outside, my eyes scanning the port, which looked more like a war zone. Thankfully, the crew, including Jack, was on the other side of the damaged containers.

Time to go. And never look back.

I hurried around the trailer to my car, skidding to a halt. Fuck.

Leaning against my car door, his arms crossed over his wide chest, was the man, Jack.

I suddenly couldn’t move my feet. Likely because I wasn’t sure if I should run. On the other hand, if he wanted to harm me, I doubted he’d do it in broad daylight where people were constantly coming and going.

“Sh-shouldn’t you be working?” I asked in my usual quiet voice.

“On my break,” he said.

No, he wasn’t. He was waiting for me. “Well, if you don’t mind,” I muttered pathetically, “I’m not feeling well. I need to go.”

He arched a dark silky brow. A man with such elegant features seemed completely out of place here in the ruins of a hurricane.

“How is your back?” His bland tone lacked sincerity.

I wasn’t going to answer. I wasn’t going to discuss last night. Instead, I stared, praying he’d take pity on me and move out of my way. He didn’t.

“What do you want?” I looked down at the muddy ground. It was uncharacteristically bold of me to ask a question like that, but the fear in my heart felt like a sobering drug—the kind that made a person feel awake and alert rather than groggy and high.

In contrast to me, Jack’s voice boomed with confidence, like he couldn’t give two fucks about what anyone thought. “I am in need of a favor.”

Whatever the hell this favor was, I wasn’t interested in hearing it. I just wanted to leave.

“I-I can’t help you. Please get out of my way.” I met his gaze, my fear speaking now.

His eyes narrowed like a menacing predator. After several moments, he lifted his body from my car and stepped aside, just far enough to grant me access to the driver’s side door.

I couldn’t take this anymore. Being near him was terrifying. I had to go for it. I hit unlock on the remote and went for the door handle. His hand shot out and covered mine.

“Let go…” A cold sensation spiked through my arm and into my chest, like frozen barbs. My knees almost gave out.

“You will help me, Jeni,” he said, his deep voice like a rumble beneath my feet, shaking my foundation.

What was that? “Please. Let go,” I whispered in a pathetic, subdued voice. I hated that my weak shell didn’t match my interior. I knew I was smart and resilient. I’d lived through the worst kind of garbage life had to offer. But with the way I acted, you’d think I was a piece of dog shit, waiting to be stepped on.

“The police are about to call your friend Rosie there. They have seen the security footage of you speeding out of here at the time of Randall’s death, and they will be wondering what you are hiding.”

“Nothing. I was attacked.” My eyes darted to his, and when I stared into their cobalt blue depths, I saw something swirling inside. Charcoal grays and midnight black. “Who are you?” I asked, really thinking another question, one I dared not speak. What was he?

“Ah… Now we are getting somewhere.” He flashed a wicked smile, his lips grabbing my attention. They were sensual and full, framed by a thick wash of black stubble.

“Jeni! Hey, Jeni!” Rosie yelled from the other side of the trailer, snapping me out of my fixation.

“That would be your friend with news: The police just called,” Jack said.

“I didn’t do any—”

Calmly, he added, “No need to worry yourself. I will gladly admit to the murder and assure them you were not present when the man screamed for his life.”

My stomach dipped and squeezed, forcing the contents into my throat. I swallowed it back. I didn’t want to be sick. I wanted to get in my car and drive away as fast as I could.

“Make up your mind, Jeni. Be arrested for lying to the police? Or help me?”

“What do you want?” He knew he had me over a barrel.

“I want you to assist me in finding out who I am. And then I’m going to discover who placed me in that metal box to die.”


Jack actually believed he was the dead guy they’d found washed up on the rocks, encased in a steel container.