She nodded. “There might be a little pity in the mix, sure.”

“Liar,” I accused with a smile as I stepped in close, invading her personal space. “There’s more to it than that and I think I know what it is.”

She arched a brow, having more fun verbally sparring with me than she would ever admit. “Yeah, what is it, oh wise one?”

“You’re avoiding me because you can’t resist me. You’re afraid that when we’re together, things happen.”

She laughed but she didn’t deny it.

“So you see, Mara, I have taken the hint. And now I’m here to challenge you to resist me.” With those words I stepped up and into her place, pressing my height advantage until she stepped back against the wall, eyes wide with alarm and heat. “If you can.”

Mara opened her mouth, no doubt to dish out some smartass comment, but I cupped her face and slanted my mouth over hers kissing her how I’d been dreaming and fantasizing about kissing her since the last time our lips touched. I pulled her close with one hand and set the six pack down so I could touch her everywhere, groaning with pleasure when she snaked her arms around my neck.

I knew it. She wanted to be able to resist me, but the pull between us was just too strong, and I took advantage of the moment, pulling her flush against my body so each and every one of her soft, feminine curves pressed up against the hard planes of my body. She kissed me back, teasing with her tongue and driving me crazy. My feet began to move, almost instinctively, towards the back of the small ranch where I found her bedroom.

It was decorated in shades of blue, pretty, but without frills. Just like the woman in my arms. “I could resist you,” she panted as her hands slid underneath my t-shirt. “If I wanted to. Let’s be clear on that right now.”

I grinned and dropped on her bed. “But you don’t want to?”

She shook her head, damp blond hair falling around her shoulders as she untied the sash on her robe, revealing smooth skin my hands itched to touch. “At this moment, no, I don’t.”

It wasn’t exactly what I wanted to hear, but it was a damn good start.


I had sex with Xander. Again. And, dammit it all to hell, it was even better than the last time. Better than the first time, when every touch, every taste, was new and exciting. Hell, he was better than I remembered. Bigger and stronger, more orally talented than my body could handle, and more eager to please.

Even now, as I was curled up in his arms while he slept soundly, my body hummed with pleasure. With desire. With the strong urge to throw one leg over his hip and have him inside me. Again and again.

But I couldn’t.

I wouldn’t.

No matter how good the sex was, no matter how powerful the orgasms, Xander Willowby was the last person in the entire world I should want anything from, even something as superficial as sex. He was guaranteed heartbreak. He was trouble.

He was the last mistake in the world I would ever make again.

But I was tempted to turn around and bury my face in his massive chest, dotted lightly with wiry black hair, and inhale the good memories. The way I’d always felt in his arms, safe and loved, secure and beautiful. Even though I knew, intelligently, that it had all been a lie, I wanted to lean into the memories.

For just a moment.

Instead, I slid in the other direction, towards the edge of the bed, towards freedom. It was already three in the morning, and if I got dressed now I’d have time to make an extra Valentine’s special for the day, which was the perfect way to clear my mind of all thoughts of Xander.

And I needed to get all thoughts of him out of my head. Thoughts of him and all the silly little Valentine’s gifts he used to weaken my resolve, to soften my heart towards him. The flowers were a cliché, a beautiful cliché, but still. The gourmet dark chocolates were a nice, thoughtful touch, and the oversized conversation hearts, well they were a nice blast from the past that gave me a smile that lasted all day.

No matter how hard I tried to wipe it off, it just wouldn’t leave, which was why I crumbled like a cheap suit when he showed up on my doorstep.

That trembling sensation in my heart is what got my feet moving towards the bathroom for a super quick shower that, somehow, hadn’t woken Xander. I skipped coffee, got dressed and slipped inside the bakery an hour before my shift was supposed to start.

Xander was right, I did find him irresistible, which is why I was determined to keep my distance, for real this time. The smiles, the gifts, the hot sex, it all smacked just a little too much of history repeating itself, and I was still stuck with the reminders of that history every single day, thank you very much.