Page 18 of Wish

I suppose I understand some of it. If you’re only given one wish, deciding isn’t easy. Do you help your kids? Give to your favorite charity? Most people wouldn’t use the wish to live out their wildest fantasy. I know I wouldn’t.

Mr. Wish has taken the guilt out of the entire process.

The other key takeaway is that the wish can’t be impossible. No super Spidey senses. No wishing people could just be kinder to each other. No turning back the clock. No asking to live forever. It’s all very practical, which is why I agree with Olivia. This isn’t a joke.

So if it’s not, then what should I ask for?

The money. I sure as hell could use it right now.

My stomach knots. Along with my ego, it hates the idea of accepting money when I didn’t earn it. I must be mental. Because anyone in their right mind would take it.

“All right. I wish, I wish, I wish…” I sip my chamomile tea. “What’s my wish?” My mind draws a blank.

Hoping a change of scenery might help, I go to my living room and sit on my red floral couch, pondering for the longest time. What I really want is to find out more about him. Why is Mr. Wish in the wish business? How does he do his little tricks?

I think and I think, my curiosity gnawing at my brain. There’s no denying that the puzzle leaves me wanting to play with the pieces. And with him. Just a little?

I got it! It’s the kind of wish he can’t claim breaks his rules. It’s not greedy, it’s not impossible, and it’ll definitely give me a chance to learn more about him.

I write my wish down on the back of the paper. I roll it up, pop it into the bottle, and place it on the kitchen counter next to the sink. “Moonlight or sunlight.” My window gets both.

I seriously can’t believe I’m playing along with any of this, but here goes nothing.

I turn off the lights and head to bed.

The next morning, I’m working in my garage when I hear the doorbell ring. My heart races with excitement.

Is it him? Is he here to collect the bottle and read my wish? I rush to the front door and glance through my peephole. It is him! My stomach does a little jitterbug, and I take another look, just to be sure. Man, this guy is smokin’. The prominent cheekbones, the sensual lips, the smoldering blue eyes. I’m not a huge fan of gingers, but Mr. Wish is the best-looking man I’ve ever seen in real life. He’s also the sort of tall that makes you want to grow some claws, climb him, and hang on while he—


Oops. Door. I unlock the deadbolt and try to stay calm as his full body comes into view. Today he’s wearing low-slung faded jeans that hug his manly thighs. His black T-shirt caresses the swells of his prominent chest and muscular biceps.

I fluster immediately. “G-good morning, Mr. Wish. Did you come to collect the bottle?”

“You really think you’re the first person to try this trick?”

My heart starts pounding against my rib cage as he drills into me with his intense gaze. I’m guessing he somehow knows what I wished for. But how? The bottle is still sitting on my counter with the note inside. I just saw it as I came out of my garage and passed through the kitchen. I don’t know, but I intend to find out.

He adds, “Clearly you were never meant to find the bottle, an error I’m going to rectify.”

“Wait. Are you pulling the plug?”

“Your time is up, Ginnie. More than up.” He holds out his hand. “Bottle. Give it over.”

“Wait a second. That’s not fair. I gave you my wish. I followed the directions—okay, except for the fact I was a little late, but you seemed okay with that yesterday. As for this whole thing about me not being meant to find the bottle, I’ll remind you that I found it twice in two days.” Or maybe it found me?

He frowns, his reddish brown brows knitted tightly together. “Twice?”

“You grabbed it out of my hands at that garage sale, remember?” I say.

“That was you?”

“Yes, and it was me who wandered into a thrift store the next day and found it again. So say whatever the hell you want, but I think I am the right person.”

He rubs the whiskers on his jaw, producing a bristly sound. Then he drops his hand. “I’m sorry, but I’ve given you every opportunity to make your wish. It’s time to move on, so keep the bottle if you like, but I won’t be returning. We’re done here.”

So the bottle isn’t that important. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be leaving it behind.

He turns toward his car.