A strangled groan sounded down the line and my grin widened. “You just have an answer for everything, don’t you Sheriff?”

“Not hardly, but when it comes to you, I know exactly what I want, Mara.”

“And that is?”

That was easy. Too easy. “Everything.”

“Is that all?” Her laugh was breathless and shaky.

“Nope, that’s just a start. We’re not finished and we both know that now. There’s a reason we’re both here in Pilgrim at the same time and I think it’s because I’ve been a very good boy and the universe is finally rewarding me, handsomely I might add.”

She laughed again and it was the sweetest damn sound. Knowing I was the reason she was smiling and laughing, instead of scowling, made me feel ten feet tall. “Not such a great reward, I’m afraid. A surly smartass? I think you’ve over estimated how good you’ve been, Xan.”

Xan. She hadn’t called me that in years. “Well now, Mara, I think you’re underestimating you’re appeal. But that’s all right, because I’m happy to show you just how appealing you are.”

Mara let out a low growl that I knew, instinctively, was arousal. “I did mention I was slammed over here, didn’t I?”

“You did,” I said, the smile in my voice evident.

“This conversation isn’t over,” she said and I could hear the answering smile in her voice.

“Since I’m your Valentine, I’ll see you Saturday at eight o’clock. Wear something sexy.”

“Right back atcha, Sheriff.” She laughed and I joined in. “Now really, I have to go. Bye, Xander.”

“Later, gator.”

She let out a low sigh and then the line went quiet.

The smile on my face stayed in place for the rest of the day. I had two days to come up with something that would wow Mara on the most romantic holiday of the year.

That would make her sure she wanted to be mine, because I sure as hell wanted to be hers.

Her Valentine.

Her forever.


“Okay. How do I look?” I stared at my reflection in the mirror for a long, expectant moment, as if she might answer the question that didn’t really need an answer. I’d splurged on a new dress for tonight because it felt like this might be a new dress kind of evening.

My last conversation with Xander had been odd, and open. And honest. He made his intentions clear and that made it easier to admit to myself that I wanted this too. So I’d gone to the consignment shop in town and found a stunning red dress that showed off my narrow waist and flared hips, while exaggerating the small cup of my boobs. It was red lace with that flesh-toned material underneath that gave the illusion of nudity without actually showing any. Since I didn’t know where we were going, I borrowed a pair of nude heels from Tara, and now I was guessing and second-guessing my choice.

Was it too dressy?

Too sexy?

Did I seem too thirsty for tonight?

The doorbell rang and put a quick stop to my endless, anxiety-fueled thoughts. “Okay. I’m ready for this.” At least that’s the story I told myself as I pushed my shoulders back and made the short trip to my front door, with an extra swing in my hips for confidence.

I am ready.

To prove it to myself, I opened the door with what I hoped was a sultry smile. “Xander,” I purred. “I’m ready to trust you.” Where in the hell had that come from?

Xander smirked and took a half-step back, taking me in front head to toe with a slow nod. “Okay, but can I tell you how gorgeous you look?”

I fought the urge to roll my eyes but I was thrilled at the tongue-tied expression on his face. “It’s just a dress, Xander.”

“Maybe to you, it’s just a dress. But this little off the shoulder thing shows off my favorite freckle.” To punctuate his point, Xander put his index finger right on top, as if it were a button to be pressed. “And red is a damn good color on you, Mara. Happy Valentine’s Day.”

“Thank you.” He stood there, wearing a sexy smile that held just a hint of nervousness and that only made the whole scene more endearing. He wore dark jeans that showed off long, lean muscles and a deep red shirt the color of expensive wine. “You look pretty gorgeous, Xan.”

His blue gaze darkened with heat as he took a step forward and traced circles around that freckle. “Thanks. I picked it out myself.” Then, just because he could, Xander brushed his lips against mine. The kiss was soft but it held a carnal promise that lit my body up from the inside out.

“Yeah? Well now I’m truly impressed.”

“You ain’t seen nothin’ yet, babe.” He winked that same wink I’d seen him use on everyone from Mirabelle Vargas to Olive’s baby girl, but the intensity was different, just like Joss had said. “Are you ready or do we need to go back inside?” The deep quality of his voice sent a shiver through me and I had to resist the urge to pull him inside and show him how I felt because that was easier than telling him.