She did look happy. Blissful actually. “You do wear the sex glow. Constantly.” And I hadn’t had sex in more than a year, by choice, but still.

“That is definitely a bonus of being in love. Non-stop sex. Everywhere.” She let out a long wistful sigh, getting lost in her own memories for a moment before she shook herself out of it. “You have to thank him for the gift, Mara.”

“I will.” I had already drafted a thank you text in my mind and I would send it on my way home.

“In person.”

“Why would I do that?” My heart stuttered to a stop at her suggestion, because there was no way I could see him again, not after that kiss.

Could I?

“To let him know that you appreciate the gesture and to let him see how much you loved it.”

“And I can’t do that through a text message?”

“No.” Her answer was firm and sure. “Unless it follows some kind of invitation. Oh, I know! Invite him over for milk and cookies, only add some Bailey’s to the milk for grown up milk and cookies.” Joss was more excited about the prospect than I was.

“I can’t.”

“Why not?”

“Because, Joss.” I shook my head, reluctant to explain why I was so reluctant, but knowing that only the truth would end this conversation. “He dropped by before my run the other day and invited himself along. And then he kissed me.”

“Where?” Her blue eyes were wide with curiosity.

“On the mouth, you dirty girl.”

Joss rolled her eyes. “I meant where did the kiss take place? Now though, I’m curious why your mind went there of all places.”

Probably because I hadn’t stopped thinking about Xander’s lips, and how it might feel on other parts of my long neglected body. “No reason.”

“Liar. I’ll get it out of you Mara, one way or another.”

“It’s almost four, so you’ll get coffee and whatever pastries are left, if you hurry. And change the subject.”

“Fine, I will. But only if you promise to text him and offer to share the cookies. Otherwise I’ll show up tonight and ply you with booze until you tell me all about the kiss.”

“Annoying,” I sighed in her direction and made a big show of pulling out my cell phone and punching the screen with my index finger to show I was typing out a message. “You supplied dessert, so I’ll supply dinner. Eight o’clock, Casa Mara. Don’t be late.” The message was short and to the point. “Happy now, Joss?”

“Can I see the message?”

“Absolutely not.”

Joss laughed and clapped her hands excitedly. “Then yes, I guess I’m as happy as I’m gonna get. But tomorrow, I will get the details. All of them.”

“There won’t be any details,” I assured her.

“Then it will be a short conversation, won’t it?” I saw the challenge in her eyes and I knew she wouldn’t let it go.

“Yes, it will.” It was just dinner and cookies with someone I used to know, someone who kissed like sin and tasted like heaven.



At eight o’clock sharp I stood on the top step of Casa Mara and sucked in several deep breaths before knocking. I’d expected a sarcastic thanks for the gifts, maybe even some kind of gratitude emoji, but I hadn’t expected an invitation to dinner. And I certainly hadn’t expected to be invited back to her place, not after that kiss I couldn’t stop thinking about. Couldn’t stop fantasizing about, especially in the shower.

The door opened before I had a chance to knock, and there stood Mara, wearing figure-hugging jeans and a red tank top that molded to the curves of her breasts and the narrow dip of her waist. “The invitation was optional, Xander. No need to stand out here like you’re being forced to walk the plank.”

I barked out a laugh at her ridiculous words. “Maybe I’m nervous, did that ever occur to you?”

Her brows dipped in thought and her gaze focused on a spot in the distance before turning back to me. “No, that never occurred to me. Why would you be nervous? I’m a good cook.”

That was the Mara I had fallen in love with as an arrogant little shit. She was confident in the most basic sense of the word, but when it came to knowing just how great she was, the woman had no idea. “I’m excited for the food, but nervous because I wasn’t sure what kind of reception I might get.”

She pointed at me and took a step back. “You’re welcome to come inside, just keep your hands to yourself. And your lips.” Brown eyes were big and wary as she took another step back to make room for me to enter and I took that as a challenge.

“Well, where is the fun in that?”

“This isn’t about fun, it’s about food.” There was a hint of determination in her tone that told me she was genuinely worried about another kiss. Good. She should be. The next kiss would be even hotter and twice as long.