Page 52 of The Dead King

I closed my eyes and tried to imagine being upstairs, standing in his living room, surrounded by people in cocktail dresses and tuxedos, all laughing and pretending to be upstanding citizens. I visualized them going home to their depraved hobbies. Violent, supernatural, evil hobbies. I thought of Serina hurting my dad, who I hoped still had his ring, though that wouldn’t preclude her from torturing him, just like I’d witnessed King do. I pushed on my rage and hate. I embraced it. Kill King. Kill him.

“Fuck,” King said, followed by a groan.

I opened my eyes. He was just standing there, looking pissed off, evil and gorgeous, as usual.

“What happened?” I asked.

“What the hell do you think? Nothing. We are fucked.” He shook his head and went up the stairs.


I found King in his kitchen, grabbing two tumblers from the cupboard. He set them on the stone counter and produced an expensive-looking bottle from the shelf below.

He poured two tall glasses of amber liquid and slammed one down in front of me, causing it to spill. He took his glass, chugged it, and set his glass down again for a refill.

“You can have mine.” I wasn’t about to put anything in my stomach. Not after seeing that shit show.

“Would you like to know something?” He threw back my drink and set the empty glass next to his. “I have never been this kind to anyone.”

“And?” What was his point?

“This is my own fault. Even when I could not recall exactly who I was, I knew what I was. I knew I had an ax to grind.”


“So I had no business being nice to you.” He refilled both glasses. “Or fucking you, for that matter.”

I looked away so he couldn’t see the hurt in my eyes. Of course, they could see. I hated being in this house, knowing we weren’t alone.

“No, you certainly aren’t,” said a female voice.

King and I turned our heads toward the doorway leading to the living room.

“Hello, Serina,” King said dryly, like he wasn’t at all surprised to see her. But I was.

I felt my hackles rise. Now I was ready to summon death!

Serina stuck out her lower lip. “King, King, King. Is that any way to greet an old friend?” She was wearing an obnoxious hot-pink pant suit with no blouse underneath. Her blonde hair was up in a ratty bun.

“Old, yes. But you are no friend.” He reached behind him into the cupboard for a clean glass and set it on the counter. “You’re just in time for dinner. Care to join us?”

“Aren’t you going to ask what I’m doing here?” she asked, sounding like a smug bitch.

He raised a dark brow in her general direction. I sensed he wanted to roll his eyes at her, too. “Let me guess. You came here to kill me. Be my guest. Won’t do any good.”

What the hell was up with this chitchat? “Where the fuck is my dad, Serina?”

Slowly, she turned in my direction. “He’s dead. In the trunk of my car. Only way to shut him up.” She looked at King. “Nice distraction, by the way. I really thought he was valuable.” She shrugged. “Nope. I tortured him for nothing. Well, except for my own enjoyment.”

My heart felt like it split in two. I wanted to claw her eyes out.

“Don’t get your panties in a bunch,” she said to me. “He’s wearing King’s ring. He’ll come back, all shiny and new again.”

Fucking bitch! “I’ll kill you.” I lunged, but before I could manage to get my fingers around her neck, something took hold and tossed me across the room. My back hit the wall, knocking the wind out of me.

Gasping for air, I slid down to the floor.

“Serina, behave,” King said calmly.

“She came at me!” Serina grabbed the bottle from the counter and filled her glass.

“And you reneged on your deal with her.” He cocked a disapproving brow.

Serina had promised to leave my dad and me alone if I got King to wear the cuff. I kept my side of the deal, but she’d decided to go looking for me and found my dad instead.

Serina chuckled. “Who gives a fuck? She’s not a club member—the rules don’t apply. Not that it would matter anyway, since I’m in charge now.”

The air entered my lungs again, and I drew in a long breath. My rage renewed instantly. I made tight fists and gnashed my teeth. You’re dead, bitch. I started getting up.

“I would not do that, Jeni,” King warned, not bothering to help me up. “You are no match for Serina.”

“Neither are you, King. Not anymore.” Serina snickered. “And Ten Club knows it.”

“Is that why you are here a day before the party? Because you are so much stronger than me?” A condescending smile crept over his lips.

“I’m here because I want to make a trade,” she said.