Her nostrils flared and pink suffused her cheeks. “In spite of you, Xander. Things worked out, in spite of you. Left up to you, Lonnie would still be in that holding cell waiting for the social worker to show up. You weren’t going to call in another social worker or look for an emergency foster parent to take her so she wouldn’t have to spend days in jail, you did the bare minimum and you want a pat on the back? Pat yourself.” Anger turned to disappointment which turned to resignation as she slowly fixed her unseeing gaze back on the big screen above the bar.

Ouch. I didn’t have a response to her words because, unfortunately, Mara was right. I hadn’t planned to take any extra steps for Lonnie to avoid sitting in a jail cell and it pissed me off. I sat there beside her, stewing to myself and knowing without a doubt that she would do nothing to make me feel better about my current realization. I ordered a whiskey neat and then another, while Mara was content to ignore me in favor of the cable news show that had replaced the sports at the old timers’ request.

“Tara,” she said as she picked up her buzzing phone. “You’re not coming.” It wasn’t a question and having more time to get her to talk, gave me hope. I sat a little taller and leaned in to listen.

“No. Lila has a tummy ache and I’m not sure if she’s caught a bug or ate too much secret candy, so I’m staying with her.”

“Oh no! Do you need me to bring her anything?”

“Chris already went crazy before disappearing into his new writing cave, but thanks.”

“All right, give Lila a get well hug for me.”

“Will do.”

I stared at Mara until she turned to me. “What?” I knew her bark was as bad as her bite but that second whiskey had loosened my tongue along with my survival instinct. Apparently.

“All that kindness for Lila and Lonnie, but none for me. Your first love.”

“My first and worst heartbreak. First big betrayal. Let’s not forget those things in your effort to rewrite history.” She finished off her beer in two impressive gulps, slammed it on the bar and slid from her stool. “Good night.”

I stared at the spot where Mara had disappeared from sight for a long moment, telling myself that her rough exterior had a lot to do with me, which meant I had to suck it up. I had to own the fact that I played a part, whether I knew about it or not. I didn’t like the image Mara had of me in her mind, which meant it was up to me to change it, or try to change it, because she was as stubborn as she was beautiful.

“Hey there, handsome.” The soft purr in my ear drew my attention from the door to a beautiful redhead with freckles and cleavage for days. “Buy me a drink?”

I looked her over, upset with myself and with Mara for my lack of interest in a woman who was gorgeous, willing and emotionally available. “What are you drinking?”

“Same thing you are, sugar.” Even that cute as hell southern twang did nothing for me, not anymore.

I motioned to the bartender for another whiskey, cursing my stupid heart for wanting something that wasn’t easy, for wanting something that might be impossible. It was ridiculous to focus on Mara when there were plenty of beautiful women who were interested in getting to know me, women who thought I wasn’t just a good guy, but a damn good catch too.

“You from around here?” The question wasn’t unexpected since I didn’t know the woman either, but it only reminded me of what I didn’t want.

“Sure am. In fact, I’m the Sheriff of this town. And I have to run. Enjoy your drink and welcome to Pilgrim!” The woman wasn’t just shocked, she was offended, lips forming into a pout as I stood and finished whiskey number two.

“You’re leaving?”

“Yep. Have a good night, ma’am.” I flashed my most charming smile, feeling bad for my abrupt departure, but when an idea struck, it was best to act immediately.

And I had an idea that I knew could be the last chance I had to win Mara back, I just needed some help from a few good friends.


“Next!” Valentine’s Day was less than a week away and the whole town had gone love crazy, specifically they’d gone crazy for my Valentine’s creations, which meant Bread Box was packed. Again.

“I’ll have a dozen of your red velvet cheesecake bites and half a dozen beet sugar truffles, please.” Chris stood tall and proud at the counter, an expectant smile on his face. “I said please.”

“I know, I just wanted to make sure you didn’t have anything else to say.” I gave him my best ball-busting stare but the man didn’t scare easily, which was another point to him, even if it did annoy me just a little.