“Oliver. Focus.”

He blinked slowly and barked out a laugh. “Right. Sorry. I don’t want to accuse anyone out right because at first I thought it was just missing. But I checked this morning and it’s been used in town. And when I went to the pizza place and the sporting goods store to get some information, I found out there are some things the people of Pilgrim just won’t gossip about. Go figure.”

I had a bad feeling about this, but I nodded. “I’ll look into it, but I need you to file a report. Officially.”

He shook his head. “No way, man. If it’s just some stupid teenagers I don’t want them to get in trouble. Well, not any big, criminal record type of trouble.”

“Identity theft isn’t a small crime, Oliver.”

He nodded. “Fine, I’ll keep digging myself then.” He turned and walked away and I sighed, suddenly annoyed with all the obstacles that stood between me and Mara, including the woman herself.

“Wait. Give me the list of expenditures and I’ll look into it off the books.” He smiled and produced a printed out sheet of paper with a list of the credit card purchases. “If it’s not stupid teenagers, I’ll handle it my way.”

“Fine,” he agreed and clapped me on the shoulder with a smile. “Thanks, Xander. I always said you were more than a pretty face.”

I rolled my eyes. “But it’s the prettiest face in town, so I’m okay with it.”

Oliver’s laughter echoed down the street as he made his way back to the office and I took one final look at the Bread Box awning, still just one block away, and sighed. My showdown with Mara would have to wait.

I had a bad feeling that Oliver’s missing credit card and the trashed rental unit were connected, which meant I had to look into it, sooner rather than later. Back at the office, I looked through Oliver’s credit card purchases and made a list of the places the card had been used before reaching out to the businesses first, to see if they would allow me to do my job without disturbing a judge on a weekend for a warrant.

A few business owners were happy to help and handed over their security footage, which now sat in the floor safe inside my office. The others were unsure if they could or should help, which meant I would have to come back tomorrow. It was already after seven, Mara had closed up Bread Box hours ago and it was too late for a public confrontation.

A smile spread slowly across my face at the thought of a private confrontation, and where that could lead if the stubborn woman would just allow it. I stopped at home for a quick shower and grabbed a six pack of artisanal beer before knocking on Mara’s door, heart racing while I waited to see what kind of reception I would get.

The door swung open and Mara appeared with damp hair, natural, slightly pinkened skin and an impatient expression. “What?”

I wanted to laugh at her rudeness, but I knew that wouldn’t go over well. “It’s good to see you too, Mara.” And it was, damn good in fact with her fresh from the shower and wrapped in nothing but a lightweight robe that did little to hide the stiff peaks poking at the fabric.

“Why are you here, Xander?” The words came out on an angry growl, and I wondered what the hell I’d done to warrant that kind of anger.

“You mean, why, after you’ve avoided me for days on end, even after I made several attempts to reach out to you, am I now standing on your doorstep with a smile and a six pack? Gee, I wonder, Mara.”

She rolled her eyes. “Sarcasm isn’t a good look for you.”

“Maybe not, but avoidance isn’t a good look for you. I thought you were a tough girl.”

She glared up at me. “First off, I’m a woman, not a girl. Second, when a woman is avoiding you, maybe you should take the hint.”

Take the hint. “I only use hints and clues to solve crimes, babe.”

She rolled her eyes, but I didn’t miss the way the corners of her lips twitched as she fought a smile. “That was cheesy.”

“Wasn’t it? But it almost got a smile out of you, so what does that tell you?”

“That I have appropriate sympathy for a human cheese ball?” Mara folded her arms over her chest, pushing her tits up to increase her cleavage. I licked my lips at the sight, ready to risk life and limb to kiss those lush pink tips.

“I can work with sympathy, but that’s not all you’re feeling, is it Mara?” I knew it wasn’t, but that thin strip of skin at the base of her throat fluttered like hummingbird wings at my nearness. She was breathless, which meant she was turned on, at least a little, and I was the reason.