“And what would you like me to do, Mara?”

“I don’t know what to do, Helen. What are Lonnie’s options? Is there anything that can be done?”

“You’re too old to foster an unruly teen, Ma.” Will’s voice was firm, his position clear.

Helen glared at him and pointed a blunt cut nail in his direction. “Don’t you ever call me old again, boy. And things would’ve worked out differently for you if I listened when people told me that when I wanted to take you in. Wouldn’t they?”

“That was decades ago, Ma. You were much younger then.”

“Still young enough to toss you over my knee if you keep running your mouth.” Her words were fierce, but the affection she had for Will was undeniable. Helen turned her steeliest gaze my way and sighed. “I can help, sure. I’m just so happy you’re finally learning to ask for help.” She leaned across the table and gave me a side hug.

I nodded, blinking back the sting of tears behind my eyes. “I really didn’t want to bother you with this, but Lonnie is different. She’s smart, and right now, she could go either way. It’d be a shame for her to end up like me.”

Helen shook her head and gripped my shoulder hard. “From where I’m sitting it looks like you ended up just fine. Got a good job, at least one good friend, and you got the one thing you always wanted, the ability to take care of yourself.”

She was right and that’s why I accepted my lot in life, but Lonnie could have so much more. “Thanks Helen, but we both know I’ve just made the best of a bad situation. I’m stuck in my life, period. Sure, I like my job and I love my friends, but even if grow to hate my jobs and lose all my friends, I can’t do anything about it. I’d like more than that for Lonnie.”

“Mara!” Joss’ shocked gasped was followed by the sound of her chair scraping against the floor and a moment later she had me wrapped in a hug while Helen squeezed me on the other. “You’re the best. Don’t ever forget that. Truly amazing as a woman, a baker and a friend.”

I nodded and fought tears all this physical contact was causing. My gaze locked with Will’s and he smirked. “I keep hearing about these baked goods, I guess that means I’ll be headed to Pilgrim soon.”

I rolled my eyes at him the same way the teenage version of me used to when he was being all kind and big brotherly. I missed Will and Helen, more than I realized until this very moment.


“Where’s the Sheriff?”

The voice was strong and competent, and vaguely familiar, which had me on my feet and heading towards the front of the station to greet what was likely another unsatisfied customer.

“I’m right here,” I called out just as recognition dawned. “What can I help you with, Ms. Landon?” Mara’s foster mother stood in the tiny reception area and studied me carefully for several long seconds.

“This is Brenda Humphries, social worker for this region. We’re here for Lonnie.”

Of course, they were. “It doesn’t work like that, and I’m sure you both know that.” There were rules and procedures for a reason, to make sure law enforcement didn’t set their own guidelines when they weren’t equipped to do so.

Brenda took a step forward and handed me her card. “Actually it does. My counterpart is busy with three kids who lost their parents in a house fire. She’ll be busy for the next several days and I don’t think its fair that Ms. Frazier be stuck here while that’s sorted out. Do you?” Before I could answer, the woman shook her head. “This is my boss’ name and number if you need to verify, but Lonnie is now my responsibility. Where is she?”

“I’ll take her.” Tara’s offer was appreciated, and I nodded to the hall where the two interrogation rooms were located.

“Thanks, Tara.” I turned to Ms. Landon with a wary glance. “Coffee?”

“Already had a cup, but thanks.” She stared at me again, a little longer and a lot more carefully. I could only imagine what Mara had said about me to get the woman here so soon after last night’s debacle. “I’m glad to see you got your head twisted on straight, young man.”

Her words brought a smile to my face. “Thanks. I wish I could take the credit for it, but mostly it was the Army. Turned me into a man, one with a deep appreciation for consequences.”

“Good,” she said on a laugh. “It’s never too late.”

“Good thing for me.” I was headed down a wrong path and the Army had saved me. “Ms. Landon, I need you to know that I only recently learned with happened with Mara. Juvie and all that,” I whispered. “I had no idea where she’d gone or what happened to her, and now she hates me for it. For all of it.”