Page 41 of The Dead King

“But you don’t think he deserves to live. You think he should be dead.”

My father turned his head and studied me for a moment. “Jeni, is there something you want to tell me? Did something happen?”

What didn’t happen? “No. Um…Jack and I were talking about it, and the subject came up. You know—capital punishment, yea or nay. We’re still getting to know each other.”

He smiled warmly. “I’m glad you found someone, honey. Jack seems like a really good guy.”

Sure he does. I bet King planted that in my dad’s thoughts too.

Dad added, “By the way, I was going to wait to tell you, but since you’re home early—I have a date tonight.”

Date? He’d only been up and walking for a few days. “How’d you meet her?”

“Funny. I was outside working on the yard, and she was walking her dog. We struck up a conversation, and she asked me to dinner.”

“So she’s a neighbor? Which house?”

He blinked. “Huh. I don’t actually know. I forgot to ask. She just said she’d swing by around eight.”

“Did you get her number?”

He gave me a strange look and then laughed. “No, I suppose I forgot that too.” He shook his head at himself.

Something didn’t feel right. A strange woman just showed up, asked him out, and he didn’t know anything about her.

“Her name is Serina. Didn’t get her last name, though.” He leaned in a little, like he was going to tell me a secret. “I think she might be a little older than I like, but I can’t remember the last time a woman chased after me.”

“Dad, I don’t know if you should go. It sounds kinda sketchy.”

He grabbed his pile of towels. “I think someone’s worried that they’ll have to share my attention.” He chuckled and left.

I groaned. He had no idea what was going on behind the scenes. I would definitely have to stick around and take a look at this woman.

First, a nap though. I was running on empty after last night and the long flight home. I needed a fresh brain to figure out my next steps. Help King or cut ties—if I could find a way to resist him.


When I woke, it was pitch black outside and my clock read nine forty. I groaned and rubbed my tired eyes. I must’ve needed the rest because I only remembered lying down for a quick nap.

Wait. Nine forty? I hopped from bed and jerked open my bedroom door. “Dad! Dad! Are you here?”

I checked his room, the kitchen, and living room. He was gone. I hadn’t gotten a chance to meet that woman.

I opened the front door and spotted that black shiny sedan parked on the street out front. It was the Spiros guy.

I ran across the freshly mowed lawn and waved my arms to get his attention.

He lowered the window. “Do you need to go somewhere?”

“No. But did you see my dad leave?”

“He went out a while ago.”

“Did you get a look at her? Did he say where he was going?”

Spiros gave me an odd look. “I did not get the opportunity to converse with him about his itinerary. As for the woman, she was blonde and thin. Oh. And she carried a large red purse.”

My blood pressure dropped. That could’ve been her, the blonde woman. “Did she come to the front door?”

“No, she pulled up behind me and honked. Your father came out. Why? Is there a problem?”

I winced. It had to be that woman. The ward would have stopped her from coming on the property.

Spiros’s phone rang. He glanced at the screen and answered. “Yes, sir?” He listened, nodded, and handed the phone to me. “It’s King. He wants to speak with you.”

How King knew I was with his driver was a mystery. I didn’t care. When it came to King, he was like a black box. Ironic that he came into my life inside one, too.

I leaned inside the car and grabbed the phone. “King? I think that crazy blonde woman took my dad.”

“Her name is Serina, and yes, she does indeed have your father. She called a short while ago.”

Oh God. I knew it. Blondie was Serina. I pressed my free hand to my chest, feeling dizzy. This couldn’t be happening. Why had I taken that damned nap? “What does she want?”

“What do you think?” he said.

I didn’t know. “Does she want me for her collection?” King tattooed me for a reason, right? I was his new prized cow, branded with a K.

“No. Serina thinks you are useless because you’re untrained and naïve when it comes to the Seer world. She knows that I have claimed you, but she believes it was merely a speculative move on my part—that you might be worth something someday.”

“Tell me how.” Maybe I could use myself to barter with her to get my dad free. I would do anything for him.